Wednesday, December 6, 2017

SOFT6013 Class 13

The remaining students presented their code to me.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

COMP7004 Class 12.3

No customers.

That concludes the bulk of our business.

Don't forget that the paper is due tomorrow at noon.

COMP7004 Class 12.2

No customers today

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

SOFT6013 Class 12

I helped students with the data visualisation assignment.

Some students presented their submissions. Those students do not need to come to class next week.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

COMP9039 Law - Week 11 Data protection & the GDPR

Four and half hours of EU regulations in every dose

Earlier in the week I recorded lectures on the GDPR. Rather than waiting until I had the audio edited and synchronised with the slides in video form I e-mailed the raw audio to students along with the slides.  The files are on Blackboard now also. The audio file is 4.5 hours long. So obviously I don't expect anyone to get through it in one sitting.  It's guaranteed to send you to sleep it you try.

Today I uploaded e-mailed some articles and notes that elaborate on the "legitimate interest" justification for data processing.  The GDPR isn't especially informative on that.

No one attended the live session tonight.

Although the GDPR lecture largely concludes our business I will be online again next week to answer any questions or help with any issues.

COMP7004 Class 11.3

Nobody turned up.

That's fine too.

COMP7004 Class 11.2

we had an exam from 0930-1100. So there was no class

SOFT6013 Week 11

I helped students out with the assignment.

Some are finished already. Most are nearly there.

But I don't know anything about the students that didn't come to class. And I wasn't able help them.

Monday, November 20, 2017

COMP7004 Class 11.1

We had a presentation on Revenge Porn.

I spoke briefly about each of the essay topics and clarified some points where need. I encouraged student to focus on the ethical issues and togo beyond mere descriptions.

I spoke about plagiarism at length.

I answered some questions about the exam on Thursday. We didn't do trade marks not the UDRP yet, so those topics are off the list of possible questions.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

COMP9039 Law Week 10 - Privacy

We had a lecture on Privacy and Data Protection. No students attended the live session.

There was some issue and the audio did not record. So the recording is of no value to students.

COMP7004 Class 10.3

We had a presentation by Keith M & Evan S on Image Editing.

We had a presentation on Gold Farming

COMP7004 Class 11.2

We had a presentation on Net Neutrality

We had a presentation on Digital Redlining

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 10

Students presented their submissions for assignment 2 as part of the assessment process. That took about 2 hours. In the meantime students tried to make some sense of assignment 3.

I talked about assignment 3 and explained how best to approach it. we looked at how to sort an array. I showed a video on bubble sort and explained that although it is more efficient it is more difficult to code. [No extra marks going for using bubble sort]

I explained that completing the exercise of finding the tallest block is the key to getting the sorted working. That is the best place to start. I went over the algorithm and code for that again on the board.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

COMP9039 Law Week 09 - CyberCrime

This was a live session.

I was interrupted by a fire alarm.  The recordings are available to registered students on Adobe Connect. I also sent an e-mail with the URLs

COMP7004 Class 09.3

We were supposed to have presentations but Colin didn't turn up.

Sorry Guys. I got the time wrong.

COMP7004 Class 09.2

Saulius & Maira gave a presentation on the Filter Bubble.

John gave a presentation on Digital Rights (Management).

Tomek, Kilian, & Michael gave a presentation on the Digital Divide.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 09

7 students came to class. But 2 left early.

Today's session was mostly Q&A. Students worked on their portfolios for next week.

Monday, November 6, 2017

COMP7004 Class 09.1

We began our look at Intellectual Property. I asked students to identify the justifications for copyright. All the groups identified the economic rights, but not considered the moral rights. This is to be expected in a common law jurisdiction like Ireland.

We discussed whether Intellectual Property was really "property". We concluded that the were closer than we thought, but mostly because regular property is less tangible that we first imagined.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

COMP9039 Law Week 08 Trade Secrets & Patents

This was a live session.

The recording is available  to registered students on Adobe Connect. I also sent an e-mail with the URL

COMP7004 Class 08.3

I gave some tips on giving a presentation.

