Thursday, September 22, 2011

CMOD6001 ITM Class 05

I explained pass by compensation and carry fail.

I told students that the last person in each project will be a student from IUT Lannion in France.

We will pin down the project details later

audio: cmod6001-itm-05-20110922.m4a


We looked at some module descriptors to understand what there terms mean. And I discussed what would be expected for this module.

I explained RPL and how it works

Someone brought a cup of coffee to class but I left it go. However he didn't even bother to put it in the bin when he was finished. No food and drinks are allowed in class, except for bottled water.

Attendance was only about 50%. That's discouraging for week 2

audio: cmod6001-dnet-04-20110922.m4a

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CMOD6001 DNET/DCOM Class 03 lab

Students set up blogs at

CMOD6001 DWEB1 Class 04

Only about half of the class turned up.

I put students into groups.

I very quickly ran through blogger for the students in DWEB1-B who haven't had a lab yet. Every students is expected to make at least one blog entry per week Students who have't already done so should e-mail me the URL of their blog soon.

I asked studenst to discuss why they are at college and we did an exercise

no audio. turn up to class!

CMOD6001 ITM Class 04 ITM

I put students into their project groups. Some students moved classes so I will re-assign them to other groups. Others have no group.

We talked about why people come to college. I gave out an exercise sheet and asked students to discuss it in their groups.

audio: cmod6001-itm-04-20110921.m4a

SOFT7001 Class 02 - Cancelled

No class today. I have to go to a meeting.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

SOFT7001 Class 01

We looked at the module descriptor and I explained what this module was and wasn't. Since a number of students are taking this an an elective I explained what the pre-requisites were.

I asked students to construct a simple web page with some tags and to change the color of the text using a linked style sheet. The students present were able to do that, so I figure they know enough CSS to proceed with this module.

I gave out a handout. I had enough for all but one student. It was a copy of (most of)

Students with laptops should being them to the class in PF54. There is no prospect of doing anything productive there otherwise. I have requested a room change.

DWEB2 students are automatically registered for this module. Other students need to register. The CRN for this module is 22517.  I would like these students to also e-mail their names to me.

 audio: soft7001-01-20110920.m4a

CMOD6001 COM1 Class 02

We talked about the appeals process and Erasmus is the Erasmus co-ordinator for the dept. of Computing

audio: cmod6001-com1-02-20110920.m4a

CMOD6001 COM1 Lab A

Students set up blogs at

Students will be expected to make at least one blog entry in English per week.

I gave out number job ads. Details later

RPL for Languages

When I spoke about RPL I said that student who just came from the leaving cert probably didn't have any experience that they could use for recognition for prior learning. However students who speak a language other than English many be able to apply for PRL for a module in that language.

You can look for language modules in the modules database at

There are modules for Irish, French, German, & Spanish.


Students set up blogs at Students will be expect to make at least one blog enrty per week.

CMOD6001 DWEB1 Lab A

I asked students to set up blogs at

Students will be expected to make at least one blog entry per week

Monday, September 19, 2011

DWEB1 Computer Architecture

John Creagh is no longer the lecturer for DWEB1 Computer Architecture


Students set up blogger accounts and started their blogs.

Students will be expected to make at least one entry per week for the duration of this module and all entries should be in English.

CMOD6001 laptops in project groups

I will be assigning students to project groups soon. I have noticed in that past that groups often like to work around a laptop. If you have a laptop are are likely to bring it to CIT please e-mail me and let me know. Just send an e-mail with laptop in the subject line. I will endeavor to put at least one laptop owner in each group.

CMOD6001 COM1 B Lab

Students set up blogger accounts and started their blogs.

Students will be expected to make at least one enrty per week for the duration of this module and all entries should be in English.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

CMOD6001 ITM Class 02

We talked about the examination appeals process and Erasmus.

The Erasmus coordinator for Computing is

audio: cmod6001-itm-02-20110915.m4a

DWEB1 Lab Groups

 A few students have changed lab groups

Wiktor    A
Padraig    A
Fearghal    A
Cian    A
Peter Desmond    A
Joseph    A
Eric    A
James Eoghan    A
Maire    A
Damien Patrick    A
Glenn    A
Calum    A
Sinead    A
Scott    A
Sophie Elizabeth    B
Darryl Matthew    B
Kevin    B
Aron    B
David    B
David    B
John Vincent    B
Dean    B
Conor    B
Steven    B
Douglas    A
Sarah    B
Patryk    B
Kevin    B
Caroline    B
Alex    B
Sean Patrick    B
Natalia Laura Olivia    B
Matthew    A

CMOD6001 DNET/DCOM Class 01

I talked about the appeals process and Erasmus.

The Erasmus coordinator for Computing is

I realize now though that I should have given a whole other talk, because this was actually our first lecture. I thought it was our second.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Student Induction on Friday at 1000

First year Student Induction is on Friday at 1000. Just go to your timetabled class, and someone will come get you. It should last about 2.5 hours.

Your 1100 & 1200 classes won't be taking place.

All First Year students must attend