Friday, April 20, 2012

SOFT6008 Assignment 2 Reviews

Please select a time to meet me. I have sent you an e-mail with a like that you can use to specify the time slot you want.

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 30

We had a lab in C128.

Some students worked on their assignments while others tried to get to grips with Photoshop.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

SOFT6007 Dropbox 2012.04.19 1725

SOFT6008 Class 30

We had a lab in C128 instead of a lecture. That seemed like it would be more useful.

SOFT6007 Assignment 2 Spec update

I removed the 5 page constraint for the Assignment 2 website.

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 29 Lab A

Some students viewed their scripts for Assessment 1. Students worked away on their assignments. The ones I saw looked good.

SOFT6007 SOFT6008 Assessment Meetings

Students who
have had poor attendance at labs
did not set up their dropbox on time
have not been updating their dropbox regularly
should expect me to contact them after the submission date in order to arrange a time for them to come meet me to discuss they implemented the projects. The meetings should take about 15 minutes each and will form part of the assessment process. I plan to meet very student taking the module.

Any students who feels that his/her submission does not fully reflect his/her level of understanding is welcome to request such a meeting also. And it will form part of the assessment process. A student might want to that if he/she had something go wrong at the 11th hour. Or if he/she knows a good bit about the course content, but somehow that wasn't reflected in the submission.

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 29 Lab B

Students worked on the assignments.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

SOFT6007 ITS Class 29 ITS Lab

Students worked on their assignments. I got progress reports from (almost) all of the students present

SOFT6008 Class 29

Lab class. I met with students and they showed me how far they had gotten. I helped with some debugging.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SOFT6007 Assignment 2 Comments

As I give feedback to students I am copying and pasting the comments into a page so that other students might benefit from them. It's over there on the right in the Pages section.

Monday, April 16, 2012

SOFT6007 ITS1/DCOM1 Class 28

We had a Q&A session

SOFT6008 Class 28

For the fist hour we had a Q&A session. The second hour was more like a regular lab.

Most of the work I saw today was getting there. A lot of students are nearly done.

When you think you're done let me know. I'm happy to commit to a mark.

SOFT6007 COM1 Class 28

We had a Q&A session. We mostly discussed Assignment 3

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SOFT6008 Comments

I left a note called notefromColin.txt in each student's dropbox.

A number of students appear to have uploaded nothing yet.

I've pasted all of the comments here in case other students might benefit from them. They are in no particular order.

I was hoping to see how your assignment was going.
But I couldn't find it here.

You seem to be making progress but I think you are a small bit behind schedule.
Concentrate on meeting the minimum requirements.
For the topping selection it makes more sense to use checkboxes
and toggling the visibility is a bit of a long way around.
See the Tatyo Head example 2 on the blog. It does what you are trying to do.

Your pizza page looks great and you have a lot of it done already.
The total box you are using to display the price is editable. This would allow the user to set his own price. It need not be a text box. You could use a div and modify the innerHTML, like in the phone checksum example.
I'm not sure if the plain setting belongs there. It's a bit confusing. Unless sleecting it unchecks all the other boxes (that would be inpressive) you should remove it.
Check the values being sent to the PHP server for the drinks. It seems to be sending numbers.
You still have a bit of a ways to go. But you have nearly met the minimum requirements. Concentrate on those and make sure you meet them. Then try the visualization using the Tayto Head examples as a template.

You have made a lot of progress. But you are a bit behind schedule at this stage. Te validation functions are not being called when you click the buy now button. Wrap up the validation activities in a single function and call that when the button is pressed. That should help. Make sure that your functions return values.

Try the visualization using the Tayto Head examples as a template.
The pizza guy might look beter against a white background. But as it is, it looks great.
You need to start putting the pieces together. I think you are a bit behind schedule.
You are getting there though. well done.

You still have a ways to go with the pizza assignment.
You are a bit behind schedule at this stage.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

SOFT6007 Class 26 DCOM1 Lab

We sorted out the dropbox and the vaidator.

Students worked on Assignment 2.