Monday, March 2, 2009

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 18 & 19


SOFT6008 17

We looked at some more JavaScript. Arrays, function

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 17

We looked at how tables can be used to improve the layout of a webpage.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 16

I spoke about the first assessment. Although this is scheduled for Week 4, it will be in next week (5). I gave students the option of having the assessment on Mopnday or on Thursday ans the group of students present chose Monday.

Students continued work on their imagemaps.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Repeat structure for COMP6023 Web Publishing

The assessment structure for the repeat of this module will be the same as the original assessment. The final mark will comprise three components.

Written Report 40%
Exam 30%
Project 30%

All students who received < 35% in this module must retake all three assessment components.

Written Report

Students should submit a topic proposal to the lecturer for prior approval. Students may choose any course related topic but may not write a report on the same subject as their previous submission. Papers that are not approved in advance will receive zero marks. Submissions that contain any plagiarised content will receive zero marks.


Students will be advised of a time and location for the exam. This will take place during semester 2 (if all students agree to this).
[P.S. Students didn't want this. So it'll be in Sept]


Students may form groups with other repeating students or they may complete projects by themselves. Project proposals should be submitted to the lecturer for prior approval. Projects that are not approved in advance will receive zero marks. Students must start a new project. They may not re-use parts of their previous submissions. Students who wish to submit a group project must specify the composition of the group in the project proposal.


Repeat examinations normally take place in August and September. However if all students are in agreement, I am prepared to set deadlines in Semester 2. This will allow students to complete the repeat of this module in advance of the summer break.

Update: (02 March 2009)
The in-class exam (30%) will be in September.

The deadline for the website (30%) is noon 14 August 2009. However the project must be approved by noon 01 May 2009. Students should propose ideas well in advance of this date. The maximum group size is 3 students.

The deadline for the written report(40%) is is noon 14 August 2009. However the paper topic must be approved by noon 01 May 2009. Students should propose ideas well in advance of this date.

No support will be available after 20 June 2009
. So students are advised to have their work at an advanced stage by then.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

SOFT6008 16

We briefly looked at how dynamically sized tables might be used to visualize numeric values. I outlined a mobile phone company price comparision exercise.



SOFT6007 ITM Lab 04

We looked at how tables can be used for rudimentary page layout.

Students worked on tables and on layout. Some students were a bit behind.

Monday, February 23, 2009


The notes on imagemaps do not include the alt attribute. If an alt attribute is included in the area tag of an image map some browsers will display the text when the mouse hovers over the area.

area shape="rect" coords="200,100,300,150" alt="Connector"


We looked at using tables for page layout and Imagemaps.

Slides: www3t.ppt

Files: imagemap-exercise.jpg imagemap-exercise-grid.jpg iberia.jpg

SOFT6008 14 & 15

Students worked on their exercises.

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 14 & 15

Students worked on their image map exercises. Some students struggled with the basics.

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 13

We looked at font, color, bgcolor, background

SOFT6008 13

Students worked away on the exercises. Some students are a bit behind.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 12

We looked at image maps.

Students made an image map for iberia.jpg

Next week we will make an image map for imagemap-exercise.jpg. Use this guide image to help figure out the coordinated.

Notes: www3t.ppt

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

SOFT6008 12

We looked at JavaScript dialog boxes and loops.

Students wrote a page that prompts the user for their name and uses it in a greeting.

Notes: JS02

Next exercise (after navigation bar)
Build a page that prompts the user for an amount of money and diplays that amount in coins.

SOFT6007-ITM Lab 03

We were delayed by a stolen monitor cable.

I explained how lists work. I showed how to nest lists and gave out a nested list exercise.

Monday, February 16, 2009

SOFT6007-EVCOM 04 Lists & Tables

We went though Tables, including colspan and rowspan.

Sample Page4a & Page5a

Students built simple tables.

I expected everyone to have lists sorted by this week. However many students had not yet studied lists. Once students were confident with lists I gave out two nested list exercises. Nested lists are very tricky.

I gave out a complicated table exercise (Q5)that required understanding of colspan and rowspan.

Students will be expected to have lists and tables put to bed by next week.

Everyone was gone by 2115. Still it was a good night's work.

SOFT6008 10 & 11

I talked students through how to make slices in Photoshop and how to slice a large image up precicely so that nothing gets lost.

We looked at how to hand colour a black and white image. That might make for interesting rollover effects.

Students continued working on their rollover exercise. To be successful students will need some Photoshop skills and a good understanding of tables (including colspan and rowspan), as well as the JavaScript covered in class.

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 10 & 11

Students continued to work on the table exercise. It's not as easy as it looks. colspan and rowspan can be tricky

SOFT6008 09

(Some) Students continued with the navigation bar exercise. We didn't cover any new material.