After class as few students asked about plagiarism and TurnItIn. I don't propose to have any further conversations about what is or is not plagiarism. I believe that was covered sufficiently in other modules that students have already taken.
Students continued working on the mobile phone exercise. It took longer than I expected and a few students got into difficulty. When coding in javascript it's very important to code piece by piece and test as you go.
I got distracted and completely forgot to go to class. When I eventually turned up at 1240, I was surprised to find most students still there, although not all were working on their HTML.
I'm sorry. We'll have plenty if time to make up, so there's no need to be concerned
We looked at lists again and saw how to do definition lists.
We reviewed the IMG tag and I talked about resizing images.
We looked at HTML Entities for non-English characters.
I asked students to code some non-English text and to complete the example nested list in HTML. Most students finished on time, but some didn't. Those students will need to get that sorted.