Wednesday, April 9, 2014

COMP6023 ITM1 Classes 43 & 44

Students worked on the assignments.

I gave feedback on Assignment 2 to those students who had something online already.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

COMP6023 DNET1/COM1c Class 42 SEO

We returned to the topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

COMP6021 Class 41 Tutorial

We had a tutorial but no students had prepared questions. I did answer some questions about questions.

COMP6023 DWEB1 Class 42 SEO

We returned to SEO.

COMP6023 DWEB1 Class 41 Trademarks and Trade Secrets

We looked at Trademarks and Trade Secrets.

Monday, April 7, 2014

COMP6021 Transparency

Interesting take on transparency

COMP6023 DCOM1 Class 41

Today's class was on Trademarks and Trade Secrets.

There was only one student in class today. He wasn't that interested, so I let him go.

In the next class we will return to Search Engine Optimization.

COMP6021 List of Slides & Videos

I have make a list of all the slides and videos with hyperlinks.

You can get it here

COMP6023 DNET1/COM1c Class 41

We looked at Trade Marks and Trade Secrets.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

COMP6021 Class 40

Today's tutorial is cancelled.

All subsequent classes will be tutorials. Students will be expected to come to class prepared.

COMP6023 DWEB1 Classes 39 & 40 Lab

Students worked on the assignments.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

COMP6021 Class 39 Lab

Students worked on the assignment.

COMP6021 Class 38

A guest lecturer from IUT Lannion gave a class on audio coding.

COMP6023 DCOM1b Classes 39 & 40 Lab

Students worked on the assignments. I gave some feedback to students who asked for it.

COMP6023 ITM1 Classes 39 & 40 Lab

Students worked on the assignments. I gave individual feedback to each of the students present.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

COMP6023 DNET1/COM1c Class 38 Erasmus @ Lannion

IUT Lannion

COMP6021 Class 37 Audio

the one with the audio

A guest lecturer from IUT Lannion gave a class on audio coding.

COMP6023 DWEB1/ITM1 Class 38

A lecturer from IUT Lannion gave a presentation on attending IUT on Erasmus.

COMP6023 DEWB1/ITM1 Class 37

I asked students to get into groups and to each to explain to the others what the chosen essay is about.