Friday, April 28, 2017

COMP8035 Class 11.2

No customers today

COMP6032 Week 11 Lab B

Two students came to class  (One arrived 1000).  Their team-mates were not present and both were interested in doing work for other modules.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

COMP6032 Class 11.2

Today's class had one student less than last week.

LEGS8007 Class 11.2 & 11.3

Part 26

We looked at the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)

Part 27

Each students got a UDRP case to analyse and present to the class.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

COMP8035 Class 11.1

I met with the students present and gave them feedback on their submissions

COP6032 Week 11 Lab

Only four students came to class. All four seemed to be doing work for other modules.

Monday, April 24, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 11.1

Part 25

We looked at Relative Ground for trademark refusal (EUTMR Article 8)

SuperMacs v McDonalds Case R0484/2016-1

COMP6023 Class 11.1

We looked at different approaches to delivery.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

LEGS8007 Is your chocolate bunny distinctive?

I hope you are enjoying the Easter break.  While you are munching on your chocolates today take some time to consider the Lindt Chocolate Bunny.

Do you consider the shape of the bunny to be distinctive? What about the gold wrapper? Or the red ribbon with the bell? Are they distinctive elements that can serve as indicators of origin?  Or are they all just things commonly used in the trade.  What about the combined effects of all three elements?

When you see a bunny with this shape, gold foil, and a red ribbon with a bell do you recognise it as one manufactured by Lindt?  The Court of Justice of the European Union doesn't think so. You can read the full 2012 decision in Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM).

Friday, April 7, 2017

COMP8035 Class 10.2

Nobody turned up

COMP6032 Week 10 Lab B

The students that were  in class appeared to use the time to study for an exam for another module.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

COMP6032 Class 10.2

One one student turned up to class. Neither of us was that keen to proceed with the lecture.

I think 3 is my minimum, which isn't even 10% of this class.

LEGS8007 Class 10.2 & 3

Part 24 & 25

[contains strong language]

We continued our look at marks that are refused under Article 7(1)(f).

We discussed the essays and the exam. I encouraged students to get drafts os the essays to me soon, so I can give feedback.

I had hoped to finish with trade marks today so that we could move onto Patents. But we still have a bit to go.

I might put some classes online.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

COMP8035 Class 10.1

Nobody turned up.

Thats fine too. Busy people

COMP6032 Week 10 Lab A

(The two) Students worked on the assignment.

Monday, April 3, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 10.1 Immoral Trade Marks

Part 22

[contains strong language]

We looked at marks "contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality".  That took longer than I thought so we will continue with this topic in the next class.

COMP6032 Class 10.1

We looked at designing the message and the different uses of images.