Monday, March 16, 2009

SOFT6008 List of Exercises

Here is a list of exercises we've done so far. Each student must complete each of these. I will come looking for them.

  • Time based image (eiffel tower)

  • Rollover/li>
  • Mobile phone bills (with visualization)

  • Money counter

  • Visual exchange rate

  • Cookies


SOFT6008 25

We discussed the specification for UCLOO.

Player starts with 100 CIT Pesos.

Player bets a stake on the oucome of 2 random cards.
A pair (e.g. Ace of Hearts and Ace of Spades) pays 3 times the stake. (e.g. player has 80 pesos. bets 10 pesos. wins. gets 30 pesos back. Now player has 100 pesos.)
A perfect pair (e.g. King of Spades and King of Spades) pays 12 times the stake.

There are 4 suits. You can use Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs or Southern European suits or you can be creative.

There are 3 cards per suit (Jack, Queen, King, for exmaple).

That means there are only 12 different cards in total.

SOFT6007 DECOM1 Web Dev 25

We started our look at JavaScript

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SOFT6007-DCOM1 Web Dev 24

Students were asked to make a colour chart in HTML with 30 colours. The chart should also display the HEX colour code.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SOFT6008 24

I missed the latest timetable change, and so turned up to class one hour late. Sorry about that guys. We're not having a great week.

Watch the timetable next week. Because I was told it was moving back again.

SOFT6008 22 & 23

{Monday 09 March 2009}

Colin wasn't feeling well so these two lab classes were cancelled.

SOFT6007-ITM LAb 06

Students worked on their frames exercise.


We had an in-class assessment.

No student stayed to continue class afterwards so we called it a night early.

Monday, March 9, 2009

SOFT6007 DCOM Web Dev 22 & 23

We looked at the CMYK and RGB color systems and the RRGGBB system for HTML.

{Colin wasn't feeling well so he left at 1540}

SOFT6008 21

Nothing special today. Students worked away on the various exercises. Some students have a lot of catching up to do.

SOFT6007-DCOM 21

We went through the correct solutions to last week's in-lab assessment.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

SOFT6008 20

Only three students in class today. They worked on the various JavaScript exercises.

The cookies exercise really needs to be done in the stages I outlined. Otherwise your head will explode.

SOFT6007 ITM Lab 05


USA Cities & Grid

Slides www3t.ppt

Monday, March 2, 2009


The in-class exam (30%) will be in September.

The deadline for the website (30%) is noon 14 August 2009. However the project must be approved by noon 01 May 2009. Students should propose ideas well in advance of this date. The maximum group size is 3 students.

The deadline for the written report(40%) is is noon 14 August 2009. However the paper topic must be approved by noon 01 May 2009. Students should propose ideas well in advance of this date.

No support will be available after 20 June 2009
. So students are advised to have their work at an advanced stage by then.


We looked how an image can be sliced and put back together in a table to make a navigation bar. Students make their own, using either an image of their choice or the hand image to slice. Or use an image of your own.

We saw how to upload a webpage with images to a hosting service so that the rest of the world can see it. index.html. case sensitive!!!!

Some students who were catching up worked on imagemaps. That was unfortunate because some students got confused between slicing and imagemaps. That was my fault. I must make that clearer in future.

There will be an in-class assessment next Monday.

SOFT6008 18 & 19


SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 18 & 19


SOFT6008 17

We looked at some more JavaScript. Arrays, function

SOFT6007-DCOM Web Dev 17

We looked at how tables can be used to improve the layout of a webpage.