Friday, February 5, 2016

COMP8035 Class 01.3

There was a problem with the computer so that delayed us.

I talked about paragraph structure and the importance of a good clear topic sentence in each paragraph.  We looked and some examples and I gave students an exercise.

I gave some tips on giving presentations.  I didn't get to finish on the so we will continue with that in the next class.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

COMP6023 What is a Blog?

This video is a quick introduction to blogs.

This site has some more detailed information.

COMP6023 Web Publishing Class 01.1

I introduced myself and talked a bit about the module.  I went through the module descriptor.  I outlined the assessment plan for this module.  I will e-mail a detailed spec to students soon.

I showed students the (this) blog for the class.  There will be links to all notes and slide here.  There won't be anything on Blackboard.

We finished up early.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

COMP8035 Spec update

I e-mailed v.2 of the spec. If you didn't get it, e-mail me so we can figure out why.

COMP8035 Classes 01.1 & 01.2

I talked about the assessment and how it would work.  We agreed to try for three presentations in each 2-hour slot so we can finish with those earlier.

I explained to students who to get IEEE and ACM papers using the library's online database and outlined the importance of using good sources.  Students did searches for papers relating to their topics.

Monday, February 1, 2016

COMP6023 DCOM1 Week 01 schedule

There will be no lab this Tuesday. 

On Wednesday all TUI members will be on strike so there will be no classes at all on that day. 

Our first class will be on Thursday. See you then. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

COMP8035 Assignment Specification

Today I e-mailed all registered with details of the assignments for this module.

Students should choose a presentation topic right away and start work it, Especially those students presenting in Week 03. We will pin down actual dates when the timetable is finalised.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

SOFT6007 Late Submissions

If you did not successfully upload your assignment to Blackboard before the deadline it is late. 5.5 marks will be deducted from your overall grade.

The next deadline is Friday 11 Dec at noon.

Remember to run your pages through the validator and to submit your files as a single .ZIP file.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

SOFT6007 Class 12.4 W

Students worked on the assignment. Attendance was poor

SOFT6008 CA Results


There provisions results for the CA so far are here

Please note that these results are provisional. The may be revised upwards or downwards slightly.

SOFT6007 Classes 12.2 & 12.3 & 12.4

I wasn't there for the first hour. I was in a meeting that ran over.

I asked students to run their pages through the validator.

Students worked on that.

SOFT6007 Class 12.2 & 12.3

Attendance was poor.

I asked students to run their pages through the validator.

Students worked on that.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 12.4

We didn't have a lecture this week.

That conclude our business.

Good luck with the assignment and with the assessments for your other modules.

SOFT6008 Classes 13.2. & 13.3 B

Nobody turned up to class.

SOFT6008 Class 12.3 A

Attendance was poor.

Students worked on the assignment.

SOFT6008 Classes 12.2 & 12.3

Attendance was poor.

One student worked on the assignment and the others worked on stuff for another module.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

SOFT6008 No lecture tomorrow, but labs as usual

We won't have any lecture tomorrow at 1. I don't really have anything to add.  We will have all the labs as usual though, so if you have any questions you can come along to your lab.

If you are struggling you may want to more of the labs.
0900 IT2.1
1000 IT2.1
1100 C128
1600 C128
1700 C128

Between 1200 and 1600 if you camp out in C218 I will be popping in from time to time.

The deadline is noon on Friday. 
It's Friday 11 Dec

Monday, November 30, 2015

SOFT6007 CA results so far

The CA results so far are available here.

The results are sorted by the last 4 digits of your ID number.

45% of the marks for the module have now been allocated. The remaining 55% are for the assignment.

SOFT6008 Class 12.1 W

Only four students came to class. They worked on the assignment.

SOFT6008 Class 12.1 B

Students worked on the assignment