Monday, April 27, 2009

SOFT6008 41

Students worked on their assignments.

URL submission deadline extended to 1200 tomorrow (Tuesday)

Test your money code with 3.88

SOFT6007 DCOM1 Web Dev 41

Students worked on their websites. These are due on Wednesday.

I modified the spec slightly to accomodate YouTube. See blog entry for 30/03/2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

SOFT6007 40

Students worked on Assignment 2.

SOFT6007 Assessment 2 Extension

Both Geocities/Yahoo and Google have stopped offering free web hosting. This means that students who have not yet signed up for space at Geocities cannot no now do so. These students will have to host their sites elsewhere.

In order to give everyone more time I am extending the deadline by 2 days to noon on Wednesday 29 April. This should give students the extra time they need to come up with a plan B.

If you find a free hosting site that you think might be useful to other students in the class please e-mail Colin the details or leave them as a comment on this entry.

COMP6023 Group Projects

Philomena F is looking for people to form a group. Some other students are looking too.

Colin M

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

SOFT6008 40

Of the three students that showed up, two worked on their assignments.

SOFT6007 ITM 10

The handfull of students that showed up worked on their assignment for tomorrow.


{Monday night}

We discussed Assessment 2 and Assessment 3.

Assignment 2 is due at noon on Monday 27 April. Students should e-mail Colin the URL for their site before then.

Assessment 3 will take place in class on Monday 27 April. Students will be asked to write the code for a specified JavaScript program. Students will be permitted to use paper and online resources. But they will not be permitted to communicate with each other.

Monday, April 20, 2009

SOFT6008 38 & 39

Students worked on their assignments.

SOFT6007 DCOM WebDev 38 & 39

I gave out copies of Rob Miller's CSS notes (notes10)

Students worked on their assignment.

SOFT6008 37

Students worked on their exercises

SOFT6007 DCOM1 Web Dev 37

We started a little late because some bits were missing off the lecturer's machine.

We discussed Assignment 2.
Assignment 2 is due at noon on Monday 27 April 2009. Students should send the URL for their website before the deadline.
Students must write all code by hand. Students may not use code generators.

We looked at how to upload websites to the internet so that everyone can see them.

We discussed Assignment 3.
This will be a JavaScript webpage. The page will be written in the lab class on Monday 27 April 2009 at 1400. The exam will be open book so students will be able to notes and web references. However I reocmmend students just stick to the notes. Students will not be permitted to communcate with each other.

I looked at students' sites. Some students are a little bit behind schedule.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

SOFT6007 DCOM Web Dev 36

Some students resisted the tempation of the lovely sunshine outside and came to class to work on their exercises.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Check Digit Test Cases

Here are some data to use as test cases for the check digit exercises.


These numbers are valid in theory


These are valid numbers

If these test cases give you trouble read the small print on the ParseInt box!.

I have noticed that in real life Spaniards tend to insert separators between groups of digits to make the DNI number easier to read and it is common to put a dash before the letter (as above). To accommodate this your code should strip out all useless characters from the input before looking at it more closely.

Ensure that your code insists on the correct length
007-X is not valid. But 00000000-X is.

Euro Banknotes

Just take some from your wallet. There are fewer than 26 countries that issue Euro banknotes some some letters never appear at the start of a serial number. Accounting for this would require some very inelegant code. We can't have inelegant code!

Be sure to check some serial numbers that have a zero immediately after the letter. If that gives you trouble ParseInt may be to blame.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Students worked on the various assignments.

Students should send Colin a URL with links to each of the assigments when they are done.

SOFT6007 (ITM) 09

Students worked on Lab No.7 (from Rob) is a useful site for showing the effects of different fonts and settings.

Easter Break

This is the last week before the Easter break. Classes will resume on Monday 20 April.

Monday, March 30, 2009

XHTML 1.0 Compliance

You need to include certain headers in your xhtml documents if you want them to be fully compliant.

you can compy and paste these headers from this sample page.

Update: 27/04/2009
The code used by YouTube to embed videos in your page is not XHTML1.0 compliant. You may, if your really want to, include YouTube videos in your site without penalty. HOWEVER, your code must be otherwise XHTML1.0 compliant. It might be hard for you to enure that it is compliant, because the YouTube code might cause confusion. But if you are prepared to accept the risk, you may do so. My advice is to avoid the risk and leave the videos out.


We spent some time discussing registration issues. Some students who thought they were registered were not.

We discussed the specification for assignment 2.

We looked at Cascading Style Sheets.
