Monday, November 25, 2013

SOFT6008 Class 41

I started the class with a Q&A session, but no body had any questions.

We looked at the rest of the tile game.

I reminded students to verify that they are able to submit the assignment using Blackboard.

We finished up a bit early because I gave nothing more to say about JavaScript. 

Next week's class will be a Q&A session. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

SOFT6008 COM2B Class 39 & 40

Students worked on the assignment. We had to move after the first hour to accommodate open day

Thursday, November 21, 2013

SOFT6008 COM2B Class 38

Students worked on the assignment. I met with each student to discuss progress, but didn't have as much time as I would have liked for each. Maybe tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

SOFT6007 DWEB1/ITM1 Assessment 3

Assessment will be an in-class written exam on Tuesday of Week 12, 03 December 2013 at 1100. Please be on-time or even early.

The exam will be on JavaScript. Students will be expected to understand how to
  • generate random numbers
  • modify images and text on the page using the DOM
  • code decisions (IF)
The exam will be a one-sheet exam. Student will be permitted to bring with them a single sheet of A4 notes, front and back.

SOFT6008 COM2A Class 40

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 39 & 40

Students worked on the assignment. I met with each student to review the progress

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Interactive distributed musical instruments | Project | CogNovo

Interactive distributed musical instruments | Project | CogNovo

SOFT6007 ITM1 Class 38 & 39

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 39 & 40

Students worked on Assignment 2

SOFT6007 Class 37

We looked at getting a domain name and hosting options.

[It was all a bit dull.]

SOFT6008 Room Change

Friday's class will move to C128 at 1200 to facilitate open day.

Monday, November 18, 2013

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 38

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 38

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 Class 38 & 39

Students worked on the assignment

SOFT6008 Class37

We looked at form validation again in more detail.

I talked students through some of the tile game example.

It was a small bit dull really.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

SOFT6008 ITM1 Class 36

Students worked on assignment 2

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 36

Students worked on assignment 2.

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 35 & 36

Students worked on assignment 2. I met with each student to review the progress.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

SOFT6007 ITM1 Class 34 & 35

We looked rollovers in JavaScript and the coins example. The important point is that in response to events on the page, code can be triggered that uses the DOM to modify the contents of the page after it has been drawn.

examples: rollover & coins

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 35 & 36

We looked rollovers in JavaScript and the coins example. The important point is that in response to events on the page, code can be triggered that uses the DOM to modify the contents of the page after it has been drawn.

examples: rollover & coins