Monday, March 16, 2009

SOFT6008 25

We discussed the specification for UCLOO.

Player starts with 100 CIT Pesos.

Player bets a stake on the oucome of 2 random cards.
A pair (e.g. Ace of Hearts and Ace of Spades) pays 3 times the stake. (e.g. player has 80 pesos. bets 10 pesos. wins. gets 30 pesos back. Now player has 100 pesos.)
A perfect pair (e.g. King of Spades and King of Spades) pays 12 times the stake.

There are 4 suits. You can use Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs or Southern European suits or you can be creative.

There are 3 cards per suit (Jack, Queen, King, for exmaple).

That means there are only 12 different cards in total.

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