COMP7004 Class 08.2

Mandy gave a presentation on Open Data.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 08

Only 5 students  came to class today. 1 left within 2 hours.

We looked at arrays and parallel arrays.

I asked students to take the arrays code from last week and modify the program so that the tallest block is colored red.

We talked about the next assessment. That's worth 40%. Each student must submit a portfolio of program s/he has written. These programs should demonstrate the student's programming skills.

A students should submit only code that s/he has written and can thoroughly explain. Each student will be asked to talk though her/his code and (the audio of)  that explanation will be recorded.

I asked students to modify the code further to make the shortest block green.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

COMP9039 Week 07 Trademarks & UDRP

This week we looked at the law of trademarks

and the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Procedure.


Students who want to more more about trade marks can watch these extra classes. But these are not necessary for this module.

COMP7004 Class 07.3

We looked at an extract of the Data Protection Act.

We discussed some of the advances in technology that have occurred since then, and in particular how big data undermines some of the protections.

COMP7004 Class 07.2

We looked at John Oliver's excellent explanation of the problems associated with credit rating companies and data collection generally.

I asked students to come up with ideas on how these problems might be solved. We discussed how that was pretty much what was done in Europe 30 years ago.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

SOFT6018 Week 07

We looked at arrays.

We looked at how to do animation and developed a very basic game of Pong.

Monday, October 23, 2017

COMP7004 Class 07.1

We considered some of the issues surrounding advances in digital photography.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

COMP9039 Week 06 - Copyright IV & The Database Right

This week we looked at communication to the public and the issue surround linking to content that is legally placed online

We looked at the ways in which  a database can be protected in Europe.

In the live session there were some questions about contract law. I e-mailed on a transcript of that discussion to students.

COMP7004 Class 06.3

We looked at data protection and discussed some cases from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.

COMP7004 06.2

We considered at now cybertechnology has aggravated existing privacy concerns.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

SOFT6018 Week 06

We had an exam. Afterwards I did the solutions on the board.

Students worked on Processing. We didn't do anything new today.

Monday, October 16, 2017

COMP7004 Class 06.1

CIT was closed do to a hurricane

Friday, October 13, 2017

COMP9039 Week 05 Copyright II & III

Copyright - Part II

Copyright - Part III

In the live session we discussed the contract law case studies.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

COMP7004 Class 05.3

We did some group work and discussed why privacy is important. We discussed how certain things are difficult/impossible without it.

COMP7004 Class 05.2

We did some group work and tried to answer the question: what is privacy?

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 05

We looked at functions and passing parameters.

Code samples are in BB and I e-mailed them to students also.

I asked students to experiment with the code and modify it to understand what is going on.

Monday, October 9, 2017

COMP7004 Class 05.1

I gave students a case study to discuss.  I felt that students weren't taking it seriously and so we finished the class early and had a discussion on what I expected of the students.  I, quite rightly, also found out what students expect from me.

I though it was a very useful discussion.  Hopefully it will make things better going forward.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

COMP9039 Unit 04 (Week 04) Intellectual Property / Copyright

Into to Intellectual Property

Copyright - Part I

Only one student attended the live session. S/he had no questions. So although there is a recording of the first part of the session there is nothing of value in it for students.

I did receive some questions about the assessment by e-mail. I will compose a response to those and e-mail the class.

I will also e-mail and upload some notes in due course.

COMP7004 Class 04.3

We considered how useful codes of ethics really are and discussed the difference between micro-ethics and meta-ethics.

We talk about whistle blowing

COMP7004 Class 04.2

We looked at codes of ethics from the IEEE, ACM, and ICS. We identified which aspects were obligations that might apply to anyone and those that were specific to computer scientists.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

SOFT6018 Week 04

This week's big idea was loops.

We did some cool things in Processing with loops.

We used Processing's infinite loop and Draw() technique to move the sun in our house pictures. I asked students to figure out how the change the colour of the sky as the sun rises and sets.

Monday, October 2, 2017

COMP7004 Class 04.1

We looked at the structure of a logical argument and discussed the relationship between premises, arguments, and conclusions. We looked at common logical fallacies.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

COMP7004 Class 03.3

We looked at other sources of morality.  We discusses deontology and asked whats would [   ] do?

