Tuesday, February 3, 2015

SOFT7008 Class 01.2

There were very few students in class. So rather than repeat everything next time, I decided I would post a video on how to set up PHP so that everyone can be up to speed for next week.

As of today there is no room timetabled for tomorrow's class. If it is there by tomorrow we will meet up. Otherwise I will see you again next week.

SOFT6008 Class 01.1

I spoke a bit a but JavaScrip and where it runs.

I outlined that the first 40% of the CA will be an in class written exam (date later) and the reaming 60% is a coding assignment.

We looked at two examples of dynamically building up a page using document.write ()
Time based greeting and New Orleans Random Image

There were quite a few very good questions. That makes me happy.

Slides: js01d.pdf

I stressed the importance of coming to class and working through the exercises. That's the best way to learn to program in JavaScript. Googling for solutions is less likely to result in success.

COMP8035 Class 01.1 Introductions

The module descriptor for this module is here

I gave a handout that outlined very briefly what the assessment for this module is going to look like. I gave a handout from wired.com about Predictions for 2015. We looked at those to see if there were any ideas worth looking in to some more.

By the end of Week 02 student will post to their blogs a list of 5 relevant twitter feeds worth following for this module and a brief description of what to expect from each feed.

I asked students sign-up to use Delicious.com and to tag pages relevant to this module with CIT-COMP8035

I will maintain a page of resources for this module and add to it from time to time.

I spent the bulk of the class discussing what the Written Report will look like.

Monday, February 2, 2015

SOFT7008 PHP Class 01.1

I introduced myself, but I had actually met most students before.

Only five students turned up and there wasn't a computer, so we didn't do a whole lot.

I emailed everyone in ITS2 and ITM2 about the module.

This is your recommended Free Choice module for this semester. This is a programming module.

You are free to choose a different free choice module, but it is very unlikely that you will find one that fits in with your timetable. If you are choosing a different one you should do so quickly.

The CRN for this module is in the e-mail I sent. Please register for it online.

The next class is Tuesday at 1400 in C169. Please attend.

This modules requires a web server and PHP server.  If you typically bring your laptop to college please bring it on Tuesday. Alternatively please bring a USB memory stick.

Monday, December 1, 2014

SOFT6007 This Week

I will be in the labs this week in case people have any questions or anothing they would like to go over.

But you are not exected to go unless you want to.

There will be no SOFT6007 lecture on Tuesday.

If I don't see you in the meantime good luck with your assessments and enjoy the break. If there were any modules that you struggled with this semester, do a bit of study during the break so that you are not behind when you come back.

SOFT6008 this week

I'm not expecting to see anyone this week. But I will be going along to the labs and class anyway, just in people have any questions or anything they would like to review.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

SOFT6008 COM2.B Class 43

Students worked on the assignment. I met with each student (that wanted to meet me) and identified some strategies for maximizing marks.

SOFT6007 ITM1 Class 44

Students worked on the assignment. There were only four students in class. I was expecting more.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

SOFT6008 COM2.B Classes 41 & 42

Students worked on the assignment. I thought there would be a bigger turn out.

SOFT6008 Class 44

We used the time for labs. Lots of brave students tackling cookies!

SOFT6008 COM2.A Class 43

We tacked cookies and most students wrote code to write the forename and surname to the cookies. Students will expected to take it form there themselves. But the recording of the 5 Nov class covers all that.

SOFT6008 DWEB2 CLASSES 42 & 43

Students worked on the assignment.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

SOFT6007 ITM1 Classes 42 & 43

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Classes 43 & 44

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6007 Class 41

We had an exam.

I have emailed the results.

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 42

Some students worked on the assignment, but most prepared for today's exam.

Monday, November 24, 2014

SOFT6008 Lecture -> Lab Wednesday

On Wednesday we will use the time for labs instead of a lecture as we did last week. I expect there will be room in C218 and C134x again.

As with last week, students are welcome to come to any of labs for which I am timetabled. The full list is below.

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 41

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 COM2.A Classes 41 & 42

Students worked on the assignment.

Very few students came to class, despite my advice.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

SOFT6008 Luhn Algorithm Original Specification

This is just in case you are interested. You can find the patent for the Luhn algorithm here. http://www.google.com/patents/US2950048