Monday, November 5, 2012

SOFT6008 Class 30 DWEB

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 Class 31 COM

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 Class 30 COM

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6007 Assessment 1 results

The results of Assessment 1 are now available online. You can find your own result using the last 4 digits of your ID number.

The average mark was 51% (including 4 who didn't sit). The chart above show the distribution of the marks (excluding 4 who didn't sit).

Any mark below 100% for this exam should be cause for disappointment, as it was a good opportunity to get some marks in the bank. Any mark below 70% should be cause for concern.

SOFT6008 Class 29 DWEB COM

We looked at the Mr. Spud Head examples. A variation of these could be used to display selected pizza toppings in Assignment 2.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

SOFT6008 canceled today

COMP6023 Class 28

I wasn't feeling well so I didn't put on much of a show.

I asked students to pair up and tell each other about the essay topic they had chosen, and the approach they were going to take.

SOFT6007 Class 28 ITM

I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't put on much of a show. Students started work on Assignment 2

I advised students that the specification for Assignment 2 was available online --->

I asked students to sign up to Dropbox and to create a folder called SOFT6007-Joe.Bloggs and to share it with me

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

COMP6023 Class 25 & 26

We went through the Photoshop needed for Assignment 2. Students with laptops experimented with the different settings, and I talked a bit about the kinds of commentary that might accompany the data

SOFT6007 Shopping List

Things we have yet to cover in class

Posh horizontal list layout
background images


SOFT6007 Class 27 & 28 WEB

I advised students that the specification for Assignment 2 was available online --->

I asked students to sign up to Dropbox and to create a folder called SOFT6007-Joe.Bloggs and to share it with me


SOFT6007 Class 25 ITM DWEB

We had an in-class exam.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

COMP6023 CRN 15762

The CRN for this module has finally arrived. It's 15762. Please check that you are registered.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

COMP6023 Essay Choices

Some students have yet to choose an essay topic. I will make the choice for those students soon, if they don't take any action.

SOFT6008 Class 24 COM DWEB

We looked at validating a form and sending its data off to a server.

We also talked a little bit about both assessments. however the spec for Assessment 2 has not been released just yet.

COMP6023 Updates to the Assigment Specifications

I feel the need to modify the assignment specifications in light of events and student concerns.

Google AdSense
Students must attempt to sign up for Google AdWords. Failed attempts must be documented by forward the refusal e-mail or screen shot to Colin. Students who successfully sign up won't get any more marks than those who don't, and will have to settle for huge ad revenues by way of reward.

Public vs. Private
Students who are concerned about their privacy may post an appropriate picture to their profiles in lieu of a picture of themselves.

Students who don't want to post personal information publicly, shouldn't post personal information.

As a last resort students may make their blogs visible only to Colin and the other students in the class. Doing so will not affect their final mark, although it will obviously have an impact on traffic.

Essay Drafts
Seeing as I said students "should" submit drafts, that task is optional. But submitting a draft would be a very good idea.

However even when prefaced by a "should" I think it was very clear that not submitting by the deadline will cost marks. The standard CIT late penalties will apply.

Own Work
The work submitted must be the student's own work.

I think that covers everything we discussed up to now. If I do give you an exemption from meeting any of the minimum requirements be sure to insist that I note it here.

COMP6023 Class 24

We talked a little bit more about podcasting.

I showed students how to generate a custom newsfeed based on keywords at the NPR site. This is very powerful since listeners can receive programme segments on subjects that interest them.

Here's a podcast feed about Ireland and one about Cloud. But of course the cloud one can't distinguish between cloud computing and weather talk. is like Pintresting for audio files.

We looked the various tools one might use to record a podcast and saw how audio can be edited. Sample Getting the levels correct is the most important thing

I talked about software post-production noise removal. It works well in certain situations. Here's an example.

COMP6023 Interesting Facebook article