Friday, September 30, 2011

CMOD6001 DWEB1 Class 09

I talked a little bit about brainstorming, and each group had a brainstorming session around a particular topic.

I gave out 2 handouts on brainstorming



Thursday, September 29, 2011

SOFT7001 Class 06

We looked at a simple 3-column layout. I asked student to code a simple 3-colum layout of their own from scratch.

We looked at how the adapts its style to page width. This is the kind of thing we would hope to do eventually.

Don't worry! We will be going back to all those tricky selectors.

CMOD6001 ITM/ITS Class 09

Only 15 students showed up so it didn't make sense to put students into their project groups.

I talked briefly about how to have a good brain storming session. Students imagined that they had a paper or presentation to prepare on the topic of illegal music downloads, and they had a brain storming sessions in groups of 5.

CMOD6001 DNET/DCOM Class 08

I pointed out that someone left their dirty coffee cup behind them last week. I asked the students with coffees to put them in the bin. One left, rather than do so. When the other student didn't bin his, I asked him to go too.

I asked students to get into their groups and devise a scheme for dealing with group members who aren't pulling their weight.

Groups should post their proposal to the group blog by the end of the week

Another student arrived with coffee to 0925. When he refused to put it in the bin, I asked him to leave.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We looked at Google Docs. I started a story, shared it with the class, and we worked on it all at the same time.

I showed students how to set up a group blog.

Elective Choices

Students received an e-mail from the registrar's office requesting them to specify their elective choices. First year student should not have got this. No action is required.

CMOD6001 DWEB Class 08

Students got into their project groups - for the first time it seems.

I asked groups to devise a policy for dealing with team members that are not pulling their weight. Groups should post this policy to the group blog by the end of the week.

I will publish a policy in due course.

I showed students how to create a new blog and modify the permissions


A number of students have applied for RPLs for this module. We discussed how their sudden departure from a group might affect the other members. There were some suggestions for how to deal with that. Since the project work hasn't started in earnest we will hold off for now. But anyone considering an RPL application should get it sorted as soon as possible.

I asked students to get into their groups and discuss how they would deal with team members who were not pulling their weight. [It's not up to them, by the way]. Groups should post their policies to the group blog by the end of the week.

Some groups were clearly meeting for the first time.

I distributed the job exercise to students who didn't have it already.

audio: cmod6001-itm-08-20110928.m4a

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SOFT7001 Class 05

Still in section 8 of the W3 specification

I asked students to get to grips with sibling combinators
div + p
h1 ~ div
We looked at psuedo classes
a:link    /* unvisited links */
a:visited /* visited links */
a:hover   /* user hovers */
a:active  /* active links */ 
6.6.3 :lang
6.6.4 not for us
:nth-child is very complicated. I doubt we'll use it
:first-child is very useful 
6.6.6 nothing for us
6.6.7 nothing for us
7.1 ::first-line 
7.2 ::first-letter
7.3 nothing for us
7.4 nothing for us

CMOD6001 COM1 Class

I recapped on what students were expected to have done so far.

I asked student to get into their project groups. Today was the first time most did that. Still no word on the Finnish group members.

I asked the groups to
decide which group member was going to set up the group blog
suss out if anyone has a device that can be used for Skype

I asked the groups to devise a proposed procedure for dealing with members who are not pulling their weight. Groups should post their recommendations to the blog by the end of this week. There will eventually be one set of rules for every group.

CMOD6001 COM1 Lab A

We looked at Google docs and how to share them. We all worked on a story together. And we all lived happily ever after


I showed students how Google Docs worked. Students couldn't try it for themselves though because the IDP server was down and they couldn't get authenticated.


We looked at Google Docs and I got students to all work together on a single document.

Monday, September 26, 2011

SOFT7001 Class 04

I couldn't get my computer connected to the projector, so that wasted some time. Hopefully we will find out groove soon. The new room is a vast improvement, projector or no

I asked students to codes pages with combinator selectors, and child selectors to demonstrate that they know how they work, Specifically these three forms

  • h1 em  (descendant)
  • body > p (child)
  • div * p (grand child or deeper) 
Went around to each student. They are still finding their feet a bit, but I think those three things are OK now.

    CMOD6001 ITM Lab ITS

    We looked at Google Docs and how to share documents. We all collaborated a single document and tried to write a story. It didn't go very well but it was fun and illustrated how the technology works, if not the technique

    CMOD6001 Bespoke Award Assignment (a.k.a. The Job Exercise)

    Each student has been given a job description.

    Imagine that this particular job is the job that you want.

    Find out
    • What technical skills are required for the job
    • What non-technical / soft skills are required for the job
    • What do all those technical terms mean *
    • What modules at CIT should you take to get those skills
    • Which modules provide which skills
    • What kind of modules should you take, but are not offered at CIT

    * Actually find out, understand, and explain in your own words. A copy & paste won't do

    Students should publish the results of their investigations to their blogs by the end of week 5. It's week 3 now.

    During Week 6 I will ask students to briefly outline their findings in class. Students who are not present in class when called upon will receive a very low mark. Students who are called upon to present will be marked based on their ability to answer questions on the day and their blog. Students who are not called upon will be marked on the blog alone. There is unlikely to be time to call on every student over the course of the week, but that might be possible. Each student will be asked once. Students who are no present on the day will not be provided a second opportunity.

    CMOD6001 COM1 Class 07 Lab B

    We looked at google docs and how to share and collaborate on documents