Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SOFT6008 Classs 41, 42, 43 cancelled

Sorry. From the blog it looks like I didn't warn of this advance. I knew on Friday last that I wouldn't make it.

We have had 2 additional classes up to now. I had planned to do an extra one next Monday to make up the missing class, but Monday is a holiday. If there is interest we can have an extra lab today at 1800. It doesn't make sense for me to offer an extra class next week after the deadline.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

SOFT6007 Class 38 & 39

There was someone in C128 when we arrived there today. We have only been squatting in this room, because I never requested the timetable change. In the confusion we lost a few people on the way.

From now on our classes will be where they are timetabled. So Thursday 1100-1300 is in IT1.3 and Thursday 1600-1800 will be in IT2.2. In particular the assessment 3 will be in the scheduled rooms.

Students worked on Assignment 2

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SOFT6007 Character Encoding Tip

Paste one of the following into head tag of each html page

meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"

Blogger got upset so I couldn't but in the obvious "<" and ">"
Thanks to Billy Lynch for that

SOFT6007 Sample form


SOFT6007 EV Week 10

We discussed registration issues. Some students asked me to check their status.

We looked at a Three Column layout HTML CSS

We looked at some more JavaScript.
Example: coin toss
Assessment 3 will be along those lines only more complex.

SOFT6007 Class 40 is canceled

Friday's 1100 class is canceled.

SOFT6007 Classes canceled

Thursday's lab class from 11-13 is canceled because I have a meeting.

The later lab class will go ahead as planned.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SOFT6007 Class 37

We looked again at HTML and CSS using this 3 column floating centre.

page: threecolumn.html css: threecolumn.css

SOFT6008 Class 40

Students worked on their code.

I hope to have details of assessment 2 soon.

Monday, April 19, 2010

SOFT6008 Class 39

Students worked on trying to code the shopping cart. As usual progress varied considerably from student to student.

SOFT6008 Class 38

Students worked on getting to grips with cookies and the shopping cart concept.

SOFT6008 Assessment 2

Assessment 2 will be an in-class assignment. It will be in C128 at 1300-1500 on 03 May 2010.

I expect to provide more detail before then.

SOFT6008 Class 37 X

We did an extra class (just in case)

We thought a bit about how we might implement a shopping cart using a cookie to store a single string. The trick is designing the string in a way that it is easy to get desired information in and out of it.


SOFT6008 Class 37

We looked at onclick and innerHTML

example: increment.html


Friday, April 16, 2010

SOFT6007 Class 36

Today was fairly quiet. I helped a few students with their CSS. I get the feeling that the students don't really get CSS. I'll try to correct that, if it's not too late.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

SOFT6007 Class 35 A

We looked at how to do a rollover in JavaScript


SOFT6007 Class 34 A

We looked at the code for the Coin Toss Game


SOFT6007 Class 34 & 35 B

We looked at how to make a very simple game in JavaScript


SOFT6007 Assessment Deadlines

Assessment 3 will be an on-class exercise that will reply heavily on the use of JavaScript. It will be an open book exam. You will be permitted to use any resources you wish, but may not communicate with anyone else.

Day Students

Assessment 2 Web Site is due on Tuesday 4 May by 1800. The 1700 class is an obvious slot during which to hand it up, but before then is fine too.

Assessment 3 In-class exercise will take place on Thursday 29 April. Group B 1100-1300 in IT2.3. Group A 1600-1800 in IT2.2. If you have a laptop please bring it.
If you already know that you cannot make this date for some good reason, let me know and it may be possible for you to take it with the evening students. (A sporting event of some kind, is not a good reason.)

Night Students
Assessment 2 is due on by 2100 Wednesday 28 April.

Assessment 3 will take place on Wednesday 05 May.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

SOFT6007 Week 09

We agreed on 28 April as the deadline for the Assessment 2. Students should deliver the work to me on USB stick or CD during class on 28 April, or before.

Assessment 3 will be an in-class exercise on the evening of 5 May.

We looked at Cascading Style Sheets, had a break, then looked at JavaScript.