Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

SOFT6007 Class 44

[Friday 30 April]
Students worked on Assessment 2.

Most were running their code through the validator. Ensuring that code in compliant is probably the most useful things students can do with their time at this stage.

Some issues that came up:
Google maps will generate bad code. As long as the rest of the page is otherwise compliant it's OK
Colin's sample form is very shabby. Code modeled on it will also be shabby, but this is OK

ALL the other pages should validate and be 100% strict xhtml 1.0. If the validator is happy, I'm happy. If it is not, I am not.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

SOFT6008 Assessment 1 Submissions

This PDF shows all the SOFT6007 Assessment 2 submissions I have received to date.

If you submitted this assessment and it is not on the list please send me an e-mail.

Does anyone want to claim ownership of "AAA"?

SOFT6007 Assessment 2 Submissions

This PDF shows all the SOFT6007 Assessment 2 submissions I have received to date.

If you submitted this assessment and it is not on the list please send me an e-mail.

SOFT6007 EV Week 11

We looked at the coins example.

I asked students to do a variation of this where the coins are thrown twice. If the fist throw is the same as the second the player wins.

Some students continued to work on Assessment 2. I worked with them until 2035 at which time I asked them to submit or defer until next week.

SOFT6007 Class 41

We looked at the coins example and students wrote a variation of it as an exercise.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SOFT6008 Class 44x

We had an extra class in C128 at 1800

SOFT6007 Class 41

We looked at coins.html

I specified a variation and asked student to write the code for it.

SOFT6008 Class 44

Following discussions with the class we opted for an out of class assessment for assessment 2.

There will be an extra class at 1800 for students who want it.

SOFT6008 Assessment 2

Following discussions with the class we have opted for an out-of-class exercise rather than an in-class one. Students should be aware that my internal plagiarism threshold has been turned to its most sensitive setting. Students are not permitted to swap code.
The code you need is in files called cart0.html and cart1.html
When working it should look something like this

The code you have been provided with is a partial implementation of a shopping cart using JavaScript. The cart is stored as a long string in a cookie called "shoppingcart". ## is used to separate each item from the next. The data fields for each item (ID, Name, quantity, unit cost) are separated by #.

From the table display of the cart on cart1.html it should be possible for items to be added, subtracted, and deleted from the shopping cart. However the code is incomplete and only add has been implemented.

This implementation is somewhat old-fashioned because it does not used the JavaScript to modify the appearance of the page using the DOM after it has been written. Instead any change to a value causes the cart to be written to the cookie and the page reloaded. The page is reloaded by window.location.reload()

One uncommon feature of the code it that the JavaScript, in addition to outputting HTML also outputs some JavaScript. This is how the onclick method is passed the correct parameter. The parameter is written when the table is displayed.

Complete the code so that:
1. The price is displayed. A place holder for this code has already been provided. So you just need to write the function.
2. The price is displayed in Euro and not cent. (19.99 and not 1999). You should implement this with the aid of a function. (The video outlining the functionality of the code does not show this.)

3. The total cost of the items in the cart is displayed (ideally in an additional row of the table in the price column)

4. Items can be subtracted from the cart. If the number of copies of an item is zero it should not appear at all.

5. Items can be removed from the cart entirely.

6. If the cart is empty the text "Shopping Cart Empty" is displayed instead of the table. (The video outlining the functionality of the code does not show this.)

You may modify the code in any way you see fit. However all of these features can be added by adding code. You need not delete any existing code.

Submission details:
Students should rename cart0 and cart1 to so that they include their names. e.g dandeman0.html dandeman1.html
These files and the associated images should be archived into a zip file and emailed to Colin. Alternatively it can be submitted in plain text on a CD or USB stick.

The deadline is 1700 Tuesday 4 may.

SOFT6007 Assessment 1 Marking Scheme

Here is the marking scheme I used for Assignment 1. It is not very detailed but I hope it will provide some information to students.  I marked the assessments out of 10.

11 Put all content into 1 table
11 colspan=2
11 links between pages
11 "attributes"


111111 IMAGE MAP
1 HTML OK and &s
1 PageS


Class will go ahead today as scheduled

SOFT6008 Classs 41, 42, 43 cancelled

Sorry. From the blog it looks like I didn't warn of this advance. I knew on Friday last that I wouldn't make it.

We have had 2 additional classes up to now. I had planned to do an extra one next Monday to make up the missing class, but Monday is a holiday. If there is interest we can have an extra lab today at 1800. It doesn't make sense for me to offer an extra class next week after the deadline.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

SOFT6007 Class 38 & 39

There was someone in C128 when we arrived there today. We have only been squatting in this room, because I never requested the timetable change. In the confusion we lost a few people on the way.

From now on our classes will be where they are timetabled. So Thursday 1100-1300 is in IT1.3 and Thursday 1600-1800 will be in IT2.2. In particular the assessment 3 will be in the scheduled rooms.

Students worked on Assignment 2

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SOFT6007 Character Encoding Tip

Paste one of the following into head tag of each html page

meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"

Blogger got upset so I couldn't but in the obvious "<" and ">"
Thanks to Billy Lynch for that

SOFT6007 Sample form


SOFT6007 EV Week 10

We discussed registration issues. Some students asked me to check their status.

We looked at a Three Column layout HTML CSS

We looked at some more JavaScript.
Example: coin toss
Assessment 3 will be along those lines only more complex.

SOFT6007 Class 40 is canceled

Friday's 1100 class is canceled.