Wednesday, October 17, 2012

COMP6023 NewsU course

I asked students to take an online course at NewsU and to report back with their results and anything they found interesting. Some students have questioned whether this was a task that formed part of the minimum requirements for Week 04, or whether it was a suggestion. Was it an obligation or merely a suggestion.?

The works "should" has a few meanings:  

should |SHo͝od| modal
verb ( 3rd sing. should )
1 used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions: he should have been careful | I think we should trust our people more | you shouldn't have gone. 
• indicating a desirable or expected state: by now students should be able to read with a large degree of independence. 
• used to give or ask advice or suggestions: you should go back to bed | what should I wear? • (I should) used to give advice: I should hold out if I were you.

So clearly "should" could have several meanings. In future I will try to use the word "must" so there is no confusion.

I have reviewed the recording of the class I made on 10 October when I discussed it further and I believe that anyone who was there that day should not have been in any doubt that I meant it to be a requirement.

However, I am still keen for students to take the course. Students may take the course if they wish at this late stage, and provided they complete it and post about it by noon on Monday next, I will assess it as if it had been completed in Week 04.

For minimum marks for Week 04 students must
  • summarize what we did in class
  • take the course
  • take the exam until a score of 80% or greater is achieved
  • select the option to have the result sent to me by e-mail

To earn more marks students may
  • comment on anything they found interesting about the course, or anything that surprised them
  • express an opinion on something related to the course or the content from class

Students who posted nothing in Week 04 may post an entry up to noon on Monday.

Students who took the course and reported their result, but did little else may still report on anything they found especially interesting.

Any students wishing to avail of this opportunity should title the post Week 04 - Late, so as to distinguish it from the Week 05 entry.

The Week 04 entry and the Week 04 - Late entry will be treated as a single entry made on time.

Update: someone asked me in class if they should make a new entry or edit the old one. I said to make a new one. But if there are grammar or spelling mistakes in the old entry they should be corrected.

COMP6023 Essay Choices

Marketing on Social Networks. I have removed this essay from the list of choices because the conflict over which student has chosen it has gone on for too long. And I let the students that chose it know this. A number of students still have to make a choice. Students may take as long as they wish provided they submit as specified in the assessment schedule. No two students may submit papers on the same topic.

SOFT6007 Class 19 ITM

Students continued coding the imagemaps

SOFT6007 Class 17 ITM

We looked at imagemaps. I gave students two imagemap exercises.

I also gave out a sample assessment 1.

SOFT6008 Class 19 WEB

Students continued coding the check digit exercises. A few brave souls decided to tackle cookies.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

COMP6023 Class 18

I spent the first half the class meeting with students and going through their blog posts for Week 04. I wanted make sure that students are clear on what is expected of them for the blog. I printed out each student's blog post for Week 04. Before class I corrected spelling and grammar and made notes on how each student could improve his mark. I met with each student individually, highlighted any issues, and outlined how each student might improved his mark for the blog.

Some students said they were not clear that the online course was a requirement for Week 04. I will look into that.

For the second half of the class we continued our look at intellectual property and started our discussion of patents. I'll try to finish up with intellectual property this week.

COMP6023 Class 17

I talked students through what Assignment 2 might look like. However we will have to discuss JPEG and GIF in more detail in class. The GIMP wasn't really suitable for dealing with the GIFs so I will install Photoshop and we can look again at this. However students have enough to be getting on with if they want to make a start on the assignment.

SOFT6007 Class 20 DWEB

Students worked away on the various exercises. Some are not ready for the assessment just yet, but most are.

SOFT6007 Lists Movie

This online lesson on lists might help clear up the nesting. I noticed from the solutions to the sample exam that some students are still struggling with the nesting.

Alternative version available here

SOFT6007 Class 19 WEB

I gave out a sample exam. Some students continued coding the imagemap exercises while others tackled the exam questions. Just remember that the exam might include a question on imagemaps. So they need to be sorted out too.

SOFT6007 Class 18 DWEB ITM

I talked about the history of the Internet and how its origins influence its behaviour today. I also explained that the Internet !=  the web.

I thought today's class wasn't great. A was a bit makey-uppey. I think we will confine ourselves to technical matters in future.

Monday, October 15, 2012

COMP6023 Image and Essay assignments

Please check that you have not chosen the same image or essay topic as another student in the class. if you have please contact the other student and come to some sort of accommodation. Once you have done that please re-post you choices to the blog as a new post.

If needs be I can resolve the conflicts myself by assigning the images and topics myself.

SOFT6007 Assessment 1

We will have an in-class written exam on Tuesday 30 October.

It will be a one-sheet exam. That's like an open book exam, but with only one A4 sheet. One sheet does plenty.

SOFT6007 Imagemaps Movie

I have an online lesson on imagemaps available on YouTube and  here.

SOFT6007 Class 17 WEB

We looked at imagemaps. I asked students to code image maps for the iberia.jpg image and the usa-cities example. Links to both these images are on the notes and slides page --->

SOFT6008 Class 18 DWEB

Students continued coding the check digit exercises

SOFT6008 Class 19 COM

Students continued coding the check digit exercises

SOFT6008 Class 18 COM

Students continued coding the check digit exercises

SOFT6008 Class 17 COM DWEB

^ Movie about cookies on YouTube. Much the same as what we did in class this morning. There's a higher quality version here.

This morning's class:

We started our look at coding cookies.

There are policy issues surrounding the use of cookies also. But we won't really address those. Consumers are increasing aware of cookies and have become concerned. That's why sites like RTE and the BBC are very up front about their use of cookies. Cookies haven't been and aren't always used with the best interests of users in mind. Wikipedia has more on this.

RTE's cookie policy

Saturday, October 13, 2012

SOFT6008 Progress

I had a look at the contents of the shared Dropboxes to see what kind of progress students have been making. But it didn't look like much was going on.

There's some individual feedback available here