Monday, September 30, 2013

SOFT6008 DWEB1 Class 10

I asked students to extend the slot machine example I gave them.

When that's done students can start working on coding the credit card code.

Dropbox cloud storage

If you work from home also then Dropbox is a great way to move your work around. It's also useful for sharing file if you are working on projects with other students.

Click here to sign-up. Better still ask a friend who has already signed up to invite you. They will get a bonus for signing you up.

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 09

A few students were still not done with the nested list exercise.

I asked the other students to watch the Image Map lesson online.

SOFT6008 COM1-A Class 10 & 11

Some students had some catching up to do. Students should prioritize the rollover exercise. Getting to grips with the DOM is very important.

I asked students to start coding the Luhn credit card check digit algorithm.

SOFT6008 Class 09

We began our look a user input validation and check digits

Here's an online less covering some of the same material

Friday, September 27, 2013

SOFT6008 COM2-B Class 07 & 08

I asked students to code the change maker exercise and to get a rollover working.

SOFT6007 DNET1/COM1c Change of Lecturer

From Week 03 SOFT6007 for DNET1/COM1c will be taught by Dr. Micheala Heyer. So I won't be darkening your door again for some time.

It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Good Luck

Thursday, September 26, 2013

SOFT6007 DNET Class 08

I checked that students had the nested list done correctly. I let students leave early once it was done.

SOFT6008 DWEB2/COM2 Class 08

We looked at the DOM and how getElementById can be used to reference elements in a page.

We revisited the rollover example using getElementById, and looks at tossing two coins, and extended that to a slot machine.

I asked students to think about coding a slot machine in the lab classes next week.

[I was very tired today. Not a great class.]

SOFT6007 Preview

Next week we will look at how to code Image Maps in HTML

Students keen to get coding can use these images:

Download usacities.jpg and iberia.jpg

SOFT6007 COM1 Classes 07 & 08

Students continued working on the nested list exercise. A number of students were behind schedule because they missed classes earlier in the week.

I asked students who were finished to take a look at the preview of next week's work, when we will look at Image maps.

But it wasn't as exciting as the cool fire safety demonstration outside the window.

SOFT6007 ITM1 Class 08

I knew I was going to to be late so I e-mailed students asking them to take a look at this online class if they were finished the nested list exercise (most were). We will look at Image Maps next week.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

SOFT6007 ITM1 Class 06 & 07

I asked students to code the nested list we saw in class. Some students found that tricky enough, but it's a very useful exercise. HTML is all about the structure.

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 06

I asked students to code the nested list we looked at in class. That might take more than one hour. So we will continue with that the next class.

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Classes 06 & 07

I asked students to work on the change maker exercise and to code a rollover. It was slow going. JavaScript is not very forgiving.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

SOFT6007 DNET Class 06 & 07

Students coded the nested list exercise we did in class. Many students found this tough going. While lists are not very important, this exercise illustrates the structure of HTML.

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 06 & 07

Students coded the nested list exercise we did in class. Many students found this tough going. While lists are not very important, this exercise illustrates the structure of HTML.

SOFT6007 DWEB/ITM Class 05

We looked at HTML entities and lists. I gave a nested list exercise at the end of class. Students should complete that in advance of this week lab classes so they can code it.

Monday, September 23, 2013

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 06 Lab

We looked at how to include images in HTML files. I explained the importance of the alt attribute and the perils of resizing images in the browser.

SOFT6007 DNET1/COM1 Class 05

We looked at HTML entities and lists. I gave a nested list exercise at the end of class. Students should complete that in advance of this week lab classes so they can code it.

SOFT6008 COM2 Class 06 & 07 Lab

I asked student to code the coin change exercise.

I asked student to code a rollover.

Students should complete both of these tasks by the start of next week.

SOFT6008 Class 05

We looked at how to do a rollover. That was our first introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM).

Friday, September 20, 2013

SOFT6007 Preview

Next week we will look at lists in HTML

SOFT6007 Week 01 Review

This week we looked at the
  • History of the Internet
  • Different Protocols
  • Basic HTML
  • Images in Web Pages

Introduction to the Internet
Different Protocols

HTML Basics

Images in Web Pages

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 03

I asked students to code the coins change exercise just to get used to debugging JavaScript. Students will be expected to have that done by the start of next week.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

SOFT6007 DNET1 Class 04

We looked at how to add images to web pages.

