Wednesday, November 18, 2015

SOFT6008 Cookies

Don't forget that cookies won't work locally in Safari or Chrome. You have to use Firefox. 

SOFT6008 Class 10.2 & 10.3 B

Attendance was very poor. Students worked in the assignment. 

Students didn't want to see my Photoshop party pieces because they have finished making their images for the assignment. 

SOFT6008 Class 10.4

No one brought any questions so I gave students a sample exam to work through. For the second half hour of the class I talked students through a solution and we discussed different options. 

I emailed the sample to everyone later on

SOFT6008 Class 10.3 A

I showed students a few useful tricks in Photoshop

SOFT6008 Classes 10.2 & 10.3 W

Students worked in the assignment. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 10.1 W

Students worked on the assignment.

I have requested that Photoshop be installed in IT2.1 since we don't have labs in the locations where its is already installed.

SOFT6008 Class 10.1 B

Students worked on the assignment.

There was no Photoshop in the lab so I said I would show students a few tricks in the next lab. However it seems that most students already have done their images, so there may be no need. We'll see.

SOFT6007 Class 10.1

We looked at Intellectual Property (although we didn't get beyond Copyright)

We might continue that conversation next week, or we might move on to something else.

SOFT6008 Class 10.1 & 10.2 A

Students worked on the assignment.

I showed students a few useful part tricks in Photoshop

Thursday, November 12, 2015

SOFT6007 Class 09.4 W

I talked about the Lab and CMYK colour systems, and the differences between GIF, JPEG, & PNG. Next week I hope to have a lab on image formats, provided I can get Photoshop installed in C123x

SOFT6007 Classes 09.2 & 09.3 & 09.4

Students worked on the assignment

I talked about the Lab and CMYK colour systems, and the differences between GIF, JPEG, & PNG. Next week I hope to have a lab on image formats, provided I can get Photoshop installed in C123x

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6007 Class 09.2 & 09.3 W

Students worked on the assignment.

SOFT6007 Class 10.2 & 10.3 N

Students worked on the assigment

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

SOFT6008 Classes 09.02 & 09.3 B

Only two students came to class.

SOFT6008 Class 09.4

I e-mailed students an outline of today's class in advance so they could decide whether or not it was worth coming. Most decided it wasn't.

We finished of the coding of cookies.

I explained how cookies are used to track people online and may students seemed genuinely horrified, although probably not enough to quite Facebook.

I spoke a bit about how to tackle the assignment. I might come up with a small example.

[As promised example is now online]

SOFT6008 Class 09.3 A

Students worked on the assignment.

SOFT6008 Class 09.2 & 09.3 W

Students worked on the assignment.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

SOFT6007 Class 08.4 W

Attendance was very poor. In fairness, everyone I met in CIT this week seemed a bit tired. Me too.

Monday, November 9, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 09.1 W

Students worked on the assignment. Most I spoke to were still working on Part A

SOFT6008 Class 09.1 B

Students worked on the assignment.

We had to evacuate due to a fire alarm. Some of us found ourselves in C128 where we carried on. Sorry if we lost you in the commotion.

Most students I spoke to are finished Part A, and the others are nearly there. But I've no idea who those I haven't seen are doing.