Wednesday, May 5, 2010

SOFT6007 EV Week 12

We an an in-class assessment

This was our last class for this module. I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you all properly.

Good luck with your plans for the future

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SOFT6007 Assessment 2

This screen shot shows the list of Assessment 2 submissions that I have to date. If you submitted, but your folder does not appear here please e-mail me.

SOFT6007 Class 45

We used this class time for student hand ups of Assessment 3. There were may fewer submissions than I was expecting.

After today Assessment 3 will be late. Students should try to find me in person or should e-mail me a zipped version of their site.

There will be no labs this week. There will be no lecture on Friday morning.

SOFT6008 Class 48

We used class time for students to hand up Assessment 2.

I advised students that anyone who wanted to withdraw their submission for Assignment 1 was free to do so.

I also advised students that as part of the assessment process some students might be asked to meet with me and go through the code they wrote.

SOFT6008 Classes 45, 46, & 47

Monday was a holiday

Saturday, May 1, 2010

SOFT6007 Class 44

[Friday 30 April]
Students worked on Assessment 2.

Most were running their code through the validator. Ensuring that code in compliant is probably the most useful things students can do with their time at this stage.

Some issues that came up:
Google maps will generate bad code. As long as the rest of the page is otherwise compliant it's OK
Colin's sample form is very shabby. Code modeled on it will also be shabby, but this is OK

ALL the other pages should validate and be 100% strict xhtml 1.0. If the validator is happy, I'm happy. If it is not, I am not.