Monday, February 20, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 04.1

We began our look at copyright.  Todays class included the Statute of Anne, the Berne Convention, and of course Finian v Columba.  We asked the question what can be protected by copyright? We will go on to answer that in the next class.

Exam Questions:

1. Write a short note on each of the following cases:
Finian v Columba, (AD 567)
Millar v Taylor, (1769) 4 Burr. 2303; 98 ER 201
Hinton v Donaldson, SCS 1 July 1773
Donaldson v Becket, (1774) 2 Brown's Parl. Cases (2d ed.) 129
Phonographic Performance (Ireland) Ltd v Cody, [1998] 4 I.R. 504 at 511

2. Identify two objectives of the Berne Convention (1886)

COMP6032 Class 04.1

I postponed the exam that was scheduled for today. Nobody seemed to mind. I'll get back you all about that.

I gave a presentation on how to give a presentation. All very meta.

Friday, February 17, 2017

COMP6032 Lab 03 B

Nobody turned up so I went away. I guess last night was a party night.

update: I felt a bit guilty so I went back to check. A few students had turned up in the meantime. They worked on the PhotoShop Tools training exercise.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

COMP6032 Class 03.2

We looked at Gardner's multiple intelligences and Bloom's taxonomy and discussed the implications for trainers and learners.

LEGS8007 Classes 03.2 & 03.3

Part 02: Sources of Law

We looked at the sources of law in Ireland

We watched a video on US Law and compared the process to that in Ireland. It's largely the same except the President of Ireland has fewer powers.

Part 03: Justifications for Intellectual Property
I asked students to imagine we were starting a new colony and someone proposed that we should have Intellectual Property laws. What are the arguments for having such laws.

audio: LEGS8007-03-20170215c.mp3

Exam questions:

Describe the various sources of intellectual property law (copyright, trade marks, and parents) in Ireland.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

COMP8035 Class 03.1

The students said this was a busy week so we held off on the planned task for his week.

I gave out a hand out on structuring a paper.

I spoke a bit about the importance of having an explicit structure and organising principle.  We discussed each student's paper in turn and speculated on possible structures.

So this week's task is to write an outline for the paper.

It's probably time to commit to a topic one and for all now too.

COMP6032 Lab 03 A

Students continued working on the PhotoShop project.

Monday, February 13, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 03.1

Part 01: Property

This was our first class.

We discussed the nature of property and how it is dependent on law. We discussed the differences between intellectual property and tangible property and concluded that the are more aline than we thing, not because intellectual property is more tangible than we first thought, but because tangible property is actually itself quite ephemeral.  We also discussed how property rights are not absolute and can be justifiably constrained by the state.

audio: LEGS8007-01-20170213b.mp3

Essay Question:
Intellectual Property isn't really property. Discuss.

Next up: we will discuss the sources of law.

COMp6032 Class 03.1

We looked some more at cognitivism and then discussed constructivist views of learning. That concludes the learning theory part of the module. Upcoming classes will be less theoretical.

Friday, February 10, 2017

COMP8035 Class 02.2

I sent some feedback to students by e-mail earlier in the day.

I gave more detailed feedback to students who came to class.  Most of the students present seemed to be sorted for week 2's work.

COMP6032 Lab 02B

I showed students how to increase the size of an image of an icon without having it get too blurry by using the correct interpolation setting in Photoshop. It's a pity we didn't discover that trick sooner.

Students continued with the Photoshop tools presentation exercise.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

COMP6032 Class 02.2

We began looking at cognitivism.

We watched the Basketball video.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

COMP8035 Class 02.1

I asked students to decide on a topic for the research paper and to

  • write a short introduction to the topic
  • find 5 sources on the topic
  • read the sources
  • briefly summarise each source

Students may chose similar topics and the paper may evolve and become more focused over time. A starting point is all that is require for today.

I asked student to read The Promise of Augmented Reality from this week's Economist. It's an excellent example of a report on an emerging technology.

COMP6032 Lab 02A

I showed students how to increase the size of an image of an icon without having it get too blurry by using the correct interpolation setting in Photoshop.

Students continued with the Photoshop tools presentation exercise.

Some students who missed las week's lab had a bit of catching up to do.

Monday, February 6, 2017

COM6032 Class 02.1

We continued our look at behaviourist theories of learning. That took longer than I thought.

We will move on to cognitivism in the next class.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Intellectual Property Law

COMP8035 Week 01 Tutorial

I gave feedback based on the blog posts I had seen before class. The ones I saw were fine although some students needed to make some minor adjustments.

We decided on IEEE format for references.  Users of MS Word should figure out how to make the most of the built-in in referencing tools.

The tutorial classes will be optional for students (not for me), but it is a good chance to get feedback on progress and get help with individual issues.

COMP6032 Lab 01.B

I introduced students to Photoshop.

I asked students to get to grips with layers and how they work.

We looked at how to do a screen capture. I asked students to begin work on a PowerPoint presentation that explains what each of the Tools in the Photoshop Tools Palette does.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

COMP6032 Class 01.2

We looked at Behavourism (Pavlov & Skinner mostly)

We watched a video about rats.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

COMP8035 Week 01 Lab

I spoke about the assessment for the module.

I spoke a bit about using quality sources for research and gave out a list of journals available at CIT that I thought might be useful.

I asked students to
  • select two topics
  • find five articles about each one
  • write a blog post listing them
  • write a short comment on each topic
  • write a short note on each paper

and e-mail me the URL for the blog

We watched Black Mirror: Nosedive and spoke a bit about ratings culture. That would be an interesting topic to research.

The deadline for these tasks is 1800 on Friday