Thursday, October 25, 2012

SOFT6007 Class 24 ITM

Students worked away on various exercises.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

SOFT6007 Class 21 & 23 ITM

Some students worked on their HTML in preparation for the exam next week. Others worked on their maths in preparation or the exam today.

COMP6023 Class 23

We looked at podcasting.

We might try to make something tomorrow in class just to see what is involved in the process.

I mentioned that Drew of the Dawn & Drew Show was in a band, but couldn't remember the name. It's Rasputina.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

COMP6023 Class 21 & 22

We looked at lossy and lossless compression, pixel depth reduction, and dithering.

I talked students through the use of Photoshop for Assessment 2

SOFT6007 Class 24 WEB

Students continued coding

SOFT6007 Class 23 WEB

I asked students to make sure they were good with lists, tables, and imagemaps. If so then make a start on the three column layout for assessment 2.

SOFT6007 Class 22 COM WEB

We looked at class, ID, float, clear, annd a three columns layout in CSS.

I also talked a little bit about Assessment 2

Unfortunately there was no sound on the recording of the class. So it's not posted.

Monday, October 22, 2012

SOFT6007 Class 21 WEB

We looked at ID and float

Students experimented with IDs and floats. Others caught up with things they missed and other reviewed lists in preparation for the exam.

There's no audio on this movie. Here is another class that covers much the same stuff. Although the use of "clear" isn't really addresses

SOFT6008 Class 22 WEB

Students continued coding the checksum exercises.

SOFT6008 Class 23 COM

Students continued coding the checksum exercises.

SOFT6008 Class 22 COM

Students continued coding the checksum exercises.

Some students graduated to tackling cookies, but not many.

SOFT6008 Class 21

Since students didn't like the fill in the blanks exam we saw last week, we had a mock closed book exam in class, where students were given the DNI Checksum calculation and asked to write the code from scratch.

Students should use this experience to figure out what gaps are in their knowledge, how much they can remember off the tops of their heads, and what do they need written down. For the actual exam each student will be permitted to bring one A4 sheet of notes containing anything the student chooses.


Friday, October 19, 2012

SOFT6008 Code

Looking at the solutions to the checksum exercises I noticed that for the PPSN and ISBN (old) a number of students use separate variables because they need to count up and count down at the same time. A cleverer solution figures out the relationship between the loop counter and the other variables, so that only one variable is required.

So if you got those working, try to make them excellent.

If they are giving you trouble, just go for working. And maybe think about it later.

In reality many Spaniards separate the check letter from the number with a -. You could consider accounting for this also.

If you are forcing the user's input to be uppercase, you might want to keep a copy of what they actually entered so that when it comes to giving feedback you can output exactly what they input.

Trivia Quiz:
156478214X was an Irish clue in which riddle?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

COMP6023 Week 04 Post

If there were errors in your original Week 04 post you should correct them. Otherwise you won't benefit from the extension.

SOFT6008 Class 20 DWEB COM

We looked some more at cookies. There's a slight complication that needs to be accounted for in the code.

At around half past the hour I gave out a sample exams. This is the kind of exam I have thinking of having on Thursday 08 November. However many students struggled with his format, so I might have another think about it. But the exam will be on the 8th, whatever it looks like.

COMP6023 Essays

The opportunity to submit a first draft of the paper has no passed. Students submitting drafts to TurnItIn should now submit to "Essay Draft 2". The opportunity to submit a second draft is open until October 30.

Even if you are not submitting it might be an idea to log into TurnItIn to make sure that you can see the class, rather than leaving it to the last minute.

Students who have yet to select an essay topic and post the choice to the blog, should do so soon. Some time in the future I will randomly assign essay titles to students who have not made a choice. 

COMP6023 AdSense problems

Some students had problems signing up for AdSense because their applications were rejected. If you were one of those students, please forward me the e-mail from Google.

COMP6023 Class 20

We looked at GIF, JPEG,  PGN and how they work. I outlined some of the main differences and when one should be used in preference to another.

We will have to look at GIF in more detail.

SOFT6007 Class 20 ITM

Students continued coding the imagemaps. I recommended that students tackle the sample exam I gave out the other day so that I could tell them if they were doing OK.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

COMP6023 Week 05 suggestions

Students who want to earn more than the minimum marks for Week 05 may want to consider some of the follow options

find and link to
  • interesting patents
  • interesting or unusual trademarks
  • interesting court cases (e.g Walsh Family Foods Limited Spice Burger cases)
express opinions music downloading

express opinions on intellectual property

download some of the work of "GirlTalk" and imagine you are the Judge in a case against him. What would you decide? Is it Fair Use? Is it the musical equivalent of a collage?