Monday, November 20, 2017

COMP7004 Class 11.1

We had a presentation on Revenge Porn.

I spoke briefly about each of the essay topics and clarified some points where need. I encouraged student to focus on the ethical issues and togo beyond mere descriptions.

I spoke about plagiarism at length.

I answered some questions about the exam on Thursday. We didn't do trade marks not the UDRP yet, so those topics are off the list of possible questions.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

COMP9039 Law Week 10 - Privacy

We had a lecture on Privacy and Data Protection. No students attended the live session.

There was some issue and the audio did not record. So the recording is of no value to students.

COMP7004 Class 10.3

We had a presentation by Keith M & Evan S on Image Editing.

We had a presentation on Gold Farming

COMP7004 Class 11.2

We had a presentation on Net Neutrality

We had a presentation on Digital Redlining

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 10

Students presented their submissions for assignment 2 as part of the assessment process. That took about 2 hours. In the meantime students tried to make some sense of assignment 3.

I talked about assignment 3 and explained how best to approach it. we looked at how to sort an array. I showed a video on bubble sort and explained that although it is more efficient it is more difficult to code. [No extra marks going for using bubble sort]

I explained that completing the exercise of finding the tallest block is the key to getting the sorted working. That is the best place to start. I went over the algorithm and code for that again on the board.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

COMP9039 Law Week 09 - CyberCrime

This was a live session.

I was interrupted by a fire alarm.  The recordings are available to registered students on Adobe Connect. I also sent an e-mail with the URLs

COMP7004 Class 09.3

We were supposed to have presentations but Colin didn't turn up.

Sorry Guys. I got the time wrong.

COMP7004 Class 09.2

Saulius & Maira gave a presentation on the Filter Bubble.

John gave a presentation on Digital Rights (Management).

Tomek, Kilian, & Michael gave a presentation on the Digital Divide.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 09

7 students came to class. But 2 left early.

Today's session was mostly Q&A. Students worked on their portfolios for next week.

Monday, November 6, 2017

COMP7004 Class 09.1

We began our look at Intellectual Property. I asked students to identify the justifications for copyright. All the groups identified the economic rights, but not considered the moral rights. This is to be expected in a common law jurisdiction like Ireland.

We discussed whether Intellectual Property was really "property". We concluded that the were closer than we thought, but mostly because regular property is less tangible that we first imagined.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

COMP9039 Law Week 08 Trade Secrets & Patents

This was a live session.

The recording is available  to registered students on Adobe Connect. I also sent an e-mail with the URL

COMP7004 Class 08.3

I gave some tips on giving a presentation.

COMP7004 Class 08.2

Mandy gave a presentation on Open Data.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

SOFT6013 Week 08

Only 5 students  came to class today. 1 left within 2 hours.

We looked at arrays and parallel arrays.

I asked students to take the arrays code from last week and modify the program so that the tallest block is colored red.

We talked about the next assessment. That's worth 40%. Each student must submit a portfolio of program s/he has written. These programs should demonstrate the student's programming skills.

A students should submit only code that s/he has written and can thoroughly explain. Each student will be asked to talk though her/his code and (the audio of)  that explanation will be recorded.

I asked students to modify the code further to make the shortest block green.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

COMP9039 Week 07 Trademarks & UDRP

This week we looked at the law of trademarks

and the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Procedure.


Students who want to more more about trade marks can watch these extra classes. But these are not necessary for this module.

COMP7004 Class 07.3

We looked at an extract of the Data Protection Act.

We discussed some of the advances in technology that have occurred since then, and in particular how big data undermines some of the protections.

COMP7004 Class 07.2

We looked at John Oliver's excellent explanation of the problems associated with credit rating companies and data collection generally.

I asked students to come up with ideas on how these problems might be solved. We discussed how that was pretty much what was done in Europe 30 years ago.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

SOFT6018 Week 07

We looked at arrays.

We looked at how to do animation and developed a very basic game of Pong.

Monday, October 23, 2017

COMP7004 Class 07.1

We considered some of the issues surrounding advances in digital photography.