Comments, subscript, superscript, mailto

SOFT6008 DWEB2/COM2 Class 04 Lec

We looked at loops in JavaScript.

I asked students to work in groups to figure out a solution to the Coin Change exercise. Students will be expected to have that organized before the next lab class.

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 04 Lab

We looked at comments, subscript, superscript, and mailto

We looked at how to included images in web pages and I stressed the importance of the alt tag and highlighted the perils if resizing using width & height

I asked students to add images to their web pages

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 03 Lab

We looked at adding links to web pages. We saw the difference between absolute & relative paths.

I asked students to add to their first page a link to the CIT website, and a link to the second page. The second page should have a link back to the first. 

SOFT6007 ITM1 Class 04 Lab

We had a late start because I had a technical issue with the projector.

I showed students how to include an image in a web page. I explained the importance of the alt, width, and height attributes.

I asked students to add images to their webpages

[no recording because of the projector issue]

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

SOFT6007 ITM Class 03 Lab

We looked at links between pages. I asked student to add to their first page a link to the CIT home page and a link to the second page. The second page should have a link to the first.

We looked at the differences between absolute and relative paths

SOFT6007 ITM Class 02 Lab

We looked at some basic HTML tags.

I asked student to make a HTML page. I then asked them to make a second one.

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 02 Lab

We looked at some basic HTML tags.

I asked student to make a HTML page. I then asked them to make a second one.

In the next class we will look at links between pages.

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 02 Lab

We looked at the module descriptor and at some sample JavaScript programs. Most students had seen these in SOFT6007 so we went quite quickly.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SOFT6007 DNET Class 03 Lab

We looked at how anchor tags are used for links. We saw the difference between absolute and relative addressing.

I asked students add a link to the CIT home page to their first page, and a link to the second page. And asked them on the second page to put a link back to the first page.

SOFT6007 DNET Class 02 Lab

We looked at HTML.

The important point was that all tags that are opened must be closed.

I asked students to make two web pages.

SOFT6007 DWEB Class 04 Lab

We looked at how anchor tags are used for links. We saw the difference between absolute and relative addressing.

I asked students add a link to the CIT home page to their first page, and a link to the second page. And asked them on the second page to put a link back to the first page.

SOFT6007 DWEB Class 03 Lab

We looked at HTML.

The important point was that all tags that are opened must be closed.

I asked students to make two web pages.

SOFT6007 DWEB/ITM Class 01 Lecture

We looked at the module descriptor for SOFT6007 and discussed the structure of the module. It's 100% continuous assessment.

We had a brief history of the Internet and learned the the web and the Internet are not the same thing. I talked about what happened when a link is clicked on and explained what is a web server.

We will look at HTML in the next class.

Monday, September 16, 2013

SOFT6007 DWEB Class 02

I introduced myself and gave some free advice in my capacity as DWEB1/ITM1 course co-ordinator.

1. Go to class
2. Ask for help

SOFT6007 DNET/COM Class 01

I dispensed some free advice before we looked at a potted history of the internet. We looked at the steps required to display a web page.

SOFT6008 Class 02 & 03 COM2

I talked students through the module descriptor and we looked at some JavaScript code.

SOFT6008 Class 01

We had no lecture this morning because there was no room scheduled for it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

PPSN System Extended

Students who found that the PPSN check letter calculation assignments I set in JavaScript weren't challenging enough will be delighted to learn that the system is being extended. The number of people have have ever lived in Ireland would soon be greater than the 10 million possible under the current number scheme. So the letter after the check letter is going to be used from 2013. This will increase the maximum number 26 times. That should be plenty for the foreseeable future.

It does make the check letter calculation a bit more complicated than it was before. Interestingly ye old sexist W for Wife numbers will actually work fine alongside new W born after 2012 numbers, because by a huge coincidence W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet and so was taking up the zero slot anyway.

So I must update my notes

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Very busy correcting

I am very busy correcting. I think the deadlines the institute set this year for correcting and entering results were a bit unrealistic. I didn't even have lunch today.

I am surprised at just how much I am getting done though. It just goes to show that if I have targets and a plan for meeting them, I am much more productive.

I set my e-mail client to check for e-mails only when I tell it too. It's the single most useful thing any person could do.