Tuesday, March 18, 2014

COMP6023 DWEB1/ITM1 Class 29 Transparency, PNG, Video Compression

We looked at Transparency and PNGs.

We looked a little bit at how video compression works. Students who want so know more can find more detail in COMP6021 classes.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

COMP6023 DCOM1 Class 26 GIF & JEPG

We looked at GIF & JPEG

COMP6021 Class 28 Video Compression

We began our look at video compression. We will continue with video compression in the next class.

We mentioned frame rates in class. I capture the lectures at a mere 1 frame per second.

COMP6023 DWEB1 Classes 27 & 28 Dithering lab

Students did a dithering exercise using Photoshop.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

COMP6023 SEO Example

Thanks to a problem with my roof I recently found this ideal example of a website that is in need of some SEO. The whole site is a collection of images.


COMP6021 Class 27 Lab

We did some dithering experiments using Photoshop

COMP6021 Class 26 Transparency & PNG

We looked at transparency, alpha channels, and PNG.

[due to a technology failure there is no recording of today's class. The (shockingly similar) class above is from four years ago.]

COMP6023 DCOM1b Classes 27 & 28

We did some experiments with dithering in Photoshop.

COMP6023 ITM1 Classes 27 & 28 Lab

We did some experiments with dithering in Photoshop.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

COMP6021/COMP6023 Animated GIFs Documentary


Here's an online video I made some time about about JPEG. It is largely the same as what we did in class.

This rather unusual logo has it origins in the way JPEG works.

COMP6023 DNET1 Labs

For the remaining 6 weeks of the semester the DNET1 labs will be taken with James O'Sullivan. I will still see students in the lectures.

COMP6023 DNET1/COM1c Class 26 GIF & JPEG

We looked at GIF & JPEG image formats.

[no recording due to technical problems]

COMP6021 Class 25 GIF & JPEG

the one with the DCT

We looked at the main features of the GIF and JPEG image formats.

COMP6023 DWEB1/ITM1 Class 26 GIF & JPEG

We looked at the main features of GIF & JPEG.

Students now ave everything they need to complete Assignment 2.

COMP6023 DWEB1/ITM1 Class 25 Indexed Colour and Dithering

We looked at indexed colour, colour palettes, and dithering.

Monday, March 10, 2014

COMP6023 Essay title errors and omissions

Today I corrected any errors in the essay choices of which I was made aware.

Students may no longer chose a topic. That choice was made for them some time ago.

However, if you made a choice, advised me of it, and the list does not reflect that please let me know and I will try to find the e-mail you sent me.

Please check the list to ensure that the blog URL and essay title are correct.

COMP6023 DCOM1 Class 25 Subsampling, Indexed Colour & Dithering

[no recording today]

We looked at subsampling and interpolation. We saw how 24 bit images can be coded with fewer bits per pixel by using a well chosen palette. We played a palette matching game.

I explained how dithering works and students did an exercise on dithering. There are more such exercises in the notes, for students interested in doing more.

COMP6021 Online Class: Dithering

COMP6023 DNET1/COM1c Class 25 Dithering

We looked at dithering. [no recording]

We did an exercise in class. There are other similar exercises in the slides.

I answered a few questions about interpolation.