Tuesday, October 7, 2014

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Classes 15 & 16

Student started coding the two image map exercises.

SOFT6007 Class 13

I gave a bit of a pep talk.

We will have an in-class written exam on Tuesday 28 October at 1100. In class I said that was worth 40%. But it's actually 20% of the final mark.

We looked at image maps.

I gave students a printed version of iberia.jpg. The image file is available from the notes page over there ---->

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 14

Students finished off their timetables in HTML. Those students that were finished worked on other things for other modules.

Some students hadn't even started the timetable. That's very worrying.

I asked student to watch a video about image maps.

SOFT6007 Image Maps

This week we will look at image maps.

Monday, October 6, 2014

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 13

Students worked on turning the Mr. SpudHead example, into a Pizza Ordering page. This is good practice for Assignment 2.

SOFT6008 COM2.A Classes 13 & 14

Students worked on turning the Mr. SpudHead example, into a Pizza Ordering page. This is good practice for Assignment 2.

The majority of the student who were in class today are making good progress. I don't know about the students who weren't there.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

SOFT6007 ITM1 Class 12

Students finished off the timetable exercise. Most students got it done, and so did done work for other modules. That's fine too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

SOFT6008 Checksums

SOFT6008 Useful Images

Students can use these images to make a pizza ordering page, using the Mr. Spud Head  example as a template.

SOFT6008 Class 12

I discussed some strategies for being successful in this module.

We decided that Assessment 1 (the written exam) will be held during class time on 29 October.

I talked a little bit about Assessment 2.

We looked at the Mr. SpudHead example. That included the visible property.

I introduced the topic of user input validation using JavaScript. We will continue with this in the next lecture.  I gave out a handout on checksums. Students who didn't get a paper copy can download it.

Slides: JS04s.pdf
Handout:  checksums4.pdf  
Examples: Mr. Spud Head   phonenumbers.html

SOFT6008 COM2.A Class 11

Students worked on the slot machine.

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Classes 09 & 10

Students worked on the slot machine.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

SOFT6007 ITM Classes 10 & 11

Students coded their timetables in HTML.

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Classes 11 & 12

Students coded their timetables in HTML

SOFT6008 COM2.B Classes 09 & 10

I met with each student and reviewed the solution to the coin change exercise. Some students had not yet completed this. That gave me some cause for concern.

Students worked on extending the coin toss example, to turn it into a slot machine.

SOFT6007 Class 09

We looked at tables in HTML.

I asked student to write the code for this table in groups.
Tip: colspan and rowspan say nothing about the actual with and height of cells. Ask yourself how many walls or ceilings have been knocked.

In labs this week students will code their class timetables in HTML.

SOFT6007 DWEB1 Class 10

We did a quick review of some of the important points we've discussed so far.

SOFT6007 Tables

This week we will look at tables.

Monday, September 29, 2014

SOFT6008 DWEB2 Class 09

Students worked on covenanting the coin toss example into a slot machine.

I had to pop out for a few minutes to disable my lost ID card.

Students suggested that who had the slot machine working add betting to the game.

SOFT6008 COM2.A Classes 09 & 10

I met with each student and reviewed the solution to the coin change exercise. Some students had not yet completed this. That gave me some cause for concern.

Students worked on extending the coin toss example, to turn it into a slot machine.