Tuesday, September 12, 2017

COMP9039 Unit 01

We will have our first live session on Thursday (14 Sep) starting at 1810.

On Thursday I plan to
Introduce myself
Discuss the syllabus
Discuss the material covered in the video
Answer any questions

If you could have all that done by Thursday lunchtime that would be great. Although I have put the questions up on Blackboard it might be simpler if you submit your responses to me by e-mail or add them as comments here: http://colinmcit.blogspot.ie/2017/09/comp9039-law-unit-01.html. The spam filter is turned on so comments won’t be public right away.

Please take the time to complete these exercises because they allow both you and me to confirm that you have a good grasp of the material. If, for example, I get poor answers on a particular area I can correct any misunderstandings or deficiencies.

If you already have questions and you can e-mail them to me in advance I may have a more through answer for you, but of course you are free to ask questions on the night too.

Some of you may have extensive experience of using Adobe connect already.  Please have some patience with those of us who are new to it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

COMP9039 Law Unit 01 Sources of Ethics & Morality

Unit 01: Sources of Ethics & Morality

Listen to the BBC Documentary "Would you kill the big guy?" Part 1 & Part 2

Please go to http://moralmachine.mit.edu and take part in the experiment.

I have generated some exercises for you that you can complete in Blackboard.  In case you can’t log in just yet, here are some exercises you can complete without Blackboard. But ideally you will submit your answers to Blackboard.

1. Find an example online of an supernaturalist argument against the use of a particular kind of technology. (You need not confine yourself to information technology)

Provide the link and a brief summary of the argument.

2. Find an example of a moral dilemma in popular culture (ideally TV/Film). What kind of logic does the character(s) use to deal with the dilemma?

3. Would you push the fat man? Why/Why Not?

4. What results did you get from http://moralmachine.mit.edu ?

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Good Luck

Good luck with your results, and if you are leaving CIT good luck with your plans for the future.

If I can be of help with anything please feel free to send me an e-mail.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 13.2

We had a Q& A session. There weren't many questions.  Mostly it was questions about questions.

Monday, May 8, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 13.1

We had a revision Q&A session

We will have another on Wednesday

Friday, May 5, 2017

COMP8035 Class 12.2

Nobody turned up

COMP6032 Week 12 Lab B

Nobody turned up.  Despite chronically poor attendance for this module, I expected some students in need of last minute help.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

COMP6032 Class 12.2

Monday 01 May was a holiday

One student came to say hello. But he was keen to leave and do something else.

LEGS8007 Classes 12.2 & 12.3

Monday 01 May was a holiday

Part 28 & 29

We looked at Patents. It was a bit rushed but we covered the key points and issues.  The classroom projector let us down but playing presentations from Apple's iCloud actually works.  My voice failed about 80 mins in.

I spoke a bit about the essays and the exam.

We will have a revision sessions on Monday and Wednesday of next week. However students will be expected to bring specific questions. Don't just up with nothing an expect me to do a party piece. Questions e-mailed in advance will get especially thorough answers.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

COMP8035 Class 12.1

Nobody in class today. But I have been in touch with everyone by e-mail anyway.

COMP6032 Week 12 Lab A

Students worked on the assignment.  There was no group with all of its members present.  I hope everyone is pulling their weight

Monday 1 May was a holiday

Friday, April 28, 2017

COMP8035 Class 11.2

No customers today

COMP6032 Week 11 Lab B

Two students came to class  (One arrived 1000).  Their team-mates were not present and both were interested in doing work for other modules.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

COMP6032 Class 11.2

Today's class had one student less than last week.

LEGS8007 Class 11.2 & 11.3

Part 26

We looked at the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)

Part 27

Each students got a UDRP case to analyse and present to the class.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

COMP8035 Class 11.1

I met with the students present and gave them feedback on their submissions

COP6032 Week 11 Lab

Only four students came to class. All four seemed to be doing work for other modules.

Monday, April 24, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 11.1

Part 25

We looked at Relative Ground for trademark refusal (EUTMR Article 8)

SuperMacs v McDonalds Case R0484/2016-1

COMP6023 Class 11.1

We looked at different approaches to delivery.