To get some practice using the RGB system students can use a colour picker in a program like PowerPoint or play Colin's HTML Colour Picker Game(HTML5 Browser required)
Students may also be interested in the videos online.
If you successfully shared a dropbox folder with me you will fine a note from me in the folder. If you didn't do that then you need to take some corrective action.
If you uploaded your credit card code you will also find some feedback.
Students worked on coding the credit card validator. However many struggled so we went through it on the board and developed some (not-JavaScript) code.
Assessment 1 will be a written in-class exam in Week 05/06. The exam will take 60-70 minutes.
Students will be permitted to bring with them a single A4 sheet of notes. (not 2 single sheets stuck together)
COM2-B will have the exam at 1100 on Friday 18 October in C134
COM2-A will have the exam at 1000 on Monday 21 October in C128
DWEB2 will have the exam at 0930 on Wednesday 23 October in IT2.1
If you know you will be missing on the day of your exam please advise Colin in advance.