Thursday, September 28, 2017

COMP7004 Class 03.3

We looked at other sources of morality.  We discusses deontology and asked whats would [   ] do?

We discussed moral absolutism and relativism.

We previewed some of the issues will discuss later in the module.

COMP7004 Class 03.2

We looked at the Trolley Problem

We listened to the start of  BCC Documentary on Ethics
and discussed the relevance trolley problem in a world where we may be distanced from the consequences of our actions by machines at act as intermediaries.

We discussed the challenges of programming self-driving cars to make ethical decisions.

Students went to and took part in the experiments. We discussed some of the issues that arose.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SOFT6018 Week 03

We looked at IF statements.

We began our look at Processing and students used code to draw a house.

Monday, September 25, 2017

COMP7004 Class 03.1

We looked at Intuitionism and Consequentialism as sources of moral and ethical values.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

COMP9039 Law Unit 03 Contract Law

I posted the Unit 03 video to on Blackboard along with two fictional contract cases for studebts to consider. We will discuss those cases and deal with questions in the live session.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

COMP7004 Class 02.3

We considered whether the rule of law contributed to the success of humans and whether there might even be some (social) evolution at work.

We discussed supernaturalism as a source of moral and ethical values.

COMP7004 Class 02.2

We discussed how cyberethics concerns have changed over time as cybertechnology has developed. We noted that science fiction is often a good barometer the concerns of the time.

We discussed whether of not cyberethics is distinct from general ethics, and whether general ethics could sufficiently address cyberthics issues.  We mostly accepted the argument that cybertechnology gave rise to unique concerns and so was worthy of separate consideration.

Monday, September 18, 2017

COMP7004 Class 02.1

We had no room assigned to this class so I cancelled it.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

COMP9039 Law Unit 02 Sources of Law


If you have experience or knowledge of the legal system of another county I’d be grateful if you could prepare a short report for the rest of us. I am interested to know in what ways it may be similar to Ireland (e.g. is there a Constitution?) and in what ways it may be different. That report  can take any form (YouTube video, audio, written report, or just tell us in the live session).

I’d like everyone to do the following.

1. Find the Spanish Civil War Act. 
When was it passed?
Check the Commencement, Amendments, SIs made under the Act to find out when it was repealed?

2. Find Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company and download the judgement in the appeal.
(Try to) Read it. Notice how much emphasis is placed on how this case is similar or different to previous cases.
Which Acts of Parliament are mentioned in this case?
Save it for later.

3. Find and download the Irish Data Protection Act
Save it for later

4. Find and download the UK Data Protection Act
Save it for later

5. Find and download the Data Protection Directive
Save it for later

6. Find and download the General Data Protection Regulation
Save it for later

7. Find and download Khurshid Mustafa and Tarzibachi v. Sweden
Read it. Can you think of any implications of this case for the Internet?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

COMP7004 Class 01.1

There were no classes at CIT this Monday so this was our first class.

I introduced myself and the module. We discussed some of the issues we will be addressing. We had a good discussion about national ID cards.

The has been no room assigned for our class later today. So we won't meet again until next week.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

COMP9039 Unit 01

We will have our first live session on Thursday (14 Sep) starting at 1810.

On Thursday I plan to
Introduce myself
Discuss the syllabus
Discuss the material covered in the video
Answer any questions

If you could have all that done by Thursday lunchtime that would be great. Although I have put the questions up on Blackboard it might be simpler if you submit your responses to me by e-mail or add them as comments here: The spam filter is turned on so comments won’t be public right away.

Please take the time to complete these exercises because they allow both you and me to confirm that you have a good grasp of the material. If, for example, I get poor answers on a particular area I can correct any misunderstandings or deficiencies.

If you already have questions and you can e-mail them to me in advance I may have a more through answer for you, but of course you are free to ask questions on the night too.

Some of you may have extensive experience of using Adobe connect already.  Please have some patience with those of us who are new to it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

COMP9039 Law Unit 01 Sources of Ethics & Morality

Unit 01: Sources of Ethics & Morality

Listen to the BBC Documentary "Would you kill the big guy?" Part 1 & Part 2

Please go to and take part in the experiment.

I have generated some exercises for you that you can complete in Blackboard.  In case you can’t log in just yet, here are some exercises you can complete without Blackboard. But ideally you will submit your answers to Blackboard.

1. Find an example online of an supernaturalist argument against the use of a particular kind of technology. (You need not confine yourself to information technology)

Provide the link and a brief summary of the argument.

2. Find an example of a moral dilemma in popular culture (ideally TV/Film). What kind of logic does the character(s) use to deal with the dilemma?

3. Would you push the fat man? Why/Why Not?

4. What results did you get from ?