Thursday, October 22, 2009

CMOD6001 Week 06 Lab DCOM

There were only three students in class and none of them were in the same group. So there wasn't a lot of point in assigning group work.

I left at 1535.

CMOD6001 Week 06 Class 1

A member of each group to summarized what stage they were at.

Team Aplha Beta 2/4
Is going back to square 1. Theywere making cludo.

There's a plug in the ceiling 3/4
All chartacer set out. Plot and scenario orgainzed. Just need to start writing.

Team Acitmel 2/4
Have characters organised and connections between them.

Warner Bros CSI 1/3
Characters organized. Only one team member in class today. Doesn't seem to have been much progress in the past few weeks.

Team Untitled 4/4
Characters organized.

There was no point in setting group tasks when so many people were missing.

I gave out some projects from last year to see if they could give students some ideas.

By noon next Thursday groups should have
Invitations for the guests including character and costume suggestions.
Inital police report (or whatever) with information about the victim.
see for ideas of the kind of quality

These should be-mailed to Colin as PDFs. This is worth 10%.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

BBADM3 Web Apps CMS Group Exercise

Learning Outcome 5. Compare and contrast a number of Content Management Systems (CMS).

I am asking each group to contrast and compare 3 free web based content management systems. A table outlining the main features and a brief explanation of any non-obvious features would probably be the way to go. We are interested only in the free features. However if any site has an especially interesting paid feature, it would be worth a separate mention.

The group should also sign up for one CMS, rate it for ease of use, and write a short review.

The results of the investigation should be posted to the group blog.

By the next class Groups and Group Blogs should be in place.

Use this exercise a a test run for your group processes.

Friday is a CIT holiday

Just in case you didn't know. Enjoy the loong weekend.

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 06 Class 4B

We talk about different web technologies and tools and how they all fit together.

notes: web-technology.pdf (ignore last slide) didn't work

I asked students to google "free online CMS" and sign up for a few systems and compare them.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

CMOD6001 Assignment 1 Results

I will make the results of assignment 1 available soon. I was very disappointed with them. The task was not difficult and there were 10 easy marks up for grabs.

A number of students failed to take on board the comments I left on their blogs that could have resulted in them getting higher marks. Up to noon on Monday 8/10 marks were still available. Now this assignment is worth nothing.

Students who did not do well in this assignment should have a long hard think about what they are playing at, and should make a decision about whether or not they are in or out.

A number of students took it seriously and got good marks. Well done.

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 06 Class 4A

We talked about the various different web technologies and tools and how they all fit together. It was a lot to tackle in one class, but we will revisit some of it in more detail later. didn't work in C162. Maybe it needs Java. I must look into it.

notes: web-technology.pdf (ignore last slide)


I have moved these here for convenience

  • Marketing in Social Networks - Michelle Murray

  • Social networking in the Business World - Tara Carroll, Teresa Casey

  • Using YouTube for Business - Isabel Rossiter

  • Online Collaboration Tools

  • Blogging for Business - Siobhan O Sullivan, Amanda Murphy

  • Podcasting - Barra O Connor, Darragh Ryan

  • Video Streaming - Laura Hickey, Caitriona Flynn

  • Open Source Software for Business - Joan O Sullivan

  • Wikis

  • Prediction Markets - Tanya Hogan, Karina Walsh

  • Business 2.0

  • Managing Reputation Online - Julie O'Leary

  • Understanding Google AdSense - Patricia O'Brien, Colin Kearney

  • Wiki Business

  • Business Opportunities using Location Based Services - Micheal Osborne

  • RFID and Privacy

  • Improving your Google Ranking - Stephen O'Connor

  • Cybersquatting

  • Privacy Guidelines for Small Business - Caitriona Wrynn

  • Digital Terresterial TV (business slant)

  • Internet Crime - Aisling Carey, Deidre Lucey

  • Blogola

  • Business Models for Monetizing the Newspaper Industry

  • Online Advertising - Caitriona Flynn, Marian Ahern, David Barrett

BBADM3 Web Apps Week Project

I met with the class rep over lunch. She persuaded me that I should be a bit more flexible with the group sizes and so I will.

She also explained that students are uncomfortable with uncertainty and are worried. So I have put a specification for the project online. We will work though this in class.

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 06 Class 3B

Class was cut short so we didn't get much done.

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 06 Class 2B

Collaboration tools
edited something on wikipedia
edited the home and away wiki
looked at google documents
talked about cloud computing

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yippee! I got my iPhone back.

Now I just have to wait for it to be un-blacklisted and I can once again be permanently tethered to the web.

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 06 - Class 2 & 3A

Very poor attendance

Collaboration tools
edited something on wikipedia
edited the home and away wiki
looked at google documents
talked about cloud computing

CMOD6001 Week 06 - Lab DNET

There was not a single complete team in attendance. So there wasn't much point is setting team work, nor tying to develop the projects more.

I met with (some of) Team Aplha Beta. They had the complete wrong end of the stick and thought they were making a board game.

I met with (some of) Team Unknown. They are on their way, but so far it doesn't sound very exciting.

No one was interested in doing work related to this module so I left at 1248.

Students would want to start taking this module seriously fairly soon and get their act together. It is not easy to repeat this module, so failing it might result in a year longer at college.

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 06 Class 1B

We had an exam.

A number of students who should have been in the 0900 class turned up to do the exam at 1000. No problem with that.

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 06 Class 1A

We had an exam.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I'm not teaching any electives this semester, but I thought this might be useful to students. The mad rush is on to register for electives for THIS semester. The system does actually allow you to register for Semester 2 electives also. But there's no rush with that just yet. make sure if you are registering for Semester 1 that you do not register for Semester 2 by mistake.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Someone took my iPhone from IT2.2

I don't want to use the word stole, because I suppose they could just be keeping it safe until they figure out who it belongs to. But if you wanted to find the owner of a phone you probably wouldn't power it off.

O2 tells me that it cannot now be used. But the kind of people who hang out in CIT computer labs are clever enough to figure out a way, I imagine, to use it as an iPod at least.

It will cost me about EUR600 to replace it and I can't afford that.

I'm actually very sad. It's not that my phone is gone. It's that a computing student stole it. I like being naive. I like thinking that all CIT students are nice decent people.

And I really really need my phone these next few days.

CMOD6001 Week 05 Class 2

We did a group communication exercise (zoom)

CMOD6001 Week 05 DCOM Lab

I asked students to check the entires in the list of blogs to make sure that they are complete and correct.

I showed students how to use Google Documents to preprare and share documents. It is idea for shared project work.