We discussed moral absolutism and relativism.

We previewed some of the issues will discuss later in the module.

COMP7004 Class 03.2

We looked at the Trolley Problem

We listened to the start of  BCC Documentary on Ethics
and discussed the relevance trolley problem in a world where we may be distanced from the consequences of our actions by machines at act as intermediaries.

We discussed the challenges of programming self-driving cars to make ethical decisions.

Students went to and took part in the experiments. We discussed some of the issues that arose.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SOFT6018 Week 03

We looked at IF statements.

We began our look at Processing and students used code to draw a house.

Monday, September 25, 2017

COMP7004 Class 03.1

We looked at Intuitionism and Consequentialism as sources of moral and ethical values.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

COMP9039 Law Unit 03 Contract Law

I posted the Unit 03 video to on Blackboard along with two fictional contract cases for studebts to consider. We will discuss those cases and deal with questions in the live session.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

COMP7004 Class 02.3

We considered whether the rule of law contributed to the success of humans and whether there might even be some (social) evolution at work.

We discussed supernaturalism as a source of moral and ethical values.

COMP7004 Class 02.2

We discussed how cyberethics concerns have changed over time as cybertechnology has developed. We noted that science fiction is often a good barometer the concerns of the time.

We discussed whether of not cyberethics is distinct from general ethics, and whether general ethics could sufficiently address cyberthics issues.  We mostly accepted the argument that cybertechnology gave rise to unique concerns and so was worthy of separate consideration.

Monday, September 18, 2017

COMP7004 Class 02.1

We had no room assigned to this class so I cancelled it.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

COMP9039 Law Unit 02 Sources of Law


If you have experience or knowledge of the legal system of another county I’d be grateful if you could prepare a short report for the rest of us. I am interested to know in what ways it may be similar to Ireland (e.g. is there a Constitution?) and in what ways it may be different. That report  can take any form (YouTube video, audio, written report, or just tell us in the live session).

I’d like everyone to do the following.

1. Find the Spanish Civil War Act. 
When was it passed?
Check the Commencement, Amendments, SIs made under the Act to find out when it was repealed?

2. Find Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company and download the judgement in the appeal.
(Try to) Read it. Notice how much emphasis is placed on how this case is similar or different to previous cases.
Which Acts of Parliament are mentioned in this case?
Save it for later.

3. Find and download the Irish Data Protection Act
Save it for later

4. Find and download the UK Data Protection Act
Save it for later

5. Find and download the Data Protection Directive
Save it for later

6. Find and download the General Data Protection Regulation
Save it for later

7. Find and download Khurshid Mustafa and Tarzibachi v. Sweden
Read it. Can you think of any implications of this case for the Internet?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

COMP7004 Class 01.1

There were no classes at CIT this Monday so this was our first class.

I introduced myself and the module. We discussed some of the issues we will be addressing. We had a good discussion about national ID cards.

The has been no room assigned for our class later today. So we won't meet again until next week.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

COMP9039 Unit 01

We will have our first live session on Thursday (14 Sep) starting at 1810.

On Thursday I plan to
Introduce myself
Discuss the syllabus
Discuss the material covered in the video
Answer any questions

If you could have all that done by Thursday lunchtime that would be great. Although I have put the questions up on Blackboard it might be simpler if you submit your responses to me by e-mail or add them as comments here: The spam filter is turned on so comments won’t be public right away.

Please take the time to complete these exercises because they allow both you and me to confirm that you have a good grasp of the material. If, for example, I get poor answers on a particular area I can correct any misunderstandings or deficiencies.

If you already have questions and you can e-mail them to me in advance I may have a more through answer for you, but of course you are free to ask questions on the night too.

Some of you may have extensive experience of using Adobe connect already.  Please have some patience with those of us who are new to it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

COMP9039 Law Unit 01 Sources of Ethics & Morality

Unit 01: Sources of Ethics & Morality

Listen to the BBC Documentary "Would you kill the big guy?" Part 1 & Part 2

Please go to and take part in the experiment.

