Monday, October 8, 2012

SOFT6008 Class 14 COM

I gave out a handout on Checksums and asked students to work though them to see how they work. I asked students to start coding some of the. The Euro banknote check digit is probably the easiest one to start with.

SOFT6008 Class 13 WEB COM

We looked at using the DOM to take input from a form, and then modify the contents of the page based on the input


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Well made video

SOFT6008 Class 12 WEB COM

We looked at the use of check digits for user input validation.

There's a handout can has a few more from other countries and tips for coding. There's a typo in the handout. myS.indexOf ("o",5) evaluates to 15, not 10 as stated.

More Euro banknote trivia from Wikipedia

SOFT6007 Class 11 ITM

I rushed things a bit because we had fallen behind the other group what with one thing and another.

we looked at how CSS works and I asked students to style the timetable page they built in previous classes.

Examples: Page 7  and CSS

COMP6023 Copyright

Next week we will discuss Copyright in class

Students should sign-up for and take this (free) course
and report on their exams scores and any interesting ideas they encountered.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

SOFT6007 Class 10 ITM

We looked at colspan and rowspan and I asked students modify their timetables to account for double classes.

A number of students left after the first of today's two classes. This is fine. CIT is not a prison.  But if you miss a class it is your responsibility to figure out what went on, and to make up any ground that may have been lost. Mon-Fri 9-6 was what you signed up for.

SOFT6007 Class 09 ITM

I asked students to add me to a circle in Google+

We looked at tables. I asked students to make a html table of their college timetable.

SOFT6007 Class 12 WEB ITM

We looked at digital colour systems. HSB. RGB. Hex.

Many student were unfamiliar with the Hexadecimal system. This rather cool video, that I wish I had made, does a great job of explaining it.

These videos cover much of the same material as today's class and but one was made with actual coffee!

COMP6023 Class 11

I talked about blogs.

We discussed privacy and anonymity. These might be interesting topics for students to consider in their blog posts for Week 03.

slides: comp6023-blogs.pdf

After class as few students asked about plagiarism and TurnItIn. I don't propose to have any further conversations about what is or is not plagiarism. I believe that was covered sufficiently in other modules that students have already taken.

SOFT6008 Class 11 DWEB

Students continued with the phone code.

Some students got themselves intro trouble with their Boolean algebra

x !=3 || x!=5 || x!=6 is not the same as x !=3 && x!=5 && x!=6

What about  !(x==3 || x==5 || x==6)  ? Is that the same as !=3 && x!=5 && x!=6 ?

SOFT6008 Class 10 DWEB

I asked student to code the phone number testing program we looked at in class.

SOFT6008 Input Validation

Over the next few classes we will be looking a user input validation and check digits.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

COMP6023 Class 10

Students modified their blogs a bit and took a look at each other's blogs. Students got to work right away on modifying the blog settings.

A good day's work. Well done guys. We finished up at 1745.

This room can't double as a lecture room because there's no projector.

COMP6023 Class 09

I gave out the assessment schedule for the module and talked the students through it.

SOFT6007 Class 11 WEB

I asked students to style their timetable pages.

Most students got things working right away, but there are a few stragglers.

SOFT6007 Class 10 WEB

I explained about CSS and how to style a page using an external linked CSS file.

video: SOFT6007-10-WEB-20121002-1400.m4v

Monday, October 1, 2012

SOFT6008 Lab Groups

The COM2 lab group is pretty full.

If you are an Erasmus student or a repeat student it might be better if you attended the DWEB2 labs on Wed 0900-1100 IT1.2

SOFT6007 Class 09 DWEB

We looked at colspan and rowspan. I asked student to modify their timetable tables so that they account for double classes.

video: SOFT6007-09-WEB-20121001.m4v

SOFT6008 Class 11 COM

Students continued working on the mobile phone exercise. It took longer than I expected and a few students got into difficulty. When coding in javascript it's very important to code piece by piece and test as you go.