Wednesday, October 28, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 07.2 & 07.3 W

Students worked on coding checksums

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Monday 27 October a holiday in Ireland.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

SOFT6007 Class 06.4 W

Nobody turned up to class

SOFT6007 Class 06.2 & 06.3 & 06.4 N

I asked students to look at the spec for the assignment so that I could answer any questions they might have.

We looked at JavaScript and I talked students through the Coin Toss & Dice Game examples.  I asked students to take a look at the code and made sure they understand it.

Students who understand the code should be able to extend it to make a slot machine.

Everybody left after two hours.

Slides: 2015-JS01b.pdf

SOFT6007 Assignment Spec update

I emailed an update of the spec to all students. The updated spec does not require a JavaScript game to be included.

SOFT6007 Slot machine images

These might be useful for the slot machine exercise:

SOFT6007 Class 06.2 & 06.3 W

I asked students to look at the spec for the assignment so that I could answer any questions they might have.

We looked at JavaScript and I talked students through the Coin Toss & Dice Game examples.  I asked students to take a look at the code and made sure they understand it.

Students who understand the code should be able to extend it to make a slot machine.

Slides: 2015-JS01b.pdf

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SOFT6008 Attendance Week 06

Attendance for Week 06 was 45%

SOFT6008 Class 06.2 & 06.3 B

Students worked on coding checksum calculations for the assignment

SOFT6008 Class 06.4

We looked at different ways to code the Luhn algorithm.

We looked at EAN, ISBN, and PPSN algorithms

Audio: SOFT6008-06-4-20151021.mp3

SOFT6008 Assessment 1 Results

The results of assessment 1 are here sorted by the last 4 digits of your ID number.

I was disappointed by the results. A number of students have not yet mastered be very basics.  These students need to go back to the very start of the course and work forwards from there.

SOFT6008 Class 06.3 A

Students worked on coding the checksums.

Only three students came to class

SOFT6008 Class 06.2 & 06.3

Students worked on coding checksum validations.  Most are still working on the credit card. We will look at that in the lecture today.

Monday, October 19, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 06.1 W

Students worked on coding the credit card checksum.  Many students are weak programmers and are struggling with the logic.

SOFT6008 Class 06.1 B

Students worked on coding various checksums.

Attendance was poor

SOFT6007 Class 06.1

We looked at how to do a three column layout in CSS.

It was very slow because the machine in the room was not cooperating. I will go over it again in the labs.

SOFT6008 Class 06.1 & 06.2 A

Students worked on coding various checksums.

Attendance was poor

Thursday, October 15, 2015

SOFT6007 Class 05.4 W

We looked at using Google Fonts to add an interesting font to the page.

SOFT6007 Classes 05.2 05.3 05.4 N

05.2 I asked students to experiment with different CSS properties. We looked at the font property shorthand again and I asked students to experiment with that. I asked students to experiment with relative sizes using em

05.3 We looked at classes and IDs and I asked students to colour code their timetables using classes

05.4 We used Google Fonts to add an interesting font to the page

SOFT6007 Class 05.2 & 05.3 W

05.2 I asked students to experiment with different CSS properties.
We looked at the font property shorthand again and I asked students to experiment with that. 
I asked students to experiment with relative sizes using em

We looked at classes and IDs and I asked students to colour code their timetables using classes