I have generated some exercises for you that you can complete in Blackboard.  In case you can’t log in just yet, here are some exercises you can complete without Blackboard. But ideally you will submit your answers to Blackboard.

1. Find an example online of an supernaturalist argument against the use of a particular kind of technology. (You need not confine yourself to information technology)

Provide the link and a brief summary of the argument.

2. Find an example of a moral dilemma in popular culture (ideally TV/Film). What kind of logic does the character(s) use to deal with the dilemma?

3. Would you push the fat man? Why/Why Not?

4. What results did you get from ?

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Good Luck

Good luck with your results, and if you are leaving CIT good luck with your plans for the future.

If I can be of help with anything please feel free to send me an e-mail.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 13.2

We had a Q& A session. There weren't many questions.  Mostly it was questions about questions.

Monday, May 8, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 13.1

We had a revision Q&A session

We will have another on Wednesday

Friday, May 5, 2017

COMP8035 Class 12.2

Nobody turned up

COMP6032 Week 12 Lab B

Nobody turned up.  Despite chronically poor attendance for this module, I expected some students in need of last minute help.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

COMP6032 Class 12.2

Monday 01 May was a holiday

One student came to say hello. But he was keen to leave and do something else.

LEGS8007 Classes 12.2 & 12.3

Monday 01 May was a holiday

Part 28 & 29

We looked at Patents. It was a bit rushed but we covered the key points and issues.  The classroom projector let us down but playing presentations from Apple's iCloud actually works.  My voice failed about 80 mins in.

I spoke a bit about the essays and the exam.

We will have a revision sessions on Monday and Wednesday of next week. However students will be expected to bring specific questions. Don't just up with nothing an expect me to do a party piece. Questions e-mailed in advance will get especially thorough answers.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

COMP8035 Class 12.1

Nobody in class today. But I have been in touch with everyone by e-mail anyway.

COMP6032 Week 12 Lab A

Students worked on the assignment.  There was no group with all of its members present.  I hope everyone is pulling their weight

Monday 1 May was a holiday

Friday, April 28, 2017

COMP8035 Class 11.2

No customers today

COMP6032 Week 11 Lab B

Two students came to class  (One arrived 1000).  Their team-mates were not present and both were interested in doing work for other modules.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

COMP6032 Class 11.2

Today's class had one student less than last week.

LEGS8007 Class 11.2 & 11.3

Part 26

We looked at the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)

Part 27

Each students got a UDRP case to analyse and present to the class.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

COMP8035 Class 11.1

I met with the students present and gave them feedback on their submissions

COP6032 Week 11 Lab

Only four students came to class. All four seemed to be doing work for other modules.

Monday, April 24, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 11.1

Part 25

We looked at Relative Ground for trademark refusal (EUTMR Article 8)

SuperMacs v McDonalds Case R0484/2016-1

COMP6023 Class 11.1

We looked at different approaches to delivery.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

LEGS8007 Is your chocolate bunny distinctive?

I hope you are enjoying the Easter break.  While you are munching on your chocolates today take some time to consider the Lindt Chocolate Bunny.

Do you consider the shape of the bunny to be distinctive? What about the gold wrapper? Or the red ribbon with the bell? Are they distinctive elements that can serve as indicators of origin?  Or are they all just things commonly used in the trade.  What about the combined effects of all three elements?

When you see a bunny with this shape, gold foil, and a red ribbon with a bell do you recognise it as one manufactured by Lindt?  The Court of Justice of the European Union doesn't think so. You can read the full 2012 decision in Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM).

Friday, April 7, 2017

COMP8035 Class 10.2

Nobody turned up

COMP6032 Week 10 Lab B

The students that were  in class appeared to use the time to study for an exam for another module.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

COMP6032 Class 10.2

One one student turned up to class. Neither of us was that keen to proceed with the lecture.

I think 3 is my minimum, which isn't even 10% of this class.

LEGS8007 Class 10.2 & 3

Part 24 & 25

[contains strong language]

We continued our look at marks that are refused under Article 7(1)(f).

We discussed the essays and the exam. I encouraged students to get drafts os the essays to me soon, so I can give feedback.

