Showing posts with label SOFT6013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOFT6013. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

SOFT6013 Class 13

The remaining students presented their code to me.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

SOFT6013 Class 12

I helped students with the data visualisation assignment.

Some students presented their submissions. Those students do not need to come to class next week.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 11

I helped students out with the assignment.

Some are finished already. Most are nearly there.

But I don't know anything about the students that didn't come to class. And I wasn't able help them.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 10

Students presented their submissions for assignment 2 as part of the assessment process. That took about 2 hours. In the meantime students tried to make some sense of assignment 3.

I talked about assignment 3 and explained how best to approach it. we looked at how to sort an array. I showed a video on bubble sort and explained that although it is more efficient it is more difficult to code. [No extra marks going for using bubble sort]

I explained that completing the exercise of finding the tallest block is the key to getting the sorted working. That is the best place to start. I went over the algorithm and code for that again on the board.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 09

7 students came to class. But 2 left early.

Today's session was mostly Q&A. Students worked on their portfolios for next week.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 08

Only 5 students  came to class today. 1 left within 2 hours.

We looked at arrays and parallel arrays.

I asked students to take the arrays code from last week and modify the program so that the tallest block is colored red.

We talked about the next assessment. That's worth 40%. Each student must submit a portfolio of program s/he has written. These programs should demonstrate the student's programming skills.

A students should submit only code that s/he has written and can thoroughly explain. Each student will be asked to talk though her/his code and (the audio of)  that explanation will be recorded.

I asked students to modify the code further to make the shortest block green.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

SOFT6018 Week 07

We looked at arrays.

We looked at how to do animation and developed a very basic game of Pong.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 13

We had an in-class exam at CSM.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 11

Students worked on their submissions for the portfolio.

I spoke a bit about parameters. I got the feeling last week that people weren't clear on who they work so we spent an hour on so try to get that sorted.

I met with students individually so see what they were working on and how much progress they were making.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 10

I gave out some more handouts.

I talked a bit about the portfolio that students will submit and students worked on their projects.

I had a meeting 3-4. When I got back only three students were left. They worked on their projects.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 08

Students did an exam. That took a bit longer than I had planned for, but that's not a big deal. I offered to go through the solutions, but students didn't find that very attractive.

We spoke a bit about the assessments.

We took a look at arrays, Arrays are tricky but some things can only be achieved with them.

I created a YouTube channel with some videos I thought might be useful.

Friday, October 28, 2016

SOFT6013 Assessment 1 information

The exam next Wednesday will have two questions.

Question 1 (60 marks) will be a programming problem. This can be answered in the kind of code we used for the phone problems. The marks will be for the logic. There is no need to be concerned with syntax. The problem will be of the kind we did in class.

Question 2 (40 marks) will be about loops.

The is a one-sheet exam. Students are allowed to bring a single A4 (front-and-back) sheet with them into the exam.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 06

void setup()
size (400,400);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i+1) {
  int posx = int(random(400));
  int posy = int(random(400));
  int size = int(random(100))+30;
  myFourSquares (posx, posy, size);;


void myFourSquares (int x, int y, int size)
  int myRed = int(random(255));
  int myGreen = int(random(255));
  int myBlue = int(random(255));
fill (myRed, myGreen, myBlue, 128);
rect (x, y, size, size);
rect (200 + (200 - x), y, size, size);
rect (x, 200 + (200-y), size, size);
rect (200 + (200 - x), 200 + (200-y), size, size);


I walked students through a number of Processing programs and explained in detail how they work. The main concept I wanted to get across this week was functions and how they can be used to abstract out code that can be reused. I also wanted students to get to grips with parameters.

I gave out printed copies of the code afterwards and I had uploaded a recording of the class to Blackboard.

I asked students to write some simple programs but with circles and lines.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 05

This week students worked through the exercises by themselves.

I'm not convinced that went well. I think in future class might be a bit more prescriptive.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 03

We looked at loops and at the idea of subroutines.

I explained a little bit about how Processing code gets executed.

Students finally got to play with some real code.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

SOFT6013 Programming Week 02

We looked at the IF statement

I asked students to do Problem 5 in pairs.

Some students weren't able to login. That limited us in what we could do.

Students worked very hard today. Well done. It's not easy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 01

We looked at how to write some simple programs. I explained to the students that although the code we would be writing would look different, we would be exercising the same bits of our brains.

Most students seemed happy to stick with this module rather than choose another elective.

I asked students to install Processing at home and to have a look at the handout I gave them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016