Tuesday, November 29, 2016

COMP7004 CyberEthics Class 12.1

Nobody turned up to class

COM7002 Class 12.1

We looked at the two ways to do animation using JavaFX.

We discussed how one might make Space Invaders or Angry Birds using this technique. Pong would be easy.

Monday, November 28, 2016

COMP7002 Week 12 Lab A

Students worked on the assignment. Those I spoke to are wrapping up now.

If you have ay difficulties between now and the deadline come track me down and I'll see what I can do for you.

Friday, November 25, 2016

COMP7002 A.UI WEEK 11 Lab B

Students worked on the project

Thursday, November 24, 2016

SOFT6002 Week 11

Students worked on the assignments.

COMP7004 Class 11.3

We discussed some of the issues arising from the widespread availability of digital cameras.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 11

Students worked on their submissions for the portfolio.

I spoke a bit about parameters. I got the feeling last week that people weren't clear on who they work so we spent an hour on so try to get that sorted.

I met with students individually so see what they were working on and how much progress they were making.

COMP7004 Class 11.2

We discussed Privacy and how it is not especially intrinsically valuable, but is essential for other things such as democracy, friendship, love.

The class turned out to be more interesting that I was expecting.

COMP7002 Class 11.2

I wasn't feeling well this morning. So I cancelled class.  Since nobody came to yesterday's class, I didn't think anyone would very much mind.

I do plan to have class next week. And I will, of course, see you in the labs.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

COMP7004 Class 11.1

I gave out some handouts to help with the essay. I talked about the structure for the essay and we discussed passible approaches to take for some of the topics.

COMP7002 A.UI Class 11.1

This class was on animation using JavaFX. But nobody turned up. That's fine. It doesn't contribute anything to the assignment and I trust students to manage their time as they see fit.

I will turn up again tomorrow and do it then if anyone wants it.

Monday, November 21, 2016

COMP7002 A.UI Week 11 Lab A

Students continued to work on the assignment.

I met with students who didn't show me their previous submission before, and gave them some feedback. Some need to change a few things for the final version.

Friday, November 18, 2016

COMP7002 A.UI Week 10 Lab B

I met with each student and they talked me trough their submissions for Part 3 os the assignment.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

SOFT6002 Week 10

Students got into their groups and worked on the heuristic analysis.

COMP7004 Class 10.3

We concluded our look at patents. We looked (briefly) at trade marks and trade secrets.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 10

I gave out some more handouts.

I talked a bit about the portfolio that students will submit and students worked on their projects.

I had a meeting 3-4. When I got back only three students were left. They worked on their projects.

COMP7004 Class 10.2

We returned to the topic of Intellectual Property. We finished up with copyright today, and took at look at Patents. We will finish with Intellectual Property tomorrow (one way or the other).

COMP7002 A.UI Clas 10.2

We looked at Chapter 16: Images & Media

I have sent around an e-mail with sample DNI numbers and a link to a JavaScript version of the check sum algorithm.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

COMP7004 Class 10.1

Brendan, Daniel, John, and Brian gave a presentation on Big Data & Privacy.

I spoke a bit about the essay choices. (Audio recording on Blackboard)

COMP7002 A.UI Class 10.1

We looked at Chapter 14: Special Effects. We finished up quite early.

I haven't decided yet if we will do 15 tomorrow, or skip ahead to 16.