Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BBADM3 Project Deadline

The project is due before noon on Monday 01 December.

Students using an online CMS should e-mail the URL to before the deadline.

Students using Publisher or coding by hand should give Colin a copy of the SITE on a CD, DVD, or memory stick. The 0900 and 1000 classes are probably the best places to do that.

Students may be asked to make themselves available during the week to talk me through the project and to demonstrate that each member of the group did work of equal value. For simplicity I hope to use the timetables classes for that.

The default setting is that each member of the group will get an equal mark. A request by any one member of the group for individual marks, will result in individual marks for all. Where the group blog clearly demonstrates who did what, and I am satisfied that each group member did an equal amount of work, I will probably not need to meet the group. If the group blog does not make this clear, I may need to meet the group. Or I might just get a notion. In any event I will give the group some notice.


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