Friday, November 6, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Submissions
Ahern, Marian
Dillon, Lisa
howie, laura
Lorcan D., Mc Cormac
Murray, lindsay
Nunan, Michelle
I have not checked for duplicate accounts. That may be another explanation.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Missing Results
There appear to be as many results as one might expect so it's not a simple matter of just missing a huge chunk. I don't have access to the results just now, but it looks like I have not used the last 4 digits, but rather the first four of the last five. So R00012345 shows up as 1234 rather than 2345.
I will check that and leave a note here. However, I think it would only add to the confusion were I to fix the mistake.
CMOD6001 Week 08 Class 2
Next milestone: The Plot with all the clues. Due Noon Wed 11 Nov.
PDFs preferred.
CMOD6001 Week 08 DNET Lab
CMOD6001 Week 08 Class 1
Group plug in the ceiling 2/4 members
Characters and plot done
Police report. Autopsy.
Just need to break clues up into a game
Team Actimel 3/4 members
Characters and plot done. Just need to do a small bit more tightening
Just need to distribute clues into a game.
Team Alpha Beta 1/4 present
Characters and back stories done. Working on distributing clues.
Sounds like this group needs more more clues.
Team untitled 3/4
Characters and back stories done. Plot not finished yet. Probably need
to get moving.
Team ???????
Police report done. Characters done. Still working on the plot. Looks
like a 1 man group at this stage. I don't know if this group is going
to succeed. I think this group is broken.
I talked about how the structure might work.
At 0935 there was time for each group to hold another meeting.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 4B
Some tried out their PPSNs and banknotes.
BBADM3 Web Apps Group Blogs
If you have a fantastic site map done by Friday, but have neglected to tell me where I can find it, the world will be considered late.
A number of students have yet to join a group.
BBADM3 Web Apps Essay Submissions
Flynn, Caitriona
O Connor, Barra
O Connor, Barra
Patricia E., O Brien
Michelle C., Murray
osborne, michael
rossiter, isabel
Aisling M., Carey
O Sullivan, Siobhan
O'Connor, Stephen
O'Leary, Julie
Ryan, Darragh
Murphy, Amanda
O Sullivan, Joan
Many more students have registered than have submitted. Don't forget to scroll down on the turnitin page and actually click submit.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Assignment 1 Results
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 4 A
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 2 B
Students uploaded drafs of their essays to turnitin just to check it was working and to get a feel for the plagiarism detection algorithm.
We discussed the project.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Standard CIT late policy applies.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 2 & 3 A
Students went to different websites to compare prices.
I helped students with turnitin issues.
Project using Publisher vs. hand
We had a long discussion about plagiarism. Some students are just not hearing me.
BBADM3 Web Apps Project
Microsoft Publisher: Students are free to use Publisher if they wish. Publisher is easy to use and provides templates that students can use. The main drawback is that pages look like they were made with published and it may be difficult to make the site do exactly what you want. Customizing the sites may prove difficult. Also if something goes wrong with Publisher there is not a lot I, nor anyone else, will be able to do about it.
Code by hand: Students will be provided with a template for a very basic site. They can customize the HTML and CSS to suit their own needs.
Students who chose to use Publisher should look at the template anyway, because it would be a very good learning exercise.
CMOD6001 Week 08 Lab DNET
I asked the groups to work on the plot, but one group said it was already done by they didn't have a copy.
Students might want to start using Google Docs. That way they can all have access to the work all the time.