Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Computing Ethics Essay

The computing ethics essay should be submitted to turnitin.com

I re-emailed the codes required for login.

The paper should be 2500-3500 words. Anything less than 2000 words would be considered very short.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Computing Ethics Papers

Nobody submitted a draft paper.

Make sure you have all the information you need to submit your final paper to turnitin.com . You could even try a dummy submission just to check how it works

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Assignent 2 Clarification

Students need only concern themselves with 16 digit credit card numbers.

Phone numbers don't have any check digits, but they do have a particular format.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 33

Nobody turned up.

Good luck with the papers.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 44

Only 3 students turned up.

2 worked on fixing their Assignment 1 submissions. 1 on Assignment 2.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SOFT6008 Assignment 1 - last chance extension


Under normal circumstances the 2 week late deadline for Assignment would be 1715 on Thursday 14 April. After this deadline late submissions will have a penalty of -100% applied to them.

I am extending this deadline to noon on Monday 18 April. Work submitted by e-mail by then will have the -20% penalty applied.

Computing Ethics Class 32

Today's class was given over to helping students with their papers. I wanted to have some brainstroming sessions where students could give each other ideas, to talk about the importance of structure, and give tips for constructing an argument.

No one turned up. Oh well.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 31

We looked at security and encryption, and discussed some of the ethical issues surrounding cooperation with governments.

In the next two classes we will work on beating the papers into shape. Students should come prepared.

Monday, April 11, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 41 & 42 Lab B

Lab class. Only four students.

SOFT6008 Assignment 1

I am still waiting on some Assignment 1 submissions. Submissions received after Thursday at 1715, will not yield any marks.

Above is a list of submissions I have to date. If yours does not appear here, you need to contact Colin

SOFT6008 Class 43

We used this class as a lab. Students are working on Assignment 2

Colin M

SOFT6008 Class 41 & 42 Lab A


Only 3 students attended

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SOFT6008 Class 40

We used today's class as a lab.

I spent the week trying to think up new and interesting things for us to do in JavaScript and I concluded that we are done.

If students want to experiment with some of the more interesting things we did I am happy to help out. But everyone at CIT seems very tired these days, so I don't think we will do anything new in class. So all subsequent classes will be labs.

I strongly recommend that students get the assignment in before the spring break rather than waiting until the day of the deadline. The break is better used studying for exams.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Computing Ethics Class 29

This class was canceled because it clashed with a meeting of the Academic Council of which Colin is a member.

Computing Ethics Class 28

We had a quick recap of the four main types of intellectual property protection. We discussed the case of the software license whistle blower.

We discussed the case of the spice burger.

We had a brief look at the Eurovision Azerbaijan Secret Police story as a cautionary tale.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Computing Ethics

Interesting site visualizing the information stored by mobile phone companies.


Computing Ethics Class canceled this Wednesday

There's no Computing Ethics class on Wed 06 April because the class clashes with a meeting of the Academic Council.

Ken Robinson on Changing Education Paradigms

SOFT6008 Class 39

e used this lecture hour as a lab.