Hi *******
I don't know if I could come up with the answers by myself. So far I mostly just have the question. But I imagine students spending 9 to 5 is the one large open space lab for the most part. They might have 6 projects over the semester. Maybe1 every two weeks or maybe they overlap. They might be running an online clubs' hoodies business on the side. Assessment would be by portfolio where they demonstrate that they have met each learning outcome.
We would see lecturers in this lab with students, but there would be no lectures. Lecturers would leave exhausted.
This lab would be noisey.
Perhaps we could have coffee in the art college and see the studio spaces there.
In terms of subject streams maybe we could be more thematic. Instead of architecture, and programming, and databases what about vague themes like communication, memory, logic?
Students would work in small teams that last a short time. They might use blogs, and wikis, and Scrum development techniques from day one.We would see their robots, their games, and class parties on YouTube.
The security guards would regularly send snotty emails asking us to remind students that they have to be gone by 10 every night.
And least one project would require them to work in a group with students in another country.
With a big brainstorming session we might be able to come up with more
Colin M
Colin Manning, Dept. of Computing
Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
On 1 Mar 2010, at 12:10, "*********" wrote:
Hi Colin
What would the revolution look like in a report format - how do we this?
Subject: The Revolution will not be in B219.
Hi Guys
When we discussed the common first year plan at last Friday's meeting I expressed disappointment it wasn't radical enough. Since we were all a bit tired I don't think the issues I raised got the attention they warranted. In the time I had I did not do a very good job of articulating what I had in mind. So I'll try again now.
If the question is "What 10 modules should all computing students study in their first year?", then the 10 modules proposed make for an excellent answer. If the question is "What is the department's radical and innovative plan for revitalizing the teaching of computing at CIT and in Ireland?" then "these 10 modules" doesn't cut it.
By concentrating on issues like in which module and which semester should students learn about loops, we are missing the point. It's more important to ask what would possess a student to ever want to know or care about loops? So far the best we have come up with is that in the exam at the end of the semester there might be a problem to solve involving loops. Instead we need to figure out what problem do loops solve? We need to give that problem to the students at the very beginning and then let them the figure out that they need loops. Only after we have generated a demand for that knowledge, should we meet it. We should not give students knowledge and then give them questions. We should give them questions and then give them knowledge. Instead of trying to figure out how best to force feed students, we should be trying to make them hungry. It is not enough to consign problem based learning to implementation and delivery detail. It must be hard-wired into the design of programmes from the get go. It's not salt to be sprinkled liberally throughout, it's the meat!
I'm attaching an article on Olin College in the US. I've circulated this two or three times already over the past few years. So I promise not to do it again. It covers a lot of the things I am thinking of. And yes, of course, they have gazillions of dollars and we feck all. And yes, there are 200 reasons why it wouldn't work for us. And yes, the way we do things now is very comfortable.
Colin M