I had hoped to finish with trade marks today so that we could move onto Patents. But we still have a bit to go.

I might put some classes online.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

COMP8035 Class 10.1

Nobody turned up.

Thats fine too. Busy people

COMP6032 Week 10 Lab A

(The two) Students worked on the assignment.

Monday, April 3, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 10.1 Immoral Trade Marks

Part 22

[contains strong language]

We looked at marks "contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality".  That took longer than I thought so we will continue with this topic in the next class.

COMP6032 Class 10.1

We looked at designing the message and the different uses of images.

Friday, March 31, 2017

COMP8035 Class 09.3

Nobody turned up

COMP6032 Week 09 Lab B

Students worked on the assignments.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

LEGS8007 EUIPO Video

Chapter II: There are only 5 steps to filing

Chapter III: What happens after the application

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

COMP6032 Class 09.2

Only one student turned up (not the same one as last week) so I cancelled the class.

LEGS8007 Class 09.2 & 09.3

Parts 20 & 21

We looked at the Absolute Ground for Refusal

Before class I distributed copies of

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

COMP8035 Class 09.1

Nobody turned up.

COMP6032 Week 09 Lab A

Students worked on the assignments

Monday, March 27, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 09.1

Part 19

We looked at colours, sounds, shapes, and 3-d shapes as marks

COMP6032 Class 09.1

We completed our look at Instructional Strategies based on the content.  We discussed Teaching Principles and Rules, Teaching Procedures, Teaching Interpersonal Skills, Prescriptions for Teaching Attitudes.

I talked students through the different ways to add subtitles to YouTube videos.

Friday, March 24, 2017

COMP8035 Class 08.3 Tutorial

Nobody turned up

COMP6032 Week 08 Lab B

Students worked on the assignments

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

COMP6032 Class 08.2

Only one student turned up. I answered some questions about the assessment.

But I wasn't prepared to give a lecture to one studebt, so I cancelled

LEGS8007 Class 08.2 & 08.3

Part 17

We looked at the trademark registration process. We examined the Nice classification for products and services.  We looked at some well know Irish marks and the classes for which they were registered.  Students completed an exercise with random pages from a catalog and we learned that electrical and non-electrical doorbells, for example,  are in different classes.  Sometimes it's necessary to consult the detailed listings.

Part 18

What can be a trademark? We looked at the Sieckmann Criteria and considered smells and single colours.  I explained the concept of acquired distinctiveness through use.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

LEGS8007 Week 08 Tutorial

Nobody turned up

COMP8035 Class 08.1

The task for this week is to write the conclusion for the paper and post it to the blog. This should be 300-500 words.

Students may submit a draft of the paper up to noon on 7 April.  I will try go give feedback on those drafts.  There are no marks for the draft.

The final paper is due at noon on 12 May 2017.

COMP6032 Week 08 Lab A

Students worked on the assignments.

Monday, March 20, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 08.1

Part 16

We watched some videos from the WIPO about how the Madrid System works.

We looked at the harmonisation and internationalisation of trade mark law, with a particular emphasis on Europe.

COMP6032 Class 08.1

We ended up taking about the assignment.

I gave students a walk through of what was required for the Photoshop assignment.

We spend a good bit of time talking about the other two components.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

COMP6032 Class 07.2

We looked at instructional strategies for different kinds of context. We will continue with this in he next class.

LEGS8007 Clases 07.2 & 07.3

Part 14

We began out look at Trade Marks.  We looked at the evolution of trade marks from makers' marks that functioned as a liability to the assets that were valuable.

We looked at passing off.

Part 15

UK Trade Mark No. 1

We looked at the development of a trade mark register in the UK and in particular how it was a prerequisite for reciprocal protection of marks abroad. This led to the Paris Convention.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

COMP8035 Class 07.1

After a lot of work we eventually figured out how student can read their peer reviews. The Turnitin UX people should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

I asked students to revisit the structure of their papers and to write the first sentence of each section. Give a lot of thought to those sentences.

