Monday, February 6, 2017

COM6032 Class 02.1

We continued our look at behaviourist theories of learning. That took longer than I thought.

We will move on to cognitivism in the next class.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Intellectual Property Law

COMP8035 Week 01 Tutorial

I gave feedback based on the blog posts I had seen before class. The ones I saw were fine although some students needed to make some minor adjustments.

We decided on IEEE format for references.  Users of MS Word should figure out how to make the most of the built-in in referencing tools.

The tutorial classes will be optional for students (not for me), but it is a good chance to get feedback on progress and get help with individual issues.

COMP6032 Lab 01.B

I introduced students to Photoshop.

I asked students to get to grips with layers and how they work.

We looked at how to do a screen capture. I asked students to begin work on a PowerPoint presentation that explains what each of the Tools in the Photoshop Tools Palette does.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

COMP6032 Class 01.2

We looked at Behavourism (Pavlov & Skinner mostly)

We watched a video about rats.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

COMP8035 Week 01 Lab

I spoke about the assessment for the module.

I spoke a bit about using quality sources for research and gave out a list of journals available at CIT that I thought might be useful.

I asked students to
  • select two topics
  • find five articles about each one
  • write a blog post listing them
  • write a short comment on each topic
  • write a short note on each paper

and e-mail me the URL for the blog

We watched Black Mirror: Nosedive and spoke a bit about ratings culture. That would be an interesting topic to research.

The deadline for these tasks is 1800 on Friday 

COMP6032 Lab 01.A

I introduced students to Photoshop.

I asked students to get to grips with layers and how they work.

We looked at how to do a screen capture. I asked students to begin work on a PowerPoint presentation that explains what each of the Tools in the Photoshop Tools Palette does.

Monday, January 30, 2017

COMP6032 Class 01.1

I introduced myself to the class and spoke a bit about the module and the assessments.

The class requested a change of timetable for Group B labs. CIT should be able to accommodate that. I'll get back to you as soon as I know.

Labs will go ahead this week.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 13

We had an in-class exam at CSM.

Friday, December 2, 2016

SOFT6002 WEEK 12

Seven students turned up and worked on their group assignment.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

COMP7004 CyberEthics Class 12.2

Nobody turned up

COMP7002 A.UI Class 12.2

We had a surprisingly productive tutorial session

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

COMP7004 CyberEthics Class 12.1

Nobody turned up to class

COM7002 Class 12.1

We looked at the two ways to do animation using JavaFX.

We discussed how one might make Space Invaders or Angry Birds using this technique. Pong would be easy.

Monday, November 28, 2016

COMP7002 Week 12 Lab A

Students worked on the assignment. Those I spoke to are wrapping up now.

If you have ay difficulties between now and the deadline come track me down and I'll see what I can do for you.

Friday, November 25, 2016

COMP7002 A.UI WEEK 11 Lab B

Students worked on the project

Thursday, November 24, 2016

SOFT6002 Week 11

Students worked on the assignments.

COMP7004 Class 11.3

We discussed some of the issues arising from the widespread availability of digital cameras.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

SOFT6013 Week 11

Students worked on their submissions for the portfolio.

I spoke a bit about parameters. I got the feeling last week that people weren't clear on who they work so we spent an hour on so try to get that sorted.

I met with students individually so see what they were working on and how much progress they were making.