Thursday, October 18, 2018

SOFT7008 Week 06 Lecture

We looked at the different ways to make data persist in PHP and how long it can last.  We also considered a bit how cookies can pose a threat to privacy.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

SOFT7008 Week 05 lecture

Some students came to class despite the weather warning.

Students worked on the checksum exercises. We did some on the board.

SOFT6008 Week 06 Classes

Class 11: Remembering Values

Class 12: Cookies

More about cookies:

SOFT6008 Week 05 Class

In light of the weather warning for tonight I e-mailed exercises to students and suggested that they could work from home if they wish. I will be available online on Google Hangouts to answer any questions.  For those students that want to come to class I will be here anyway.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

SOFT7008 Week 05 Videos

Class 09: The magic of cheksums

Class 10: User input validation in PHP

SOFT7008 Week 04 Lecture

I spoke a bit about HTML 5 inputs and how the browser do some very basic form validation for us.

We did some exercises using regular expressions. They didn't go as well as I would have liked. So perhaps some students need look at those again.

I previewed next weeks videos by introducing checksums.  We looked at the Luhn credit card validation algorithm.  Students seemed less impressed by this magic that I was expecting.

We moved to the lab at 2000

I e-mailed students the specification for the coding component of the module.