LEGS8007 Week 07 Tutorial

Nobody turned up

COMP6032 Lab 07A

I showed students who to record a narration in PowerPoint.  However I couldn't get it to play back correctly on the machine I was using.

I asked student to give it a try today or to try at home.

Since they have an exam today for another module they were more interested in studying for that. That's fine too.

Monday, March 13, 2017

LEGS8007 Copyright Extra

It's time to move on from Copyright.

There are three areas we didn't get to address in class

LEGS8007 Class 07.1

Part 13

We looked "communication to the public" and the law surrounding hyperlinks to content.

I gave out printed copies of McCambridge Limited v Joseph Brennan Bakeries [2012] IESC 46 in anticipation of us moving on to trade marks in the next class

COMP6032 Class 07.1

We looked at different strategies for content sequencing.

I gave students a like of content from their first year architecture and hardware modules and asked them to sequence them.

Friday, March 10, 2017

COMP6032 Lab 06 B

Students worked on the Photoshop training exercise

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

COMP6032 Class 06.2

We reviewed the lessons of the procedural analysis exercise in the last class.

We discussed interviews with SMEs, but for the bulk of the class addressed writing learning objectives.  In particular we addressed the three domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.

LEGS8007 Classes 06.2 & 06.3

Part 11

I gave out a copies of Kelly v Morris reproduced from The Law Times and a press release from the ECJ on SABAM v Netlog.  I was keen for students to see an example of a law report, and in particular to see the kind of language lawyers sometimes have to deal with.  The contrast with the ECJ press release is startling.

We discussed at the challenges new technologies have posed for copyright enforcement and the approaches that rights holder have taken in recent years.  In particular we looked at Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes.

Part 12

We explored the roles of services provides (such as YouTube) and ISPs (such as Eircom and UPC) is assisting rights holders in their efforts to discourage copyright infringement, and the extent to which they can be compelled to provide assistance.

Exam Questions:

Assess the effectiveness of technological Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes in balancing the rights of copyright holders and consumers.

How can online services providers avoid liability for copyright infringements by their customers. 

That concludes our look at copyright.

In the next class I hope to talk about the assessment regime for the module.

Next up we will look a the copyright implications of hyperlinks

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

COMP8035 Class 06.1

I asked students to

Log into turnitin and read the other papers is had assigned and answer the questions asked.

And on their blogs:
Write a brief note on the peer review process. Do you think it's useful?
Rate the quality of your opening relative to those you read (without going into the details of the others)
Provide a brief summary of a topic other than your own

Week 08 will be the last week of the blog.

LEGS8007 IP Law Podcasts

I have compiled a selection of radio stories about IP Law. You can subscribe using this RSS feed:

The easiest way listen is using a podcasting application such as iTunes on a desktop, or Podcasts on your iPhone.

Alternatively you can browse through the stories at

COMP6032 Lab 06 A

Students continued working on the Photoshop training assignment due this week.

Monday, March 6, 2017

LEGS8007 Class 06.1

Part 10

We looked at copyright protection for compilations of factual information  and the EU's Database Right.

Kelly v Morris (1865-66) L.R. 1 Eq. 697
Cramp (GA) & Sons Ltd v Frank Smythson Ltd [1944] AC 329
Kenrick v Lawrence (1890) 25 Q.B.D. 99
Feist Publications v Rural Telephone Service 499 US 340 (1991)
Bell South v Donnelly Information Publishing 999 F 2d 1436 (11th Cir, 1993)
British Horseracing Board v William Hill [2001] RPC 31

COMP6032 Class 06.1

Students got into groups of three and did a task analysis for a common process.

LEGS8007 - EUIPO Trade Mark Course

Soon we will be looking at trade marks. The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) provides an online course on trade marks with a certificate at the end. You will be expected to take this course and to e-mail me a copy of your certificate. You can start the course any time and you can take it is stages. You will need to register for an account at the EUIPO.

The course starts here

Friday, March 3, 2017

COMP8035 Class 05.3

Students worked on the deliverables for this week.  I gave more feedback to student who asked for it.


on Campus!


Thursday, 9TH March 2017
1 – 2 pm
Rory Gallagher Theatre