Wednesday, February 26, 2014

COMP6021 Class 18

the one with the LZW

We looked at Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding.

Students worked on an LZW exercise. The answer was Ando Masahashi

I did a Huffman coding question on the board from a past exam paper.

COMP6023 DOM1B Classes 19 & 20

Students worked on generating the GIF data required for Assignment 2.

COMP6023 ITM1 Classes 19 & 20

Students worked on Assignment 2 by saving the images as GIFs with different numbers of colours, with and without dithering.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

COMP6023 DNET1 Classes 19 & 20

Students saved the GIF images they needed for Assessment 2.

COMP6021 Class 17

the one with the Huffman coding

We began our look at compression. We discussed lossy vs. lossless compression. we took a look at Run Length Encoding, Difference Coding, and Huffman Coding.

COMP6023 DWEB1/ITM1 Class 18

We looked some more at SEO and I showed students Google Analytics data from my blog.

(We got up to Slide 64)

[No recording of this class because I can't record classes back to back]

COMP6023 DWEB1/ITM1 Class 17

We began our look at SEO.

Monday, February 24, 2014

COMP6023 DCOM1 Class 17

We looked at Search Engine Optimization.

We stopped at Slide 37

COMP6023 DNET1/COM1c Class 17

We looked at Search engine Optimization (SEO)

Stopped at slide 41

Friday, February 21, 2014

COMP6021 Week 05 Preview

Next week we will begin our look at compression algorithms.

I expect we will see
  • Run Length Encoding
  • Relative Coding
  • Variable Length Codes
  • Huffman Coding
  • Lempel-Ziv-Welch Coding
but that might be asking a lot for one week

COMP6021 Online lesson on Compression

Students should watch this video in advance of the next class.

There's a downloadable higher quality version here.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

COMP6023 Review of Week 04 / Preview of Week 05


This was a slow week I felt. We didn't do much technically, although maybe the conversations about privacy were worthwhile.

Hopefully those students who need to work on their writing skills are aware of that now.

Students should complete the NewsU online course and post some thoughts on that for the blog this week. Quite a number of students have yet to complete the course. Failure to do so by Sunday evening will very likely cost students some marks. We will return to some of the issues covered by the NewsU course later in the module.


Next week we will begin our look at Search Engine Optimization(SEO) in earnest.

I won't be able to make the DNET1/COM1c class on Tuesday at 1400 as I have a meeting I must go to.

For next week's blog post students must write a book review. (And not the book of the movie  reviewed last week)

COMP6023 DCOM1 Class 14

I asked students to consider the privacy issues they had identified in the past, and see if they could classify and group them into 5 or 6 categories.

This was probably the most interesting class I've given this academic year so far. And allI had was a marker. I wonder is there something to be said for going commando and leaving the laptop in my office.

COMP6021 Class 16 Tutorial

This was a tutorial class. In general, for tutorials students must bring the questions. However I gave the students some UTF-8 coding/decoding exercises. I think everyone has got it now.

Attendance at tutorials will be optional. But attendance is recommended.

COMP6023 DWEB1 Class 15 & 16

I met with each student and discussed any language issues in the blog posts that needed to be addressed.

Class Recordings will Stop Soon

Making recordings of classes is becoming increasingly difficult and time consuming with the hardware I have. My machine is so slow that I'm not able to record to classes back to back anymore. My ability to properly record sound is starting to fail.

It's a pity that my experiments in putting classes online should end for money reasons. A lot of potential value is added to my teaching by making classes available online. It's hard to put a precise money value on it. But given how much I cost the taxpayers in a year, even a 1% increase in added value would justify the price of a new laptop every year.

The saddest part though is that it makes me feel like my efforts are not valued.

I'll continue to muddle through. But students should expect fewer classes to be available online from now on. Recordings from previous years will still be available. So they may be useful in filling in any gaps.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

COMP6021 Classes 14 & 15

Today's classes are canceled.

I'm not feeling well so I'm going home.

COMP6023 DCOM1b Classes 15 & 16

I met with each student and discussed any language issues in the blog posts that needed to be addressed. Students are free to make corrections until the posts are actually assessed. (That will probably be at the end of Week 05)

COMP6023 ITM1 Class 15 & 16

Photoshop is working in C134x now, so students worked on the JPEG images for Assessment 2.

I met with each student and discussed any language issues in the blog posts that needed to be addressed. Students are free to make corrections until the posts are actually assessed. (That will probably be at the end of Week 05)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

COMP6023 DNET1 Classes 15 & 16

Students worked on their blogs. Some took the NewsU course today. 

I met with each student and identified some issues with grammar and spelling that needed to be addressed.