Thursday, February 3, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 03

Is technology is neutral?

We started our look at ethics in general and started to think about where ethics and morals come from.

I asked students to set up their blogs and to e-mail me the URLs. For this week's entry I want each student to:
  • Find an example of a cyberethics issue that can be effectively dealt with using current laws and morals
  • Find an example of a cyberethics issue that cannot be effectively dealt with using current laws and morals and needs some new thinking
  • Find an example of a cyberethics issue from popular culture (e.g. Is Lt. Data from Star Trek TNG entitled to the same civil rights as humans?) and identify which into phase of cyberethics evolution it belongs.
  • Google "Is technology neutral" and attempt to summarize some of the ideas presented

Students should listen to the following programmes in reading list podcast.

"Would you kill the big guy?" Parts I & II
"Defending the faith, and morality, of non-believers"

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