Monday, March 23, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

SOFT6002 Week 07

We looked at Metaphors (Slides W06-L2), Requirements Gathering (W08-L1) and Prototyping (W08-L2).

SOFT6008 Class 07.3

We had an in-class exam

COMP8035 Class 07.1 & 07.2

I spoke about topic sentences and paragraph structure.  I gave out a photocopy of an article from a magazine and asked students to mark the topic sentence in each paragraph, and evaluate the extent to which the rest of the paragraph relates to the topic sentence.

I am expecting to drafts of the introduction of the research paper soon.

Interesting videos about Animated GIFs

Is it GIF or JIF?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

COMP6021 Class 07.3

We looked at how JPEG works

When I was finished, students used the time to catch up in the dithering stuff they missed

The video below may also be of use

COMP6021 Class 07.2

I gave out some sample exam questions on dithering. But they didn't mean anything because none of the students in class today were in for the last class. Students should catch up using the videos online, and we will come back to those questions if we get time.

I talked a bit about the assignment 

We looked at GIF

SOFT6008 Class 07.1 & 07.2

Students prepared for the exam tomorrow.

Monday, March 16, 2015

COMP6021 Class 07.1

We looked at dithering.

We looked at dithering in Photoshop on a 10x10 pixel image. Students The student did some experiments with dithering in Photoshop.

This video might also be useful

Friday, March 13, 2015

SOFT6002 Week 06

There was one student in class. I had a look at a draft of his assignment submission.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

SOFT6008 Class 06.4

I showed students a few more Photoshop party tricks that might be useful for the assignment.

Students continued work on the assignment. 

COMP8035 Classes 06.1 & 06.2

I met with students who have not yet committed to a research paper topic and discussed some ideas with them.

Then I met with the others.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

SOFT6008 Euro Checksum

You this fake note have passed your checksum test?

COMP6021 Class 06.4

We used Photoshop to convert an image to indexed colour. Students downloaded various images and experimented with different settings [but didn't use dithering].

In the next class we will look at dithering.

COMP6021 Class 06.3

We looked at lossy compression, interpolation, and indexed colour.

SOFT6008 Class 06.3

I quickly ran through how to make portions of an a image semi-transparent so that colours or patterns underneath it are visible.

Students continued working on the assignment.

I e-mailed students a sample exam for the assessment next week.

SOFT6008 Class 06.2

Students worked on the assignment.

We looked at some examples of the assignments that were submitted last semester. Lots of ideas there.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

COMP6021 Class 06.2

We looked at the RGB, Lab, and CMYK colour systems. I also mentioned Pantone

See also Capsure

This video may be of use

SOFT6008 Class 06.1

I talked students through the specification for the assignment and described what was meant by each part.

We looked at the new HTML 5 input types, and the valid and invalid pseudo classes. We looked at how forms can validate input onSubmit.

[update spec document to follow]

Monday, March 9, 2015

COMP6021 Class 06.1 Digital Colour

We began our look at colour and how it is represented.

Thine video may be of use