Thursday, October 28, 2010

CMOD6001 Deadlines

Draft of Paper - 13 November (sooner if you expect decent feedback)

Final Paper - 20 November

12 November - Online Reputation
18 November - Gold Farming, Monotizing Music in the Digital Age
19 November - RFID & Privacy, Prediction Markets

Each student in the group must speak, but students need not speak for equal lengths of time.
Every student must attend every presentation. If a student misses a presentation, it will affect both their individual mark and their group's mark.

Videos are due 25 November at 0900.
Every student must attend this class. If a student misses a presentation, it will affect both their individual mark and their group's mark.

Any student that misses a required class because of illness, should provide a cert from a doctor.

CMOD6001 Class 18

I gave tips for giving presentations.

We set dates for the various assessments.

COMP6021 Tutorial Reminder

This is just a reminder that today's class is s tutorial. Attendance is not required.

Come with questions or specific issues.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

CMOD6001 Class 17

I spoke very briefly about the feedback I left in TurnItIn on the drafts of the introductions to the paper. I talked about the structure the paper might take.

I gave out a handout on common mistakes.

We agreed that another opportunity for feedback would be good. Drafts can be submitted to "Draft 2" up to 22 November. Submit draft early for early feedback.

The final paper is due on 20 November.

I met with some students about their introduction drafts.

I asked students to hold project meetings. One group already met today. Another group just refused.

I now have the URL for each group's blog. All meetings should be documented in the blog.

COMP6021 Class 17

I talked briefly about what the results of the assessment mean. I asked students if there was anything I should be doing differently.

I showed another way to solve the dithering question, that was a bit less abstract.

Students continued working on the image compression assignment.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

COMP6021 Class 16 - Exam

There was an in-class assessment.

The results are here sorted by the last 4 digits of student ID number. They were not very good and suggest that some students need to modify their study strategies for this module if they are to be successful in it. They were marked out of 10. Student that got 0/10 would likely have picked up a few marks were it marked out of 100.

Suggested solutions below:

CMOD6001 Paper Introductions corected

I have read all the introductions that were submitted. Students can read individual comments by logging back into TurnItIn.

Some general point that came up:
I believe I made the plagiarism point very clearly. I certainly made it repeatedly. But I probably won't make it again.

Some students didn't get organized enough to submit anything. Other students just threw something together. I don't know which is worse. But both classes of student have lost a valuable opportunity for some early feedback.

We will talk about style and tone in class some day soon. For this kind of writing it is best not to talk about "I" "me" nor "the reader". Also stuff like "in this paper I will talk about ..." is best avoided.

Make your point. What are you saying? Just say it. There is no need for big words nor flowery language. Thinking clearly and writing clearly is what matters most.

Some students took this exercise seriously. They got feedback, some of it harsh, all of it useful. Well done to them.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

SOFT6001 Week 06

We had an in-class exam.  However there was a surprise fire drill and we had to evacuate the building. We continued the exam on our return.

I don't yet know if the exam is valid or not. As soon as I know I will be post to the blog.

COMP6021 Class 15

We looked at how 3-D images are displayed. We saw some anaglyphs and watched a Bjork music video in 3-D.

CMOD6001 Class 16

We discussed the project. I spoke about holding meetings.

Students should have their groups formed by the end of class and set up the blogs fairly soon. Meetings must be documented on the blog, as must individual student contributions.

  • Agenda
  • Attendance and location time
  • Review of last meeting.
  • What happened since. Who did what.
  • What decisions.
  • Action Items. Who will do what
  • Set time and place for the next meeting

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CMOD6001 Class 15

This was an optional class. 3 students came along to discuss the project.

Some things that came up

Need to pick group fairly soon
any song
doesn't need to be one take

CMOD6001 Class un-cancelled

The thing that would have cause me to miss today's class did not come to pass. However, having cancelled the class I am not now going to un-cancel it.

I will be in the room though ans any students or groups that want to meet with me to discuss the assessments and projects can do so.

COMP6021 Class 14

I showed students what they needed to do in Photoshop to complete the assignment. I gave out images, but students are also free to choose their own.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CMOD6001 Class cancelled 20 Oct 2010

This Wednesday's class is cancelled. Apologies for the short notice.

COMP6021 Class 13

We fixed the in-class assessment date for next week. 1200 26 Oct 2010. B229.

We looked at color lookup tables (CLUTs) and dithering. We put some numbers on dithering and saw two examples. Check the podcast feed for more examples.

Monday, October 18, 2010

COMP6021 Colour Blind?

If you are colour blind you should probably let Colin know.

COMP6021 Assignment

Image compression requires a trade-off between image quality and file size. If the compression ratio is set too high the image quality becomes unacceptable. If it is set too low, bits are wasted. Finding the right point on the cost-quality curve can be a challenge.

Take three very different high resolution images of dimensions greater than 600 x 800 pixels.

For each image:
  • Resize (or crop if you must) the image to size 600 x 800.
  • Save the image with increasingly fewer colors, with and without dithering, until you believe you have found the best settings for the image.
  • Demonstrate that pushing the compression ration further would produce poor results
  • Graph the size of the image against the number of colors, with and without dithering on the same graph

Write a report outlining your results. The report should contain sample images.

I will bring images to the lab.

Put the report online and e-mail the URL to Colin before noon on Friday 05 November

Friday, October 15, 2010

CMOD6001 Project Groups & Blogs

Groups for the final project seem to have formed already.

Each student should join a group this week. Each group should start a blog (at I can help you with this the next time we are in a computer lab) to document the progress of the project and to store the minutes of each meeting. This blog should also reflect the individual contributions of each member.

E-mail the URL of the blog to Colin

CMOD6001 Class 14

The projector wouldn't talk to my laptop.

I asked student to form groups where no two students are writing the same paper topic, and asked each student to explain the background of the area to everyone else in the group.

Students must upload a first draft of the introduction to the paper to Turnitin by noon on Fri 22 October.

I gave out handouts on the comma.

I was impressed with the discussions students had. I feel like students have bought into this module and I appreciate it. It was a big ask.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

SOFT6001 Exam in Week 06

We will have an in-class assessment on 21 October.

This will be an individual assessment, not a group exercise.

It will be worth 10/100 of your overall mark.

The in class group exercises that you do every week contribute 30/100. The remaining 60/100 comes from the exam at the end-ish if the semester.

So if you do well in it you will have almost passed the module.

If you have work commitments on that night and can't make the exam, please let me know and I will try to find an alternative plan for you.