We will have our first live session on Thursday (14 Sep) starting at 1810.
On Thursday I plan to
Introduce myself
Discuss the syllabus
Discuss the material covered in the video
Answer any questions
If you could have all that done by Thursday lunchtime that would be great. Although I have put the questions up on Blackboard it might be simpler if you submit your responses to me by e-mail or add them as comments here: http://colinmcit.blogspot.ie/2017/09/comp9039-law-unit-01.html. The spam filter is turned on so comments won’t be public right away.
Please take the time to complete these exercises because they allow both you and me to confirm that you have a good grasp of the material. If, for example, I get poor answers on a particular area I can correct any misunderstandings or deficiencies.
If you already have questions and you can e-mail them to me in advance I may have a more through answer for you, but of course you are free to ask questions on the night too.
Some of you may have extensive experience of using Adobe connect already. Please have some patience with those of us who are new to it.