Thursday, March 31, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 36

We used a few minutes at the start of class to take up submissions for Assignment 1.

I explained how the late penalty is applied at CIT and asked that students who want to avail of the late option e-mail me to let me know. Any student who has not yet met the minimum requirements would probably get more marks for a late submission that works, than for an on-time one that doesn't work.

Students who may have accidentally handed up code that was not entirely their own may retract all or any parts of their submission by sending me an e-mail. This offer will have expired a few days time.

We looked at the canvas in HTML5.
Examples a, a2, b, c, d

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 26

We had presentations from Ben and from Sean

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 25

We had presentations from Mark and Caroline

Monday, March 28, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 33 & 34 Lab B

Lab B was occupied mostly by people who had been working on the assignments all day.

Attendance is quite poor generally.

SOFT6008 Class extra lab class

We had an extra lab class at 1200

SOFT6008 Class 35

We used this lecture as a lab

SOFT6008 Class 33 & 34 Lab A

Students worked on upcoming assignments. The clock is ticking

Make sure to check code using all the test cases I provided.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 24

[Friday 25 March]

We continued our look at intellectual property.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 32 - ASSIGNMENT 2

We looked at form validation and submission.

The example we looked at in class forms the basis of Assignment 2.

Assignment 2 is due at noon 04 May 2011. It should be e-mailed or hand delivered to Colin before then.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 23

We had class outside in the sun and it wasn't practical to make a recording.

We sorted out deadlines for the final paper.

Students talked though their plans for the presentation next week. Some students need to think a bit more and develop their ideas further.

The student presentations will start next week and will proceed in this order:
Mark, Caroline, Ben, Sean, Lawrence
Liam, Janet, Deana, Peter

All students must attend all presentations.

The deadline for the final paper is noon 03 May 2011. Papers must be submitted to Students may submit a draft for feedback up to noon on 12 April.

The codes required for login to turnitin will be e-mailed to students.

We discussed data protection and students outlined data protection cases they found  interesting from the cases on the data protection commissioner's website. Students should write this up by Friday for the Week 06 blog entry. Students that were not in class today to discuss their chosen case are not eligible for marks for the Week 06 blog entry.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 22

We looked at copyright and the DMCA.

Monday, March 21, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 29 Lab B

This class was moved to 1200. We will make up the missing lab class.

SOFT6008 Class 31

We used this lecture class as a lab. Students need lab time more.

SOFT6008 Class 29 & 30 Lab A

Students worked anyway on assignments, apart from a short intreruption due to an exploding computer and consequent power failure.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

SOFTT6008 Monday 21 March

On Monday the only SOFT6008 classes will be at 9, 10, 11, & 12. All in C128.

Apologies for the short notice.

Colin M

Saturday, March 19, 2011

SOFT6008 CheckSum Tips

Don't go messing with buttons and functions. Doing so will make your code very hard to debug.

Start with a prompt and output the input with a document.write
After each step of the processing output the new information using document.write
When the code is working, and you have tested it thoroughly, you can remove the document.writes and swap the code up in a function. You can then plug that function into a page with buttons and DOM modifications.

SOFT6008 Cookie Tips

I went through this a few times in the labs, but it's worth going over it again.

The steps I would take to get the cookie page working would be as follows

[Don't use any functions]
Prompt for the name
Code to write name to cookie
Check that it works by displaying the browsers cookies
Add the expiry date
Check it works
Code to read the cookie that was just written
Output name

Now reorganize the code so that it reads first
If the name is successfully read then output it
If it's not there (indexOf = -1) then prompt for the name and write it

Friday, March 18, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 21

We looked at how to use the CIT Library access to online databases to search for papers that might be useful for the essays. ACM and IEEE are probably the most useful databases for issues surrounding this module.

We discussed the challenges presented by digital image technology.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Computing Ethics Papers

I have compiled a list of students and the titles of their papers. Students who have not made any acceptable topic proposal to date, have been assigned a topic.

I will assume that each student's presentation will be on the same topic as the paper. Any student that want to give a presentation on a different topic should notify Colin.

Computing Ethics Class 20

We looked at Data Protection regulations in Ireland and watched a video.

Check out the Data Protection Channel on YouTube.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 19

We looked at privacy and database combination.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Computing Ethics Online Course has an interesting course for bloggers.  This covers interesting issues like copyright, privacy, and libel.

Students should take the self-directed course , provided it is still free.

SOFT6008 Assignment 1 update

Some clarifications

PPSN "wife" exception does not form part of the basic minimum requirements. Dealing with it effectively would yield bonus marks

For all the check sums there is the possibility of the letter(s) being entered in uppercase or lowercase. But there is a JavaScript method to deal with that very easily

SOFT6008 Class 25 & 26 Lab B

Students worked on the exercises.

COMP6008 Class 27

I met with each student to see how much progress was being made.

We didn't discuss any new material

SOFT6008 Assignment 1 Deadline

The deadline for Assignment 1 is 1715 31 March 2011.

Students may
  1. hand deliver the assignment  to me during any SOFT6008 class before then
  2. e-mail a ZIP file containing all of the html pages (avoid large images)
  3. e-mail a URL with the location of the front page (Dropbox tends not to work well for this)
  4. hand deliver a CD / DVD / USB stick to my office C123c before the deadline

The above options are listed in order of preference.

SOFT6008 Class 25 & 26 Lab A

Students worked away on the exercises.

I think that mot students are not making sufficient progress and are behind schedule. And those are the students who are actually here. I've no idea what's going on with the missing students.

I suspect that some students will resort to cheating in order to get the work in on time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 18

[Friday 11 March]

We looked at the different kinds of privacy

Computing Ethics

Interesting article from The Atlantic Magazine

Corporations Want to Know You Better Than You Know Yourself

Thursday, March 10, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 24

We looked at a webpage that read information form a form and modified elements of the page depending on the input.

Phone numbers page

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 17

We had a brain storming session and tried to answer the question what is privacy?

Computing Ethics Class 16

[Tuesday 8 March]

We talked about what happens when obligations to employers and ethical obligations conflict. We looked at the conditions when whistle blowing might be justified.

We discussed the forklifter case

Monday, March 7, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 21 & 22 Lab B

Students worked awy on the exercises and assignment.

I gave out printouts of the bars.html example and a printout of the Assignment 1 specification. Any spares I have left over are in C128.

SOFT6008 Class 23

We looked at some very simple games of chance built using variations on the random image theme.


Computing Ethics Killer Robot Handout

I e-mailed students the case of the Killer Robot. Students should read this before the start of Week 06.

SOFT6008 Class 21 & 22 Lab A

Attendance was poor.

I gave out printouts of the bars.html example

I gave out a printout of the Assignment 1 specification.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Computng Ethics student blogs

The window of opportunity for getting marks for the Week 04 blog entry is now closed.

Computing Ethics Class 15

We discussed bribery and how it is not a simple as someone turning up with a suitcase of money.

We used a case study to tease out some of the issues.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 20

We looked at two code examples

We discussed the specification for Assignment 1                

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 14

We looked at a professional ethics case study.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 13

We discussed a professional ethics case.

US Parts