Monday, November 9, 2015

SOFT6007 Class 09.1

We looed at digital representations of colour. We looked at HSB & RGB

Students might enjoy this RGB game

SOFT6008 Class 09.1 & 09.2 A

Students worked on the assignment. Many are finished Part A

Thursday, November 5, 2015

SOFT6008 Classes 08.2 & 08.3 & 08.4 N

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6007 Class 08.2 & 08.3 W

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 Exam 25 November

We will have a 1-hour exam at 1300 on 25 November.

This will be a closed book exam. No bags, notes, phones, pencil cases, nor calculators will be allowed in the exam hall.

Students may use pen or pencil, but sharing of rubbers will not be allowed.

Students must bring their ID cards with them.

Please arrive early so that we can start on time.

SOFT6007 Exam 23 November

We will have a 1-hour exam at 1200 on 23 November. The exam will be on JavaScript.

This will be a closed book exam. No bags, notes, phones, pencil cases, nor calculators will be allowed in the exam hall.

Students may use pen or pencil, but sharing of rubbers will not be allowed.

Students must bring their ID cards with them.

Please arrive early so that we can start on time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 08.4

We talked briefly about Part A of the assignment.

We looked at the Mr. Spud Head example and the T-Shirt example.

We began our look at cookies. Slides 2015-JS03d.pdf

audio SOFT6008-08-4-20151104.mp3

If you are interested you can read more about he privacy implications of cookies at

SOFT6008 Class 08.3 A

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 Assignment Part A

I have put some text values on the blog and clarified a few things about the requirements.

SOFT6008 Classes 08.2 & 08.3 W

Students worked on the assignment. Progress is slow but steady.

SOFT6008 Deadline extension

The deadline for Part A of the Assignment (checksums) has been extended to Noon on Friday 13 November

Monday, November 2, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 08.1 W

Students worked on code for the assignment.

SOFT6007 Class 08.1

We had an exam.

SOFT6008 Class 08.1 & 08.2 A

Attendance in class was good today, but I was disappointed to learn that many students are only starting work on the assignment now.

I had to leave early to be in place for an exam with another class.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

SOFT6007 JavaScript re-cap

If you missed the classes on JavaScript last week, this video might go some way to filling in the gaps in your knowledge. (If you're in a hurry skip to 19:00)

SOFT6007 Classes 07.2 & 07.3 & 07.4

Students worked on the assignment.

I saw little evidence that students who missed the classes on JavaScript last week had adressed the gaps in their knowledge in the meantime.

SOFT6007 Classes 07.2 & 07.3

Students worked on the assignment.

I saw little evidence that students who missed the classes on JavaScript last week had adressed the gaps in their knowledge in the meantime.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

SOFT6008 Classes 07.2 & 07.3 B

Students worked on coding checksums. 

Attendance was poor

SOFT6008 Class 07.4

We looked at some more checksum calculations for user inout validation and I talked a bit about how one might code them.

When discussing the PPSN I drew students' attention to the relationship between the loop counter (n) and the multiplier.


The multiplier is 8-n

When discussing the henkilötunnus I wasn't clear on whether the start of the list of check letters was considered 0 or 1. It's 0. So 311280-999J is a valid henkilötunnus.
I have updated the slides so this is clearer.

SOFT6008 Class 07.3 A

Students worked on coding checksums.

Attendance was poor