Wednesday, September 23, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 02.4

I spoke a little bit about how it's important to work though the examples rather than just finding one online and considering yourself done.

We looked at number inputs and range inputs in HTM5. And how to use onchange.

Everything we discussed is encapsulated in the phone cost calculator v3.

The issue of number v. string types in JavaScript came up again and we kind of concluded that I worry about that more than I should.

SOFT6008 Extra class

OK. So that didn't work out. I was late because I couldn't find the room. And then when I did find it there was no computer there. And I was missing a cable for mine. Just one of those days.

Apologies to those of you who took the time and effort to come along.

We will make up the time later in the semester.

SOFT6008 Class 02.3 A

I asked students to complete the slot machine and then to take a look at the call cost calculator in advance of class.

I appreciate that many of you were already done, but I keep to keep the various lab groups in sync for the moment.

I was a bit distracted today and didn't give you all the attention you deserved. Sorry about that.

SOFT6008 Class 02.2 & 02.3 W

I asked students to complete the slot machine and then to take a look at the call cost calculator in advance of class.

I appreciate that many of you were already done, but I keep to keep the various lab groups in sync for the moment.

I was a bit distracted today and didn't give you all the attention you deserved. Sorry about that.

Monday, September 21, 2015

SOFT6008 Extra lecture this week

Hi Guys

I have to be somewhere else on Wednesday 30 September at 1300 and so I can't make class.  So we will have an extra class this Wednesday at 1200 in A123L.

We will have class as usual following this at 1300 in C214.

We will have no lecture on Wednesday 30 September. But we will have all the lab classes as usual.

Interesting Videos about GIFs

Animated GIFs


SOFT6008 Class 02.1 W

I asked students to code a slot machines using the coins and dice examples as a model. It should give prizes for three of a kind and two of a kind. We will continue with this in the labs on Wednesday. But it should be completed by noon on Wednesday.

SOFT6008 Class 02.1 B

I asked student to finish off the slot machine by giving different winner messages for three of a kind and tow of a kind.

When students were finished they look at the call cost calculator.

SOFT6007 Class 02.1

I talked about how the origins of the Internet have an impact on how it works today.

I explained that http is just one of many protocols.

We followed the steps involved from clicking on a link to displaying a webpage.

I gave out a  handout on HTML entities. But we didn't discuss it.

SOFT6008 Class 02.1 & 02.2 A

Students worked on coding the slot machine with prizes for 3 of a kind and 2 of a kind.

Everybody got there in the end.

Well done!

Friday, September 18, 2015

SOFT6008 Week 01 Recap

In the lecture we looked at the Document Object Model and a number of examples using images and random numbers for simple games of chance.

Before the next lecture I expect student to have built a slot machine by extending the examples provided.

I may ask a few students to send me their working slot machine in advance of the lecture and ask them to talk us through it.

SOFT6007 Week 01 Recap

Good job guys!

I asked a lot of you in the labs this week, but I was keen for us to make a start. Don't worry if the Nested List was a bit tricky just give it some time over the weekend. The important thing about HTML is the structure. It's all about the structure.

Get used to using the validator at

We looked at
structure of a HTML document
strong and em [51]
links - a tag (relative & absolute paths) [77-84]
images - omg tag [99-100]
unordered lists [66]
ordered lists [65]
nested lists [68]

you can find more in the text book at the page [numbers] I've listed

Please find out about
Definition lists [67]

If you haven't got the nested list sorted please work on it over the weekend.

This video about using images in web pages might be useful.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

SOFT6007 Class 01.2 01.3 01.4 N

Order lists
Unordered lists
Nested lists

I gave students a nested list exercise but it was a bit tricky

SOFT6007 Class 01.3 & 01.4 W

We looked at
Links, relative paths
Lists, nested lists

I gave students an exercise on nested lists. But I think it was a bit soon for that. I think they need more time to digest it,

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 01.1 & 01.2 B

Introduction to JavaScript

Random image

I asked students to take the coins and dice examples and extend them to make a slot machine. 

SOFT6008 Class 01.4

I intriduced the DOM and explained how getElemenyById is used to mdoify the properties of elements on a page.

W3e looked at
coin toss

In the lab students will try to make a slot machine by modifying this code.

SOFT6008 Class 01.3 A

Another example of generating HTML on the fly using document.write
I asked students to add alt width and height tags. Students who were able to do that get what's going on. 

I mentioned ceil and floor as alternatives to round. 

SOFT6008 Class 01.2 & 01.3 W

Assessment plan

Introduction to JavaScript

Examples of generating HTML on the fly using document.write
I mentioned ceil and round as alternatives to round

Monday, September 14, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 01.1 W

Lab cancelled.  I will see you on Wednesday at 0900

SOFT6007 Class 01.1

I introduced myself, but didn't get to speak much about the module.

We had a guest talk by Roisin & Mary how outlined some of the supports available to students at CIT.