Monday, November 21, 2011

SOFT7001 Class

Students worked away on their projects.

SOFT7001 Room change Dec 01

On Dec 02 we will be in IT2.2 instead of IT2.3

CMOD6001 ITS/M Lab

Today's lab is canceled.

Student's scheduled to give presentations today will do so on Wednesday at 12 in C170.

Update: 21/11/2011 1615
It will be Thursday at 1300

CMOD6001 DWEB1 Lab B

Today's lab is canceled.

CMOD6001 COM1 Lab B

Students worked away on whatever they saw fit to work on. I had no particular plan today. There were a few questions on the game project.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

CMOD6001 Essay Feedback

If you were one of the students who did not get feedback in the first wave of corrections you can ask for an extension of up to Friday at noon by sending an e-mail to Colin before Wednesday. However it's a good idea to get the paper in by the regular deadline of noon on Wednesday, so that you can get on with other things.

The Turnitin settings for this assignment have been changed so that students can see their own originality reports. This allows students to see the same report Colin will see. That's probably a mistake, because some  students will spend lots of time trying to game the system, instead of actually writing. For example, one student changed "New York" to "the Big Apple" in an attempt to disguise copied text.

Friday, November 18, 2011

CMOD6001 Assessment Weightings

I have modified the assignment weighting to account for the notable absence of Scandinavians.. See the Assignment Details under Quick Links over ->


Only 5 students on class

Met with groups in so far as that was meaningful

Group NB
plot sorted
nothing implemented
time to go with whatever plan there is by the end of today

Group CD
lots of good ideas still floating around
need to pin down the clouds and make some drinking water
time to start doing and start assigning some tasks
start thinking about the player experience

CMOD6001 COM1 Class

I met with the groups for an update

Group B
plot sorted
just need to implement everything now
an excused absence for 25/11

Group C
plot done. props organized
working on clues. sounds interesting.
site specific. and someone will need to run it on the day
if it doesn't all go right on the night it won't be for lack of effort

Group D
some group issues that need to be addressed
I am splitting this group into two . I'm not happy about this. But there doesn't seem to be an option at this stage. Group K and Group L. The tossed for the two Finns that came with the old group.

Group K
2 students nos

Group L
2 + 1 now

Group E

Group F
ideas a plenty
nothing implemented
plot organized
need to get a move it

Group Y
1/4 in
this student is leaving to join another group
I'm not happy but there doesn't seem to be much choice.

Group W
plot almost sorted
some implementation started
need more suspects. 2 not enough
I can host pages, but there's a turn around time
Finn on board but not very technical

Group X
But group seems to be doing OK
Nothing really done yet. running out of time


Less than half of the class was in. But there seemed to be a few almost complete groups. So some groups got some work done. I met with each group for an update

Group WA
2/2 students in
Planning some sort of board game. I think this is a bit limiting
not maybe time enough to do something more interesting

Group WO
1 student in
nothing new since last week
group doesn't seem to be getting get much done
student who is in probably needs to get moving without the others

Group WB
4/4 in
Finn is in place and working away with the group
need to get a move on
some cool ideas
make decisions today!

Group WM
2/4 in
wanted to use recent actual murders, but I advised against it
sounds very complicated
think about the players' experience and how it works
not much time left for planning. time to execute the plan

Group WN
plot sorted. sounds a bit elaborate
need to pin things down today and then go execute whatever plan there is

Group WE
3/5 in
scenario well developed. sounds good.
but need to figure how to implement it

CMOD6001 Project Submission Times

Completed projects should be submitted to Colin on 30 November during the following times

ITS/ITM 1200-1230 C170
ITS/ITM 1300-1400 C123c
DWEB1 1400-1430 B219
DCOM1 1300-1400 C123c
DNET1 1300-1400 C123c
COM1 1300-1400 C123c

Details of the project event on Friday 02 December will be finalized soon. All students will be expected to attend this event.

CMOD6001 Essay Feedback

I believe I've given feedback on all of the essays now. If I've missed yours please e-mail me and I'll get to it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

SOFT7001 Class

Students worked any on their websites. My contribution was minimal.

CMOD6001 ITS/ITM Class

Skype sessions with IUT and I met with groups

Group R
Story in progress
Need to get a move on

Group H
Plot sorted
Just need to work on details

Group G
Just 1 student in
Unable to provide update

Group S
Plans not very far advanced but work progressing
Plenty if imagination in evidence, but work needs to be done to deliver

Group Q
Basic plot done

Group V
Plans well advanced


How Science Catches Criminals

How Science Catches Criminals


I asked student to meet in their groups and work on the project.

I met with groups for an update

Group CB
2 students in
No real story yet
Have been thinking about it but progress is slow

Group CD
2 students in
Using dinner party structure where players take on roles. That takes a lot of set up and planning

Group CE
Only 1 in
He is moving to another group. Be sure to send me the details

Group NA
2 in
Still working in ideas
A but cryptic
No plans to use real world objects
Need to think a bit more
We knocked around a few ideas

Group NB
3 students in
Plot sorted. Sounds good
On track

CMOD6001 Game Requirements

We've talk a lot in class about what the game might look like and how it might work. But it's a good idea to write a few things down.

If you are doing the standard kind of game we discussed you'll need at a minimum:
  • a setup clue that explains the scenario and what happened
  • at least 10 individual clues
  • a whodunnit video that explains who did what and why and how the clues add up to that conclusion (probably in a sealed envelope)
  • minimum of 5 suspects
  • a printout of all the QR codes and where they go, just in case there's a problem reading them
  • submit it in a shoe box (if it fits)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011






CMOD6001 Referencing and Project

We had a good discussion of the referencing handout and the game project in a class during the week. All encore performances weren't as good, so interested students might ant to download it.



Group list


Essay resubmit

presentation absences

referencing and handout

questions about game assignment