Monday, November 7, 2016

COMP7002 A.UI Class 09.1 Lab Group A

Students worked on the upcoming instalment of assignment. I got a progress report from each student.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

SOFT6002 Week 08

No details. Sorry

COMP7004 Class 08.3

Eve, Glenn, and James gave a presentation on RFID & Privacy.

Gary, Shane, and Patrick gave a presentation on Revenge Porn.

Mark and Kealan gave a presentation on Net Neutrality.

Here is what John Oliver had to say about Net Neutrality:

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 08

Students did an exam. That took a bit longer than I had planned for, but that's not a big deal. I offered to go through the solutions, but students didn't find that very attractive.

We spoke a bit about the assessments.

We took a look at arrays, Arrays are tricky but some things can only be achieved with them.

I created a YouTube channel with some videos I thought might be useful.

COMP7004 CyberEthics Class 08.2

I screwed up the schedule by giving class yesterday when we were supposed to have presentations. Some groups exploited the confusion to claim they were not expecting to present today. That's fine. It was my mistake.

I will send an updated schedule around shortly.

Chris, Ben, Colin, and Calvin gave a presentation on Generation Tinder.

COMP7002 A.UI Class 08.2

We looked at Chapter 12: skinning applications using CSS

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

COMP7004 CyberEthics Class 08.1

We looked at the Fair Use concept from the US and the equivalent fair dealing copyright exception in Ireland. We discussed the issues that arise when new works are created from existing ones. I asked students to act as jurors in hypothetical cases of music sampling where the defendants invoked the fair use defence and ask students to portion the ownership of the new work in cases where they found there was no fair use. The was considerable discussion about the extent of Kanye West's genius.

For this classes blog entry students will be expected to briefly outline and justify each decision.

COMP7002 UI Class 08.1

We completed our look at Chapter 11 of the book. We looked at the grid pane for layout.

Listing 11-2 didn't seem to be a match for the example.

In the next class we will look at skinning using CSS.

Monday 31 October was a holiday

Friday, October 28, 2016

SOFT6013 Assessment 1 information

The exam next Wednesday will have two questions.

Question 1 (60 marks) will be a programming problem. This can be answered in the kind of code we used for the phone problems. The marks will be for the logic. There is no need to be concerned with syntax. The problem will be of the kind we did in class.

Question 2 (40 marks) will be about loops.

The is a one-sheet exam. Students are allowed to bring a single A4 (front-and-back) sheet with them into the exam.

Friday 28 October was a holiday at CIT

Thursday, October 27, 2016

SOFT6002 HCI Week 07

We looked at requirements gathering and prototyping.

We went to the lab and students worked on a paper prototype for an app that lets the user design a birthday card and have it sent in the post.

We looked at how to use pencil for higher fidelity prototypes.

COMP7004 CyberEthics Class 07.3 Copyright (2)

We continued our look at copyright.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

COMP7004 CyberEthcis Class 07.2 Copyright (1)

We began our formal look at copyright.

[Slides and audio available on Blackboard]

COMP7002 UI Class 07.2

We began our look at Chapter 1  of the text book. There's a lot in that.  We looked at anchor panes, grid panes, tile panes, and scroll panes.  We got as fas as Listing 11-1

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

COMP7004 CyberEthics Class 07.1

I asked student to get into groups and discuss the issues of downloading music for free.  We discussed arguments for and against although most students said they do now download. Few students presented counter-argumets or justifications for downloading. That surprised me.

All of the discussion centered on the economic (instrumentalist) view. I highlighted the autor's rights point of view.

I published the schedule for the presentations and sent a copy to students by e-mail.

COMP7002 UI Class 07.1

We looked at menus (Chapter 10)

Monday, October 24, 2016

SOFT7002 UI Week 06 Lab B

Students worked on the assignment. I met with some students to discuss their mock ups.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

SOFT6002 HCI Week 06

We looked at attention [2016-HCI-W04-L2 Human Attention.pptx], memory [2016-HCI-W05-L1 Human Memory.pptx], mental models [2016-HCI-W06-L1 Mental Models.pptx], and metaphors [2016-HCI-W06-L2 Metaphor.pptx].

My voice started to fade after two hours of non-stop talking.Since we didn't have anything particular to do in the lab I let the students do.

COMP7004 CyberEthics Mid-Semester Review

We are half-way through the module now. I have tried hard to make it interesting by facilitating groups discussions and giving students space to explore ideas with their classmates. That's not working. The apathy is the room is palpable. Students refuse to get into groups, and don't even do the courtesy of pretending to talk to each other. I see now that tying marks to attendance was a mistake because it is better is uninterested students stay away.

The format will be different from now on. There will me much more of me talking and much less group discussion.