Thursday, October 7, 2010

COMP6021 Class 09

We discussed how perception in part reality, part biology, and part culture.

We saw the Gorilla video on YouTube. Some people don't even see the gorilla, but everyone in this claims claims that they did.

We looked at the physics of light, and the biology of vision. The I asked why there are 7 colours in the rainbow and argued that it is just because somebody made that up.

I fantasized about being the leader of North Korea and changing the way everybody names colours.

The way we think about color is very cultural. Irish has no word for pink. This interesting article from Wikipedia on the Japanese color   and this article on distinguishing blue from green across cultures make the same point quite well.

CMOD6001 Class 10

We talked a little bit about the free choice. I explained how pass by compensation works and discussed the appeals process.

The we looked at some more jobs.

I showed students a lip dub YouTube and asked if they were up to making one of their own as a project. No one seemed that convinced so we might do something more boring.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CMOD6001 Class 09

We looked at some of the job specifications from earlier in the semester. Some students have not completed this task to my satisfaction.

I randomly distributed  topics for the upcoming writing exercise. More on that in future classes.


COMP6021 Class 08

We looked at how Blanck & White images can be digitized.

main themes:
  • Sample rate - dots per inch
  • Quantization levels - pixel depth

We saw examples of the same image with different sample rates and different quantization levels

Students used Photoshop to alter the pixel depth of a grayscale image

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

COMP6021 Class 07

We looked at how audio might be coded.

The main points were
  • analog audio technology - electrical analog for compressed air
  • sub-sampling
  • quantization level reduction
  • relative encoding
Modern audio coding techniques are much more complex in reality

Friday, October 1, 2010

CMOD6001 Assessment 1 Due

All students should submit Assessment 1 using

The course code and password will be set to you by e-mail.

Students will also be expected to discuss their submission in class next week. Failure to turn up to class may result in a student getting zero for this assessment. If you are sick you should get a sick cert from your doctor.

CMOD6001 Class 08

We continued working through the process of writing a paper. Having brainstormed yesterday, today we looked at how to structure all the ideas along various themes. I gave out copies of the white boards from yesterday, and students worked in groups at putting a structure on everything.

We devised a possible outline for a paper.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog Shortcuts

The entries on this blog for EV.COM1 SOFT6001 can now be reached by simply going to

The entries on this blog for COMP6021 can now be reached by going to . The podcast feed for iTunes is

This should save a few seconds. They all add up!

SOFT6001 Week 03

We looked at constants, variables, types, expressions, and precedence.
video: aps-week03-1.m4v


I gave out an exercise sheet to be completed at home.

I talked student through a problem and sample solution.

Students worked on tonight's problem set

I went through solutions to tonight's problems for those students that wanted to stay.

Finished up at 2130.

SOFT6001 Week 03 Problem Set

Tonight's problem set for anyone who wants a sneak preview.

Here's a sample problem and solution.

COMP6021 Class 06

We talked about digitization, quantization levels, and sample rates.

CMOD6001 Class 07

We completed the exercise on plagiarism. I was disappointed that students didn't complete this overnight like I asked.

We started to look at how one might go about writing a paper. We are going to work through "Is illegally downloading music wrong?" Students brainstormed in groups. When brainstorming it is important not to censor yourself or others. And don't try to develop the issue, just record as many ideas as you can.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

CMOD6001 Class 06

We talked some more about plagiarism. Students did a group exercise on plagiarism, but we didn't get time to finish. I asked one student from each group to take responsibility for finishing up. We will continue with this exercise tomorrow.


COMP6021 Class 05

We looked at Lepem-Ziv-Welch coding. The slides in class had mistakes. So they will be different for the PDFs.

I gave an exercise. Most students seemed to get what was going on.

Some students used the second hour to catch up.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

COMP6021 Class 04

We looked at arithmetic coding.

Friday, September 24, 2010

SOFT6001 Timetable changes

Following complains from a student last night about overcrowding in the lab, I spoke with the head of the department today.

To avoid over-crowding in future the class will be broken into two groups.
One group will have class from 1800-1950 and the other group will have class from 2000-2150.

I have assigned each student to a group based on the order in which students registered for the module. However if a student in the first group can find a student in the second group to swap with them, they may do so. However changes will be allowed only on a one-for-one basis. I will provide details of the groups in the next class, and allow a few minutes for some horse trading.

The new groups will the apply from Week 04.

CMOD6001 Class 05

No students turned up for today's class.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

SOFT6001 Week 02

We looked at Otto the Robot

Students worked on Otto problems and tested them in the lab

Pavel & Piotr wow the prize for the best code.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CMOD6001 Class 04

I asked students to figure out in groups the various reasons WHY students come to college. We discussed some of the answers. I asked students to figure out WHY they are at college. It's an important question to ask.


COMP6021 Class 03

We looked at the frequencies of the characters used in some students' text messages. There were one or two surprises.

I asked students to construct variable length codes for some of the characters using Huffman's algorithm. This gave the new students in the class a chance to catch up. We did that on the board. Some students had slightly different trees. If the small-left-big-right rule is not enforeced then the resulting VLCs are different, albiet with the correct lengths.

We discussed the prefix problem briefly and the overhead of tree transmission.

I explained that Huffman's algorithm requires prior knowledge of the data.

I explained that sometimes special comma codes are used to help the receiver recover if some data is lost in transmission.

Perhaps the word "town" is actually more frequent in text messages say "q". We thought about how whole words could also be given codes.

We finished up a good bit early so that the new students could use the lab time to catch up. But they didn't.